Chapter 33: Chaos And Alliance pt.1

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Callsign: Thunder 5-1
"Headhunter's" POV
F-18 Pilot

Earth Command: "Thunder 5-1 this is Earth Command, you are clear for Take off."

I heard Earth Command say through my comms as i started to departure

Headhunter: "Copy that, target designated Three Black Demon Birds. Taking off now."

I said as I accelerate my Jet as it took from the Runway

As i reach the Air a Blue portal appeard infornt of me ad i entered it

As i entered the portal i feel a tiny bit of shock hits me but i ignore

As rhe White light dissapears i see a whole new world...but that's not my objective

Then i already see My Targets

Three Black Demons birds are on tail of Marine Two and Three as they use flares to try to divert it but to no avail

I smirked seeing my first kill in this new world as i switched my weapons from the cannon to the heat seeking Missile

As i chased the birds i locked on to one of them as it tries to grab the tail of Marine Three

Then...i fired it off

As the Missile left my wing it hit it marks as an huge explosion follows

Blood and organs rain about as the two other birds sea me

Headhunter: "Marine Two And Three, i'll take care of the Bandits."

I said through my comms as i smirked more as i switched my weapon to the good old Demonhead

(Y/N)'s POV

As the F-18 pilot saves our ass we calmed down as i laid back on my chair

Then...i forgot about our objective

I pay no mind to it as i look back at everyone

Team RWBY is somehow asleep...yeah idk why anymore

Alan and Frost are snuggling...heh i always knew they were meant for each other

Then i Look out the window to see Marine Three where the rest are in

As i look around i turned to the Crew chief? I don't know im not a V.I.P. Of sorts

The Crew Chief was currently looking out the window as i wistled at him getting his attention

(Y/N): "What's Our ETA?"

I ask him as he looks at me his bisor hiding part of his face

Crew Chief: "ETA is Ten Minutes sir."

The Crew chief said as i nodded at him as i sat back down

As the ride continues i Salem really dead? Because the Grimm would've die already from the Hive they use

I shake that thought off my head thinking that she couldn't survive a bunch of Missiles and the Angel of Death

Then it happen again

???: "GRAB THAT .50!"



???: "(Y/N)!"

As the boices started to dissapear i shooked my head as i relaxed

I when to a Therapist about my War PTSD (I added War because hes talking about Combat not the sexual abuse and you know all that jazz) And said i recovered but something might trigger it back like a sight of a coffin that belongs to a fellow Comrade or Bodies

Alan...well...Therapy isn't for him because he had an PTSD attack during his session

Frost however...i just realize this is her First Deployment

Then something caught my memory...

I know Frost and Alan are in a relationship but what's with Alicia? She's been touchy with Alan

I thought as i sighed shaking the memory off as i relaxed for the rest of the trip

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