A Simple Trade | Leonard Snart

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Summary: Leonard Snart kidnaps Barry and you convince him to return him

"I don't see him anywhere." You speak to Caitlin.

"Be patient." She scolds in your ear.

You tug at the too-short dress and itch at the giant diamond necklace plastered on your breasts. "If you put me in this disguise for nothing I'll kill you, Cait."

Cisco huffs. "He'll be there. Just remember, he has Barry and we have Heat Wave. Offer a simple trade."

"And don't kick his ass at the party!" Caitlin warns. "I love your assassin's training but we don't know where Barry is."

"Well hello there." You hear a familiar jeer behind you. You turn and see Snart out of his usual digs and in a black suit.

"You clean up nicely." You taunt.

"I would say the same but you always look," He pauses longer than usual, looking you up and down, "delicious."

You squeeze your thighs together leaning against the hors d'oeuvres table. He knew how to get to you.

"Care to dance?" He asks, holding out his arm.

"I care to get my friend back."

"Ah ah, in due time. Let's not make a scene in front of all these lovely civilians."

"Y/N, play along." Caitlin warns.

You take his arm and he leads to to the dance floor. The heels you are in make you quite wobbly and you cling close to him for support.

"Now now, at least buy me dinner first."

"In your dreams!" You hiss, following his lead in the ballroom dance.

"Well at least we can agree on that." He smirks.

You feel warmth spread across your cheeks and look away. "Where is Barry?"

"Safe and sound. Where's Mick?" He dips you and pulls you back up flawlessly. Where did a career criminal learn how to dance so eloquently?

"I asked you first."

"Well you see, I know you and the scarlet speedster's secret identities. I also know you communicate with your square friends through earpieces. Which are now jammed."

Your eyes widen and he pulls you close, his breath on your neck. "I also know you want me."

"Caitlin? Cisco?" You whisper to no avail.

You pull away but his grip on you is secure. He smiles. "So, a deal. We go to the abandoned employee lounge and fuck each other's brains out. You get Barry. I get Mick. And none of these guests develop a severe case of frost bite."

You play along, rubbing your hip on his groin. "And how do I know you'll keep your end of the deal?"

"Y/N, I'm a thief, not a player."

You feel your wetness start to drip down your leg. No doubt anyone could see it if they looked down. Stupid short dress, you curse in your mind. You quickly lead him off the dance floor and he leads the way from here. The lounge is pitch black dark when you arrive, you struggle to find a switch against the wall.

"Finally." Snart sighs, immediately taking off his tie and suit jacket. "I hate wearing those things." He looks you up and down, his gaze pausing on your inner thighs. "Oh dear, we'll have to fix that."

He stalks closer to you and you back up until you're backed into a pool table. His finger dips down and collects your arousal, bringing the finger to his mouth. He sucks it off, moaning in the process. Your knees buckle and you rely on the table to keep you standing. "Mmmm. I knew it." He muses. "Delicious."

Though you had dreamed of the moment so many times before, now that you were here you were frozen. He's a bad guy, he's hurt Barry, you should be repulsed. But as his fingers wandered down again you felt no shame, no guilt, no fear. Just pleasure.

You hiked your dress up and hopped on the table, then flung your arms over his shoulders and brought his face down to yours. You could taste yourself on his lips and that just made you want him even more.

One of his hands ripped the necklace off you and replaced it with his hands, tenderly pawing at your breasts. While the other pushed your underwear to the side and pushed a finger inside of you. You moaned, pulling away from the kiss and gasping for air as he added another finger and used his thumb to rub your clit. He nibbled at your neck and steadily pushed in and out. "That's it, kitten." He encouraged. "Come for me."

It was that easy. You screamed his name over and over as ecstasy pulsed through you. He brought his fingers back to his mouth and sucked them dry as you came down from your high.

"I want you. All you you. Now." You ordered, tugging at his belt.

He gladly helped you and his pants fell to his ankles. You could see his hard member through his boxers as you rubbed through the cloth. "Please." You begged.

He smirked, pulling them down and lining himself with your entrance. He pushed in, inch by inch sinking into you. He began to pump slowly, bringing his mouth to yours and hands to your breasts.

"Faster." You begged.

"Patience, kitten. I've been waiting for this for a long time." He teased, pulling out completely and rubbing the tip on your clit. You groaned in both frustration and pleasure, and he pushed back into you with a newfound hunger.

Finally his pace quickened, the room was filled with moans and the sound of his skin hitting yours. He brought his head down to your neck and bit down harshly, causing you to begin quaking again. "Yes! I'm coming!" You screamed.

Your pussy gripping him sent him over the edge, and spurt after spurt of hot come filled your insides. He moaned your name until he was finished, then pulled out his softening member.

You put your underwear back in place, hoping it will hold everything in until you could rescue Barry.

"He's in the broom closet in the west wing of the museum. I expect Mick back at Central City Lake by midnight. My sister will turn on your coms now."

You pulled your dress back down and attempted to smooth yourself out.

"And, Y/N?" He turned quickly before walking out. "I'm keeping the necklace."

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