Chapter 5-

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Hadley's POV:
When I got home , my dad wasn't here which was great .... he's been a bit more....aggressive lately.....he must be having a hard time at work.

I headed upstairs and started my homework. It wasn't as hard , just some maths and french work. Google translate here I come. I tried calling Madison again but it just kept turning off. Weird.

It was 8pm now , and my dad just came home . He went straight to bed which was a good thing . I couldn't get a hit before going to Madison's house.... I'd be in too much pain. Then I got a text's on instagram. I was hoping it was Madison but it was an unknown account, they just sent me their story ? I was a bit curious so I turned the tv off and clicked on it . It was a video ... taken in my school . I quickly saved the video and sent it to my laptop to I could see it better . Once I sent it , I quickly played the video.

Who ever was holding the camera was shaking a lot. The video was of someone... I couldn't make out who. It showed a room in my school....?
Oh the computer room? I zoomed into the video...
"It's Madison?"
She was searching up something , but I couldn't see till she left and the person holding the camera went in and recorded her search history.....
I quickly went back to my phone.
A/N: the next scene will just be Hadley texting the number
Hadley- who are you ?
*** *** **- you don't need to know
Hadley- I do if you have information that's not yours!
*** *** **- why do you care ?
Hadley- you don't need to know
*** *** **-forward the video onto Madison.
Hadley- No ! I would never want to invade in her personal space
*** *** **- your choice
Then my phone buzzed , I checked instagram and it was filled with the video. It's gone viral.... 1million views .
I tried calling Madison but she still wouldn't pick up.
I grabbed my phone and my bag and ran to her house . I knocked on the door and her dad answered .
"Hadley? , do you need anything?"
"Is Madison here?"
"Oh um no, she never came home from school..."
"I thought she was with you?" He said looking worried.
"No actually it's ok..she's probably still at school studying...I'll go check up on her" I said fake smiling while walking to school. I'll admit I was really worried , she hadn't picked up any I'd my calls , and she didn't see any of my texts. Then I got a call. It was Jack .....
"What do you want!?" I asked
"I'm just wondering if you've seen Madison, I haven't seen her today and I'm getting worried..." he said
"Are you crying !?" I asked . What the fuck is going on.
"Where are you?" I asked putting it on speaker.
"I'm at home..why?"
"Where's Madison!?"
"I don't know I told you...I think she's at home"
"I was just at her house...I'm checking school"
"She's not there"
"Yeah well I'm still checking"
"But you won't find her"
"She's just Not there....but you can come to my house...we could do a little bit of exploring together"
I hung up. "Asshole" I said to myself. Once I got to school , I had to go in the back way because the doors were locked .
Once I was in the building I tried calling her again but no answer. Great.

