Chapter 1-

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Hadley's POV:
"Get your fucking ass down here now!" Yelled my dad from the bottom of the stairs. He wasn't always like this you know... he'll feel better soon , I know he will .
It's my first day back to school. I don't love school, but I don't hate it . At least I'm not at home.
"Do I have to repeat it again!?" My dad yelled again, this time growling under his breath.
"I'm coming... sorry dad" I said throwing my books in my bag while dashing down the stairs. He walked me out as per usual and waited with me for the bus to come .
"You don't have to wait here...every day dad..." I said trailing off avoiding eye contact.
"Why wouldn't I?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder causing me to shiver at his touch. He locked eyes with me and brought me into a hug. He obviously hasn't been drinking. He never does this....
Before I could say anything else the bus came to a stop outside my house. I went to kiss my dad goodbye but he had already left and I could no longer see the car in the distance. I knew it was too good to last . I hope he knows the liquor store doesn't open at 8am on a Monday morning....
Once I got to school I went straight to my locker to put my books in. I decided to head to class early knowing the time tables are a bit messed up because of the first day back thing.
As I was about to walk to class something came right in contact with my face causing me to fall backwards. What ever it was helped me up with thousands of "omg I'm so sorry" . Yeah yeah yeah I get it .
"It's ok" I said gathering my stuff together that was scattered over the floor. Then a girl bent down. Around my age I think ? "I'm still really sorry about that... I just didn't see you , and I came out of the class so quickly, and then you were there, then the door hit you!" She said talking so fast I couldn't tell whether she was speaking English or a made up language. "Hey hey... it's ok, like really , I'm fine" I said taking my books out of her hands to put in my bag. She looked up at me and smiled shyly, her eyes were crystal blue And her hair was so long, it lay on both sides of her shoulders. I stood up closing my bag , making sure no pages fall out, and a hand was put in front of me . The girl...
"I'm Madison".
"Nice to meet you... I'm Hadley"
"I don't think I've seen you around here...are you a transfer?" She said looking around at people passing up to get to their lockers .
" No... I'm just unnoticeable" I say flinging my bag over my back.
She seemed a bit questioned at what I said but continued on.
"Oh I'm sorry..., are you in any of my classes?" She said trying to change the subject in a way.
"Yeah...all of them"
Then she made an "O" shape with her mouth while nervously playing with her sleeve. That's when the bell rang. Thank fucking god it did.
"I better go to class..." I say walking into chemistry leaving Madison.
We had a new teacher for this year, which meant a new seating plan. As long as I'm in the back I'm fine.
Then she called out the names.
"Jack and Lucy , you'll be partnered in the first row to the front please" she said directing them to her seats . Time went by till I heard a familiar name. "Madison....hmm" she looked right at me... Fuck no....
"Madison and Ava" she finally said after the staring contest with me.
" I guess that leaves you" she said looking directly at me causing everyone to look too . There were a few whispers here and there . It's ok I'm used to it though so it doesn't faze me. But what did was , was what Jack said before the teacher could say anything. The word I've dreaded my entire life.
" I guess that leaves the dyke you mean to say Miss".
When I say the class laughed ... I mean tears were seen, from laughing too much... I told myself to let it go... it happens every year ... so why does it always get to me... I'm not gay.
"Jack that wasn't nice was it?"
The teacher asked.
I seen Madison look in my direction, she wasn't laughing ... she almost looked sad for me .
This day fucking sucks.
I won't be sitting alone any longer though, Maya is late to class . But I'll meet her at break.
Class went pretty quickly. I finished early so I used a hall pass to leave. The corridors will be packed any minute now....
(Students fill the halls)
And there it is.

