II. a high speed chase against a few insomniacs

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AFTER TRAVELING ON APPA FOR A FEW DAYS, occasionally setting down to stretch their legs, they ended up on some remote island. shayra had no idea where in the world it was, but she knew she definitely needed a place to rest.

they landed down in some sort of caved out area of earth on the island, slowly unpacking the supplies off of appa and onto the island.

sokka had just handed shayra her sleeping bag as toph spoke up saying, "hey, you guys picked a great campsite. the grass is so soft." she wiggled her toes in the grass—that was actually appa's fur that had shedded onto the ground.

shayra's face scrunched in disgust as toph embraced in appa's fur.

"that's not grass. appa's shedding." sokka said in a slightly disgusted tone.

"oh, gross." katara mumbled from behind her, lifting the foot that was standing in the fur.

shayra nodded in agreement. "thank goodness i don't shed. i wouldn't want people stepping in my hair." sokka turned to her with a confused face, his eyebrows furrowed.

shayra just shrugged. "it's true." she said.

"that's not gross," aang chirped from the top of appa. "it's just a part of spring. you know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and appa gets a new coat."

"ahh, the beauty of spring." katara said sarcastically. right after she said that, appa sneezed and released a whole new coat of fur off of his body, basically raining fur down on everyone.

shayra stepped away quickly from the cloud of fur before hit her, but it was too late and the fur had gotten all over her.

shayra let out a groan of anger. "how would feel if we were throwing our hair into your mouth, appa?" shayra asked annoyingly as she spit out a piece of fur that had entered her mouth. appa just grunted in response.

katara whined and pushed appa's head away from her as she got her own share of fur surrounding her. "stop, appa stop!" she yelled, coughing up fur.

"it's not that bad, katara, shay. it makes a great wig!" sokka chimed in from his crouched down position on the ground. he turned around and all shayra could see was a two foot tall mound of white fur sitting atop sokka's head.

shayra narrowed her eyes at sokka. "shay?" she asked.

sokka's eyes widened and a small blush crept onto his face. "i- uh, i don't know. it's just easier to say than shayra, i guess. i don't have to call you that if you don't like it, i just—"

shayra chuckled and interrupted him saying, "sokka, it's fine. i like it, not many people have called me that before."

"o-okay. cool." sokka stuttered, regaining his wits.

"—and a great beard!" aang finished for sokka as he pet his own wad of hair going down his face, showing as a beard.

the boys started laughing as katara spoke up, "i'm just glad we finally have more girls in the group, because you two are disgusting."

shayra looked to katara with a desperate face. "so it's too late to back out?"

katara just rolled her eyes sarcastically and turned back to the group to see toph walking back towards them, going in-between sokka and aang.

"excuse me, does anyone have a razor? because i got some hairy pits!" toph said, stretching her arms above her head to reveal some fur stuffed in between her arms, smiling widely.

shayra couldn't help the small chuckles that escaped her lips as she watched aang fall backwards from sneezing, and it seemed katara couldn't either, seeing the smile that graced her face.

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