Chapter 13: The Battle Has Ended

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Ruby's POV

I Saw Them Force winter up and they looked around the tent

US Soldier 1: "Alright, You Kids stay here until the Battles Blow's Over."

He Told Us While They Grabbed winter And Went out of the tent leaving my sights

Then i realized.....

Ruby: "Wait....Where's Weiss?"

Weiss's POV

I Slowly Fluttered my eyes open

I Cant Hear Anything except ringing

Then I Felt Something Fall On Me

I Looked down on my legs to see....Oh Oum!

It was an Atlas soldier But...... He's All Left side was blown showing his insides

I Yelp And Pushed the body from me

Then i looked At My Left

I Saw One Of The UWO Tanks Firing At The Forest

Then My Right.....Oh Oum

I Saw Plenty Of Atlas And UWO Troops Wounded and were bieng assisted By UWO And Atlas Medic's and some nurses From beacon

I Saw One UWO Soldier Looking At Me Missing Both Of His Legs Reaching His Right Hand To Me

UWO Soldier 1: "...Mom?....Is That You....."

He Said then He Was Carried Away By Medic's

Upon Seeing All The Blood And Gore I Felt like i was gonna puke

I Stood up and ran from the bloody Scene Only To Trip On something

As I Hit the Ground I Groaned In Pain And Looked what I Tripped at

It Was An Weapon That i didnt recognize But I Lost My Sword When i Blacked Out...

I Grabbed the Weapon and examined it

It looked like some sort of pistol...

I Shooked My Head And Stood up The pistol on my hand

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I Shooked My Head And Stood up The pistol on my hand

I Looked around Me To see broken tents and Fire Evrywhere

But I Saw something in the Forest.....

Fire Engulfed The Whole Forest As Some Sort Of Jet Flew Overhead Of Me

Fire Engulfed The Whole Forest As Some Sort Of Jet Flew Overhead Of Me

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???: "Weiss! Over here!!!"

I Turned To See Jaune And A UWO Soldier (Henry)

I Rushed To Them While Another One of those Jets Fired Its Flame Missiles

I Crouched Next to them While An Atlas Soldier A Few Feet From Us Got Hit And Fell To The Ground

UWO Soldier: "Listen Kid! I Saw Your Friends At An nearby Tent! Its Over There!"

He Told Me While Pointing Over At A Tent That Was Next To A Crashed Bullhead

Weisa: "Thank You!"

I Told Him As I Rushed Over to the tent

Then I Heard Footsteps Behind me

I Turned To See It Was Jaune With His Sword

Weiss: "Why Are You Following Me?"

I Asked Jaune Who Looked At Me

Jaune: "The Guy Told Me To Follow You!"

Jaune Told Me While We Passed An Destroyed Bullhead

When We Entered The Tent I Saw My Team

Ruby: "Weiss!"

Stalker's POV

Me And Ben We're Firing Our Weapons At The Hostiles

I Aimed My AK-73 At Three Hostiles

I Squeezed The Trigger As The Rounds Left The Barrel

They All Fell To The Ground With New Holes in there Bodies

But I Got Hit In My Left Arm By A Plasma Round

I Fell To The Ground Clutching My Wound

Stalker: "Mẹ kiếp!"

I Yelled As Ben Rushed To My Side

Ben: "Capt! Are You Okay?!?!"

Ben Asked Me While Opening Fire At One Poor Soul That Was Reloading His Weapon

Stalker: "Im Fine! Get Back To The Fight Now!"

I Ordered Him While I Grabbed My Ak-73 And Fired At One Enemy Soldier That Was Behind Him

Ben: "Copy That! And Thanks!"

He Yelled Through the Gun Fire And Rushed Foward With Two Marines And Five Rangers

I Stood Up And Slunged My Rifle On My Back An Rushed Back To 2nd Defensive Lines

(If You Are Wondering The Defensive Lines Are Trenches. Ben And Stalker Were In The 1st Line While The Helicopters And Medical Were At The 2nd And 3rd Lines)

Sam's POV

I Fired My Revolver At A Enemy Soldier In The Groin

He Fell To The Ground Clutching His Balls While I Approache His Fallen Body

I Pulled Out My Sickle And Stabbed It On His Neck Killing Him Slowly

The Blood From His Neck Sprayed All Across My Face As I Pulled Out The Sickle From His Neck

I Aimed My Revolver At Another Enemy Soldier And I Squeezed The Trigger

I Hit In The Head Instantly Killing Him As I Calmy Walked Towards The 1st Defensive Lines As The Battle Started To Dwinlde Down

3rd Person (No POV)

The Shcnee Mercernaries Seeing That There Only Way Of Escape Is On Fire They Dropped There Weapons And Surrendured

UWO Troops:

576 Injured

0 Dead (Surprise)

Atlas Troops:

1374 Injured

1289 Dead

Beacon Students And Teachers

367 Injured

0 Deaths

Shcnee Soldiers/ Mercenaries

1836 Injured

1654 Dead

UWO, Atlas, And Beacon Has Won The Battle Of Beacon

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