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I didn't have a different photo to fit the mood soooo.

School is tomorrow. School is fucking tomorrow. Woopdydoo back to the place that names you. Yeah it's not like normal schools. You get named and everything. Let me explain: we have four sections in 8th grade; 8A 8B 8C 8D. If your in 8A or 8C, people either love you or want to kill you and you're known basically. If you're in 8B, you're a nerd, no one really knows you. If you're in 8D, you're in the goody goody class. Now of course I'm a bad ass bitch trapped in the goody goody class. So I'm named as a goody goody. But excuse me, I can beat you're ass any day.

Now there's some exceptions. Like my friend Megan is in a the nerd class but she's no nerd. And some people in my class are friends with people in 8A and 8C. But generally that's how it is. In my opinion.

But my school, coral academy of I want to kill myself, is getting off winter break tomorrow, and not Monday like every other normal school.

I really want to leave that school. I've hated it since I started and I hate it now. High school better be worth the goddamn wait.

On the brighter side I get to see the friends I didn't see over winter break. 99.9% of them. The only person I hung out with over winter break was mady. I mean the only person from my school.

Madys rad. We should call her... Rady.

No let's not call her that.

I guess Jacobs coming on Monday. Which makes me sad because he's leaving me with these people. Just kidding it's only until Monday. *cues sad music*

I feel like some people are mad at me. Not Kaija though. I feel her good vibe.

Speaking of Kaija, I miss her sooo much. And basically I haven't talked to her all winter break. She's gonna get a big hug.

I also heard that crystal (she's cool cool) is moving to my class. That's pretty nifty eh?

Ight I got no more to share but the tears in my eyes. *sniff sniff*

Bye winter break.

Hello bullshit...


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