It's been 20 minutes now .... she's not here..... ughh I can't stop looking.
Madison's POV:
Jack and his friends left about a half an hour ago.....
I lay on the cold marble floor in the storage room. They...they did something....
Something to me.....I-
I didn't think jack was like that...
I looked beside me to see a pool of blood . I felt like crying but I just couldn't. I got up even though it pained me too and went to the lost and found box in the room. I quickly changed into a random pare of jeans and a yellow jumper. I needed a shower....I can't-
I can't tell anyone about this....
I heard footsteps outside the room so I quickly hid behind a wall . Thankfully who ever was out there didn't come in . When I heard the door shut I left the school and headed home.
When I got home my dad was standing at the door with my mom, Hadley and the police.... shit ... how did they find out.
"Madison!" Hadley said running towards me. She pulled my hand and braced me with a hug .
"Wha-...what's going on....?"
"When I left school , I kept calling you .... but you wouldn't answer... and I text you . Then I told your dad I didn't know where you were so I went to the school ... but you weren't there either....." she explained looking at me. She took my hand and held it tightly looking up at me . "Well? Where were you!?"
"No you fucking weren't!"
"Yeah I was"
"Whose clothes are they?"
" clothes....that I bought..."
"Where's the clothes you were wearing today!?"
She just looked at me angrily and turned away. Fuck.
"Madison?" The police officer said to me walking over with a notepad.
"You need to come with us"
"What? Why?"
"No questions please, just come with us"
"But...." I said while they motioned for me to get in the car . I looked at Hadley but she wouldn't make eye contact with me. It looked like she was mad at me or something. What the fuck did I do!?
When I got to the police station they brought me into an empty looked like to storage unit . I started to freak out . But they locked the door and told me to sit. I started to cry and try push past them , but they were armed . I seen one of the officers take out a gun and say "sit down". I did as I was told .
"Why are you upset Madison...? You're not in trouble.." one of the officers said. She looked nice. "My name is Susan...and this beside me is Darrel" she said pointing to the police officer beside her. He waved and smiled at me.....
He's going to hurt me....won't he?
"If I'm not in trouble....why am I here.....? I asked looking down.
"I can't say, that's classified sorry Madison"
"Can we have your phone please" Darrel said reaching out.
"I- I don't have it..." I said. As soon as he asked .....I could jack....touched places-
"Where is it then?" He asked
"At home" I said
That was a lie , jack smashed it.
"Ok then..what's your mother's phone number" Susan said writing down something. I tried to move my head closer to see what she wrote but she moved away and closed to book. Shit.
"Oh umm it's *** *** ****" I said .
"Okayyy thank you Madison, we'll be right back with you in a second". Susan said leaving with Darrel. Then someone came in....
He looked familiar..
"Hello Madison" he said looking down at his hands.
Now I know, I could tell by his voice.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"Why are you here?" I asked, I'm uncomfortable.....with the eNeRgY we've created in the room today.
"I- I....I told them what I did to you...." he said coming towards me.
"Don't touch me!" I said getting up to move away. Then Susan can't back. "Is everything ok in here?" She asked looking at me. "No" I replied with looking at the bare walls.
"Madison could you take a seat please....and you too Alex" she said looking at Alex. He came over and sat across from me . I sat down and said. "Why am I here...and why is he here?".
" at 3pm ...Alex came in confessing to a crime" Susan said lacing her fingers together.
"He told us his side of the story...but I need to hear yours too" She said straightening her back.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I said.
" do" she said.
"I don' really"
"Madison just tell her dad is already moved away...because of me. Just tell her" Alex said . He covered his face with his hands and ran his fingers through his wavy hair.
"Ok...." I finally said.
I looked at Susan and she nodded.
"Three years ago my parents sent me to a summer camp.... I befriended Alex....he told me he was gay, but his dad was homophobic. So he wanted to make out and prove he's straight. I said no...." I looked at Alex and I seen his eyes puff up , and look bloodshot.
I continued. "So..uh one day...I went back to the base house to find the camp counsellor...but she wasn't there...Alex was. He said he'd hurt me if I told anyone what he was about to do. He.....he-....." I trailed on. My hands were trembling when I looked at them.
"Madison I need you to continue" Susan said putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and did what she said .
"He touched my breast... and touched....below my waist....but I didn't tell anyone, because I was afraid he's do it again...."
"He told me to kms...."
I put my head on the metal table and cried. I tried so hard every day to forget what he did ... and now I'm back to day one..
"Ok thank you for sharing that with me Madison, your family is outside" I got up and was about to leave with Alex behind me. "Alex...come back here" Susan said grabbing his wrists. She looked at me and mouthed "go" . So I did . As soon as I got out the door I seen my mom , scared. My dad: emotionless (as usual)
And Hadley...crying. "Hey..." I said waving them over. My mom came towards me giving me a hug and kissing my forehead. "Why didn't you tell us Madison!?" My dad yelled. "Tell us what....? Hadley said stepping out behind my mom. "I'll tell you later" I said looking down. "We have to head home now Madison..." my dad said looking at me .... he doesn't show any's like he's numb. "Can Hadley come..." I said looking at her. "My dad must of seen me look at her . "Yes" he said.
Hadley's POV:
When we got back to Madison's house it was already pretty late so I borrowed shorts and a top from Madison. She wasn't speaking that much... but she still didn't tell me why the police brought her into the office.
She's in the shower right now ... I want to tell her.... but I know she's straight . Harper was lying. But her search history....hopefully she didn't see the video....
Then I heard the shower turn off.
"Hadley...." I heard her shout from inside. I got up out of the bed and walked towards the door. "Yeah..?"
"I kinda left the towel outside.....can you pass it in..?"
"Do you need it?" I yelled back.
"Well yeah..."
Fucking stupid question.
"Oh haha yeah sorry"
I looked to my left to see the towels lying on the ground beside the bed. I walked over and picked them up, I went over to the door and slightly opened the door to throw the towels in and close my eyes . I heard laughing from inside. "What..?" I laughed back. "Why are you closing your eyes... like chill , we're both girls" she said back. "Oh uh like yeah obviously" I said fake laughing . Fuck
When she got dressed we both got into bed. I took out my phone while she just lay down .
"Are you going to tell me about the guy and being called to the police station or not bish ? I asked her looking her up and down. Shit she's even hot in spongebob pyjamas.
"Hadley, you have to promise you won't tell..." she said sitting up. It must be important.
" Madison...i promise you"
She smiled .... I love it when she does that.
"That boy...his name was Alex"
"We went to a summer camp together 3 years ago..."
"Ok? And ?"
"He touched me...."
What!? He gone die
"What?!" I said making her make eye contact.
"Where does this bitch live , imma kill him" I said making her laugh . I could tell she felt uncomfortable... I just wanted her to feel a bit better in a way....
"Thank you"
"For what" I asked
"Just for being here..."
I couldn't help but smile . Madison you have no fucking clue what you are doing to me do you?

