Cheshire Grins: Liuuuuu
Cheshire Grins: Dude I know you're up!
Two-Faced Tragedy: Yeah, but I like to relax for a bit before I deal with you.
Cheshire Grins: Uh I'm offended.
Two-Faced Tragedy: I still love you tho, I'm snappy in the mornings anyway.
Cheshire Grins: Yeah I can tell -.-
Two-Faced Tragedy: What do you want?
Cheshire Grins: Can we just talk about how stupid some of my ships are?
Two-Faced Tragedy: Hm what boat are we talking about?
Cheshire Grins: Oh ffs take me seriously.
Two-Faced Tragedy: You? Serious? Never.
Cheshire Grins: LIU!
Two-Faced Tragedy: What?!
Cheshire Grins: Jane x Jeff is so popular and it's horrible!
Two-Faced Tragedy: Pfft! Surprised you didn't mention that WE are shipped. But I get your point.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Plus I doubt there's any fanart of that. Everyone knows Mary and Jane are married.
Cheshire Grins: One moment I need to find a PG image you wouldn't want to see the other art.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Wtf are you going on about?
Cheshire Grins: You know what? Google it yourself. Your risk not mine.
5 minutes later
Two-Faced Tragedy: OH GOD-
Cheshire Grins: I mean, we get ship art worse than some of that tbh
Two-Faced Tragedy: That's true but it makes me uncomfortable knowing Janes married. That's just eugh.
Cheshire Grins: You're only shipped with me and Jane, lucky asshole.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Ouch-
Two-Faced Tragedy: Well. I think I could top that. I have a worse ship that's kind of popular.
Cheshire Grins: Try me
Two-Faced Tragedy: People ship me with myself. M.y.s.e.l.f!
Cheshire Grins: Narcissism? Or am I missing something? Are they shipping you with your scarf?
Two-Faced Tragedy: I wish it was my scarf :(
Two-Faced Tragedy: People ship me with Sully. Sully!
Cheshire Grins: You're joking.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Hell no! People have wrote full blown fanfictions about that crap, I have nothing against shipping
Cheshire Grins: Ooo~ Is Sully hiding something from you 😂
Two-Faced Tragedy: I hope not- I'm married myself...
Cheshire Grins: Remember your wedding day with Vailly?
Two-Faced Tragedy: Mhm I have photos everywhere, I'm not forgetting, why?
Cheshire Grins: Imagine getting to the alter and Sully going: "I OBJECT" PFFT.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Pmsl, I think I'd get an exorcism. BUBYE DEMON-
Cheshire Grins: So, there's incest, lack of LGBTQ rights and self shipping. Literally.
Two-Faced Tragedy: I'm disappointed. I'm disowning myself from the Creepypastas.
Cheshire Grins: I've tried. Creepypasta dies for a year then you get dragged back.
Luring Lies: I woke up to like 50 notifications why are you talking about this? Kinky ass bastards.
Two-Faced Tragedy: Oh fuck you ._.
Two-Faced Tragedy: I've had to watch them two passive aggressively argue get in line.
Cheshire Grins: Dude if you were watching why didn't you comment-
Two-Faced Tragedy: I don't like Liu fuck off, and stop mentioning it. I may be pansexual but hell would I do that.
Luring Lies: Get out of bed both of you, Let's just play some poker.
Creepypasta Text Message Short Oneshots
Fanfiction(But I'm actually sticking to it this time!) Shock.(Aka it's one in the morning and I'm trying to stay awake.)