Quarantine Jokes

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(Covid-19 isn't a joke, but I wanted to try and lighten the topic a bit, plus It's difficult to stick to one story, hopefully you guys won't mind a story like this.)


Guilty Has Joined The Chat

Justice Is Served Has Joined The Chat

♡ ~ Mary ~ ♡ Has Joined The Chat

Viruses Spread Has Joined The Chat


Guilty: I absolutely hate quarentine.

Justice Is Served: I thought Serial Killers Are Introverts?

Viruses Spread: Have You Met Offender?

Justice Is Served: No! NO! I'm having breakfast, no thank you.

♡ ~ Mary ~ ♡: But you're not? We're watching some movie off my parents Netflix?

Guilty: Guess my name comes in handy, huh, Jane?

Viruses Spread: Okay calm down. I'm sure the virus will have a cure soon!

Guilty: Don't you make viruses?

Justice Is Served: Actually, Angel has a point, have you created this monster?

Viruses Spread: ARE YOU INSANE?

♡ ~ Mary ~ ♡: I ask that alot, join the club.

Guilty: We are insane, but that's not the point.

Viruses Spread: Do I really have to get someone sensible in here?

See-through Cannibal was added into the conversation.

See-through Cannibal: Why am I in here?

Viruses Spread: They're accusing me of creating Covid-19.

See-through Cannibal: Well, they have a point. You are fully capable of doing so.

Viruses Spread: I-
I thought I could trust you, man.

♡ ~Mary ~ ♡ : Guys, wait for the government to reveal the cause.

Guilty: Hell no, we're independent ladies. Jane tell her for me.

Justice Is Served: Don't tell my wife what to think!

See-through Cannibal: I'm out.

See-through Cannibal has left the conversation.

Viruses Spread: I'm starting to think my names not helping.

Guilty: No that's totally not a dead giveaway to the awful truth.

Viruses Spread: Ffs Angel, I didn't make that thing, it was made in China or something plus it was an animal disease first, like I'd make that.

Justice Is Served: You could've mutated it.

Viruses Spread  has left the conversation.

Justice Is Served: Was it something  I said?

Guilty: Nope.

♡ ~ Mary ~ ♡: Kinda.

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