Why The Woods Brothers Hate Shipping.

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Cheshire Grins: Liuuuuu

Cheshire Grins: Dude I know you're up!

Two-Faced Tragedy: Yeah, but I like to relax for a bit before I deal with you.

Cheshire Grins: Uh I'm offended.

Two-Faced Tragedy: I still love you tho, I'm snappy in the mornings anyway.

Cheshire Grins: Yeah I can tell -.-

Two-Faced Tragedy: What do you want?

Cheshire Grins: Can we just talk about how stupid some of my ships are?

Two-Faced Tragedy: Hm what boat are we talking about?

Cheshire Grins: Oh ffs take me seriously.

Two-Faced Tragedy: You? Serious? Never.

Cheshire Grins: LIU!

Two-Faced Tragedy: What?!

Cheshire Grins: Jane x Jeff is so popular and it's horrible!

Two-Faced Tragedy: Pfft! Surprised you didn't mention that WE are shipped. But I get your point.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Plus I doubt there's any fanart of that. Everyone knows Mary and Jane are married.

Cheshire Grins: One moment I need to find a PG image you wouldn't want to see the other art.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Wtf are you going on about?

Cheshire Grins: You know what? Google it yourself. Your risk not mine.

5 minutes later

Two-Faced Tragedy: OH GOD-

Cheshire Grins: I mean, we get ship art worse than some of that tbh

Two-Faced Tragedy: That's true but it makes me uncomfortable knowing Janes married. That's just eugh.

Cheshire Grins: You're only shipped with me and Jane, lucky asshole.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Ouch-

Two-Faced Tragedy: Well. I think I could top that. I have a worse ship that's kind of popular.

Cheshire Grins: Try me

Two-Faced Tragedy: People ship me with myself. M.y.s.e.l.f!

Cheshire Grins: Narcissism? Or am I missing something? Are they shipping you with your scarf?

Two-Faced Tragedy: I wish it was my scarf :(

Two-Faced Tragedy: People ship me with Sully. Sully!

Cheshire Grins: You're joking.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Hell no! People have wrote full blown fanfictions about that crap, I have nothing against shipping but...that...no.

Cheshire Grins: Ooo~ Is Sully hiding something from you 😂

Two-Faced Tragedy: I hope not- I'm married myself...

Cheshire Grins: Remember your wedding day with Vailly?

Two-Faced Tragedy: Mhm I have photos everywhere, I'm not forgetting, why?

Cheshire Grins: Imagine getting to the alter and Sully going: "I OBJECT" PFFT.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Pmsl, I think I'd get an exorcism. BUBYE DEMON-

Cheshire Grins: So, there's incest, lack of LGBTQ rights and self shipping. Literally.

Two-Faced Tragedy: I'm disappointed. I'm disowning myself from the Creepypastas.

Cheshire Grins: I've tried. Creepypasta dies for a year then you get dragged back.

Luring Lies: I woke up to like 50 notifications why are you talking about this? Kinky ass bastards.

Two-Faced Tragedy: Oh fuck you ._.

Two-Faced Tragedy: I've had to watch them two passive aggressively argue get in line.

Cheshire Grins: Dude if you were watching why didn't you comment-

Two-Faced Tragedy: I don't like Liu fuck off, and stop mentioning it. I may be pansexual but hell would I do that.

Luring Lies: Get out of bed both of you, Let's just play some poker.

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