"You wanted to tell me something you said ?" Madison said looking up at me.
"Oh uh, it's ok" I lied
"Can you say it's just I need something else to talk about....." she said . She looked hurt. I smiled awkwardly and pulled her into my side for a hug but she didn't let go . She lay with her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach. Oop, I'm screwed.
"Ok..." . I couldn't tell her how I feel...
"I don't know how to start..."
"Well umm , is it about something?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"Is it about someone?"
I said "yes"
"Is it about....Harper?"
Thank god.
"Is it about your dad?"
"Is it parents?"
"It's about me"
"Ah ok"
"Madison....I did something.....and I don't know if I regret it or not, but it felt good"
I sat up and pulled my sleeves up revealing my scars. Now I feel like looking in the mirror, smiling and doing this : 🙂✌️.

She looked wretched. She took my hand and put it on her chest. "Do you feel that?" She asked. "You're heartbeat?"
"Yeah I do"
"Every time I see you , it beats faster and faster...when I see you sad....I feel miserable..." she said
"Why did this ?"
" felt better than real pain".
"Who hurt you" she said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.
I stayed quiet.
"No one"
She sat up and pulled me on top of her making me squirm a little. And then she wrapped her arms around me hugging her.
"Who hurt you Hades?"
I had to show her....
I looked at her and got up. I could see her frown a bit or maybe it was just my mind. "You cant do anything about this...please...." I asked. She nodded and I lifted up my shirt revealing a massive purple bruise on my ribs. She quickly stood up and walked over to me. "Who the fuck did that to you!?"
"I need to tell my parents so they can call the cops" she said holding my hand . "Maddy... you can't...please. You'll just make things worse.." I said.
"Look at me Hadley. Your own fucking dad did that to you, you know how fucking sick that is !?"
"Listen , like I love you and all but I'm not letting you go home to him... I won't tell my parents for now ... but I will , and I don't care if you never want to talk to me again... but at least you'd still be alive.." she said as she panted for breath .
"First of all...I'd never stop talking to you dummy"
"And second of all..... did you say you loved me...?"
"Well like yeah a friend..."
Fuck .
I just laughed. Peace out ✌️🙂.
It was 2am now and we we're finally in bed. My head was on Madison's chest and her hand was on my back.
I literally could not fucking take it anymore. I sat up making Madison flinch. "Fuck this" I said and leaned towards Madison. I held her face while our lips moved perfectly together. She tasted so good . I've wanted to do this for too long. Her hand went up and down my back while she deepened our kiss.
Then I slipped my tongue in , it surprised her at first but she quickly went with it . I let her explore my mouth while I unzipped her hoodie. Then she moaned.....and hell yeah it sounded good. She slowly moved down in the bed and attached her lips to my neck. She start sucking softly at first but then was licking and biting . And just when things were getting hot her mom came in. "I heard some weird noises..." "oh I'm sorry girls.... oh um night!" And she left. My only response was to laugh.

We didn't really continue. We headed to sleep but on top of each other this time.

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