I walked to the cafeteria and took a seat outside where I usually meet Maya. I looked at my plate of food waiting for Maya. It didn't look never does... so I usually just stare at it hoping my imagination will make it look more appetising. It never does , and ends up in the trash. "Heyyy" I hear from across the yard. Maya. Finally. "How was chemistry" she asked taking a seat beside me picking up the bread on my plate . She knows I never eat school food. "Terrible... Jack called me something today...." I said looking away to find something else to stare at . "What did he say?" Maya said moving closer to me. "Dyke..." I said looking down at my hands. Before she got a chance to look at my hands , I pulled my sleeves down over my wrists before she seen....
She pulled me in close and wrapped her arms around my waist to hug me. My neck fell into the crook of her neck while she patted me head telling me about how we'll steal my dads car and run away together.
The day went so quickly after today. A few name calling and some pushes here and there . But it was good for once.
I headed to walk home when someone grabbed my hand making freeze. I didn't think my dad knew I walked home this way. Then I heard their voice. "Can I walk with you?" . Madison. I turned around to see her fingers interlocked with mine. I nodded slowly and gently untangled our fingers making her look at my hands. I pulled my sleeve down and put my hands in my pocket and continued on with Madison right beside me. "Where do you live?" She asked looking at me.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked back not meaning it with attitude.
She looked a bit taken back by what I said but took another breath to speak. "It's just... I want to know if we live in the same area..." she slowly said. "I live beside the old tree down the road..." I answered looking at her. Her eyes lit up and she quickly turned in my direction. "What house number!?"
"32" I said pausing to breath after her stopping quickly catching me off guard. " I live like 3 doors away, that's so cool". I didn't understand why she was talking to me... I bet it was a dare. Fuck it I'm screwed.
"Was this a dare" I said turning onto my block.
"What are you talking about ?" She asked stopping me from walking any further. "It's just... no one talks to me, but out of know where you do? And then you walk with me home? Like did one of the guys dare you to walk the dyke home?!" I say catching my breath. She extended her hand and put it on my shoulder making me tremble at the feeling. "No.... I genuinely wanted to walk you home" she said obviously seen my reaction to her touch. She looked at her hand then to my eyes before taking my hand and walking with me.
After some small talk we were a couple doors away from my house. "Could you help me study..?" She asked out of know where.
"Umm sure...but why?" I asked looking at her, we were still hand in hand at the point.
"I'm failing my classes and if I fail I won't get to college...." she seemed really worked up on this... I didn't know she cared about grades.
"Hey, look it's ok, I'll tutor you" I say smiling at her causing her to smile back . "So when do we start?" She asked walking with me.
"You could come over now? If you want?" I asked
She said yes after calling her mom and asking for permission.
As we walked up in front of my house I seen my dads car... shit.
"I don't think nows a good time actually..." I say not looking at Madison but going through my dads car. "Why not" she said following me to the car. "See... uhh"
"My dad is home right now... he doesn't like guests on school days" I say trying to smile or even fake laugh but nothing comes out. "Oh..ok... could we do tomorrow, in school ?" She said smiling at me. Shit she's so pretty.

After a couple stares back and forth she finally left. In a way I wished she'd stay and help me , but I also knew she'd get hurt... badly .

I walked in to the smell of alcohol and drugs. Empty bottles of champagne were broken on the floor and my dads medication box lay open and empty on the coffee table. I searched around for him without moving and seen him. His usual spot during a hangover. He was high as fuck . He wasn't even on the chair properly. His head sunk low and his eyes were rolled back into his head. I tried to ignore the fact that the empty bear cans were all smashed with glass on the floor and the tv being on a random channel.
I slowly crept up the stairs hoping not to wake him up . But then I heard a creak ... footsteps and and groan.
"Who the fuck are you" he says swallowing a pill.
I didn't turn around... I couldn't let him see how weak I was. "Hadley..I'm Hadley" I say quietly. "Ohhh baby" he said . I always tell myself he'll get over this... but it's been happening for 3 years now.
"Come to daddy" he says opening his arms to me. When I don't move , he tugs in my sleeve causing me to loose balance and fall down the stairs. It was only two so I was fine , just some shock. He stands over me knocking down 3 pills at once and knees my stomach. Then kicks me again and again till I black out.
A/N: Hey guys :)
Hoped you liked my first chapter. Please comment if you liked it or not , I'd love some feedback to help get better. I'll try make chapters longer but I'm back in school now :/

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