Chapter 25 pt.3: Gone away

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(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Sam looked at them confused while the girls look at us confused aswell...well except one

???: "Puppy!"

One of the girls yell as she rush to riley as riley licked her face

??? 2: "Jessie! Come on its our first impression to the americans!"

(Jessie is the girl in the 2nd picture last chapter)

Jessie: "Sorry i just love puppies! I know you also do Rey!"

(Rey is the girl in the 1st picture)

Rey blushes while hiding behind the girl with the laser sword probably shy

??? 3: "Could you get off my ass rey! I know you sensitive and shy but your squeezing my ass!"

Rey lets go and hides her face

Rey: "Sorry Arli..."

Rey says shyly and scared

(Arli girl in the last picture)

Jessie: "You should really pet this dog harvy! Its so soft!"

Jessie says while Riley licks her face and plays with her

(Harvy is the girl in the 3rd picture)

Me and Sam look awkwardly at them

Sam: " *Ahem*"

Sam says as all the girls look at us

They realized what they are doing and they stopped and regained themselves...well Rey is hiding behind a chair

Sam: "Uhhh let me introduce myself, my name is General Sam Jackson, United States Marine Corps and Assigned General to the UWO Task Force in Remnant."

Sam says

I was wearing my mask so they cant see my face so ill just surprise them

(Y/N): "(n/n), Callsign Reaper 1-1, Lt. Of the USMC and UWO Special Operations Division."

I said

They all looked confused at me while sam smirked

Ozpin was just sipping his coffee watching us

Jessie: "Well let me introduce ourselves. My name is Jessie dunkirk, the shy girl over there is Rey Kowalski."

Rey: "H-H-Hi."

Rey said

I looked at her and she hid her eyes

Jessie: "The girl with the sword is Arli."

Arli: "Hey there boys~"

She said seductively

Jessie: "And the girl with the oversized coat is Harvy."

Harvy: "Hello."

Jessie: "We were assigned by General Ironwood to be with you."

Jessie says

Then all the suddend Rey stood up and slowly walk towards me

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