Under Your Spell | Harrison Wells (e2)

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Summary: a meta that amplifies feelings reveals you may not hate Harry as much as you thought
Warnings: implied age gap

"How are we going to defeat a meta that can make us go insane with a single look?" Cisco spins in his office chair and groans.

"I didn't go insane." Barry defends himself.

You scoff, putting down your tablet and walking over to him. "You started punching walls and kicking the Mummy display, letting the meta get away."

"So do you think we have another Bivolo on our hands?" Caitlin suggests.

"Who's Bivolo?" Harry asks, only half interested.

"A meta that brings out the rage in people. And no, I don't think so." Cisco rolls his chair over to the monitors and pulls up the museum's security footage. "While Barry is angry, everyone else's emotions are different. That lady starts bawling her eyes out. This guy just got the giggles." He points at different people.

"Oh my gosh, that couple is strangling each other." Caitlin frowns.

You shake your head. "Okay so instead of amplifying rage, he just amplifies whatever you're feeling. What are you angry about, Barry?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we catch this guy so we can focus on Zoom." He stares hard at the floor and shuffles uncomfortably.

"You guys stop the Care Bear. A low level thief is nothing compared to Zoom, my attention is better suited there." Harry growls.

"Like we needed your help anyway. We did just fine without you." You pipe in.

"No, you did just fine with the other Wells. Seems like you all need someone to babysit you." Harry counters.

"Listen here, old man, Dr. Wells might have been evil but you're just an asshole." You point angrily at him.

"Stop. Both of you." Barry screams. The outburst makes you jump back and lose your train of thought. "God you guys are always going at it. What if that meta came in here right now? (Y/N), you would kill Harry."

"I can defend myself just fine."

"Wanna test that theory?" You step towards him.

"I can't do this." Barry rubs his temples and sinks to the ground.

You take your focus off of Harry and hang your head in shame. Of course Barry's right. You and Harry are always fighting. At first you disliked him because he reminded you of Thawne. But as the team accepted him more you can't help but get this feeling. Distrust? Hatred? You don't know.

"I'm sorry Barry. We'll figure out how to stop him. I mean, it looks like his powers are telepathic. The effects are only temporary, they stopped a few minutes after he left." You point out.

"That's it." Cisco stands up in one of his classic 'ah-ha!' moments. "If his powers are telepathic we can reconfigure the headband we used with Grodd for Barry so he can get close enough to arrest him!"

"Wonderful, you guys take care of that and I'll keep working on getting my daughter back." Harry storms out and you roll your eyes.


Barry left to help Joe with a case and Caitlin went to get everyone coffee, leaving you and Cisco in the cortex to work on the headband.

"Can you go down to my lab and get my soldering gun?" Cisco asks.

"Sure thing." You hurry away, excited to finish so that everyone could get back on the Zoom track.

What you don't know is the meta has snuck past STAR labs' non-existent security system. He makes his way into the cortex. "You're feeling sleepy." He told Cisco.

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