Chapter 5💓

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We get to my house and Jaden says "I will see you later"I say "you can come in if you want" he says "are you sure" I say "yeah" he says "okay". We get out of the car and we go in, we walk in and I see a note on the table and it says "Hey, me and Amy went shopping we will be home around 6:oo pm, we will bring you and Jaden some dinner, Love mom". I read it out loud and Jaden says "I guess we are alone" I say "yep, so do you want to go to my room" he says "yeah", we go to my room and I say "you can sit down, I am going to change clothes" Jaden says "okay". I go and grab a pair of sweatpants and a comfy crop top and go to the bathroom and change and I put my hair in a messy bun, then I go back to my room. 

I walk in my room and Jaden looks at me and says "how do you look so pretty with sweatpants and your hair in a bun" I laugh and say "thank you, but you are probably just saying that to be nice". Jaden says "no, I am being serious, Emma you are actually really pretty, don't think you aren't" I say "thank you, Jaden" he says "you're welcome" I blush and smile and look down. Jaden says "so what do you want to do" I say "we could watch a movie" he says "okay" I say "I will go pop some popcorn, and you can pick a movie" he says "okay" and I hand him the TV remote. I go downstairs and put the popcorn in the microwave and I fix two drinks, the popcorn gets done and I put it in a bowl and get the drinks. 

 go back upstairs and Jaden gets the drinks and sets them down and I sit next to him in my bed, I say "what movie did you pick" he says "The Invisible Man" I say "oh, I saw oh I haven't saw that yet, isn't it scary though". He says "yeah, I love scary movies" I say "I am a baby so I normally don't watch scary movies, but I will" he says "I will protect you" I laugh and say "okay". We start the movie and eat the popcorn, while we are watching it I keep inching closer to Jaden because I am a little scared. Eventually Jaden puts his arm around me and I put my head on his chest, the movie ends and me and Jaden continue to cuddle. Jaden starts to gently rub my back, he says "you know maybe this won't be that bad" I say "yeah, I thought it would be awkward, but it isn't" he says "me too, but I am glad it isn't". 

I say "yeah", then all of the sudden my door opens and me and Jaden let go of each other and he ends up falling off the bed. My mom and Amy laugh and Amy says "Jaden, having fun down there" he says "yeah" my mom says "okay, well we got you two some dinner if you are hungry" I say "okay, thank you" our mom's say "okay" and leave. After they leave me and Jaden start laughing and I say "I can't believe you fell off the bed" he says "well, I kinda got scared" I just laugh and I am laughing so hard I am holding my stomach. 

Jaden gets up and he says "oh, is it funny" I nod yes and he comes over and picks me up and puts me on the bed and starts to tickle me. I say "Jaden, Jaden stop" while laughing, he starts laughing and then after a minute he stops tickling me. He picks me up and sets me down on the floor and I playfully hit his arm and he looks into my eyes and grabs my face and kisses me. We both break the kiss and we smile at each other, and then I say "we should go downstairs" he says "okay" and we go downstairs.

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