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"Heh...hehehe..." sputtered laughs escape my mouth as I play with my longer strands of hair. It's blue now with tips of black. I've died. I've died quite a few times. Each time feels just as painful as the last. I can't remember why I'm in here or what needs to happen to get me out. I just hate this cage so much. 

"How did I die the first time?" I ask the gargoyle with the creepy eyes. "Do you remember? I don't remember," I snicker. My head hurts. My existence kind of hurts to. At least I don't feel hunger anymore. 

The elevator door opens and a new group of people walk out. "Oh good, such fun, would you like to play a game before you continue? I'm so lonely. So very very lonely," I smile and reach out my arm to try and grab someone but the electricity zaps me. "Ack! I forgot about that," I mutter, wincing and backing away. 

"Oh dear, look at what happened to you," a familiar voice gets closer to the cage. I try to move my long strands of hair out of the way and see someone squatting down to my level. I can't really remember who it is. I just know that the hair on this person's head is black with blue. Mine is blue with black. That's kind of neat. 

"Ha!" a laugh escapes me and I cover my mouth. I try no to laugh but I continue to laugh. It's so funny to me. I don't know if I'm laughing instead of crying or just laughing because I'm happy. What are emotions anyway? 

"Jekyll's really lost his marbles, Faust." 

"Hyde, I think anyone would lose their marbles being trapped in that ugly cage for as long as you two were." 

"Well, Pandora darling, please by all means explore the cage." 

"Is that really..." 

"Just get your butt moving already!" an angry voice barks at him and pushes him forward towards my cage. I stare at them all, feeling really nostalgic, but I can't stop laughing long enough to ask questions. My eyes are losing focus and I can't even pay attention to their voices anymore. 

I want to sleep. 

I want to sleep. 

Maybe I'll sleep. 

I close my eyes but a loud shatter causes me to open them again. I'm staring at the ceiling. Not the top of the cage. I sit up, looking around, and the familiar bars keeping me trapped for so long are gone. They're turned to ash and I didn't even witness how. 

"Alrighty," Hyde takes a step forward and helps me to my feet. They place an arm around my waist and move my arm over their shoulder. "Let's get cracking." The doorway to the staircase opens. Am I really going to leave this floor? Finally? This can't be real. 

I want to sleep. I think I'm going to sleep. This must be a weird dream inside of a dream. "Goodnight, Jekyll," Hyde grins and Faust assists them in carrying me. I drift off. 

When I open my eyes next, I'm lying on the floor with pillars on either side of me. That's odd. This doesn't look like my cage. "You're quite the mess since the last time I saw you," a face peers over mine and grabs my forehead. "Maybe this will help." Memories start to connect to other memories and it feels as if pieces of me that I've lost are returning to me. 

"We...won?" I can hardly believe it. 

"You did indeed. Congratulations," Mulciber smiles. 

"Look at that beautiful boy," Hyde starts crying and wipes the tears on the back of their hands. "We finally did it. Faust, we helped him." 

"Let's get you back into your prime condition," Mulciber hovers his hands over my body, removing all of what makes me a demon and turning me back into my original self. I don't feel so broken anymore but my memories of that time spent in the cage remain. 

"Are you ready to go to Heaven, loverboy?" Hyde grins. I stand up and nod. 

"But first," I run towards Hyde, Faust, Pandora and even Fonso too, I grab them all and bring them into a giant hug. Fonso immediately tries to squeak away but I refuse to let him. 

"Alright stop being gross," Faust pushes me away. "You have someone to see." 

"Are you ready?" Mulciber asks me. 

"Yes," I nod, waving at everyone as my body disappears. 

When by body reappears I'm at the pearly gates of Heaven. There is someone standing by the doorway, helping people inside, with a halo above his head. I guess I have one of those too now, don't I? I look up to try and see it but I can't really tell. When he turns to see me he freezes, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes. 


"I finally made it, Hector," I grin, holding out my arms for a hug and he run towards me. We crash down onto the fluffy cloud and he sobs into my chest. 

"I've never stopped thinking about you! I can't believe you're finally here!" 

"It took me a while," I laugh awkwardly. 

"You have to tell me what happened." 

"Are you sure you want to know?" 

"You have to tell me what happened," he repeats, frowning this time. 

"Okay, okay, but can you show me around first?" he stands up and helps me to my feet, guiding me through the gates. 

"I suppose we can arrange that." 

"I love you, Hector," I say, not remembering the last time I properly said that. 

"I love you too," he smiles back at me. 

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