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The soft grass waved next to a long rippling channel of water going into a lake. Five raptors basked there. Bluefen was sitting in the squelchy mud of the shallows, and Suzanne had waded into the deeps, where she floated contentedly. The other three - Ripper, Indy and Shadow - were simply sunning on the shore. Blue finally got out. "I'm bored," she told her friends. "It's midnoon, and Suzanne and I ought to be going back to our cave to eat our prey." Shadow lazily rolled around. "Stop foiling our fun, Bluesy," she snorted. "Let's just walk. You remember that clearing I told you about earlier? The one I visited yesterday? Let's go there." Suzanne hauled herself on shore and shook the water off her slick hide. "Cool! I love adventures!"

After some time prowling (the Indoraptors were walking on four legs, while Blue was walking on two) through the calm forest, Indy perked up. "We're close!" Ripper cast a doubtful glance her way. "I just... it feels like there is magic here."
Suzanne began making a noise like a particularly electric razor mixed with an angry Chihuahua barking. She was laughing. "Magic? How stupid are you, Ripper?" Blue spat at her. "Shut up, Suzanne! What's wrong with that?" Suzanne rolled her eyes.
"What is wrong is that there is no magic on Raptor Island... or have you forgotten?" Blue snapped at Suzanne's tail. "Maybe there is."
"What the heck?! You guys have to see this!" Shadow looked at the clearing and pointed with one claw. A huge arena loomed up. It was tall and it had many arches. It looked pretty much abandoned and crumbling, but for the bright yellow banners stretched around it at random intervals, proclaiming, The Colesseum! Fighting Tournament! For all Species!
Shadow cocked her head. "Look!"
Winners get 3,000 U.S. dollars, converted into any currency!

Ripper's eyes widened. "3,000 hands are a lot." Blue licked her lips. "Okay. Who will be entering?" Shadow raised a claw. "Me. I'm good at fighting and I have a poisonous bite."
Suzanne jumped. "We'll watch!" Shadow strode up to the entrance.

Written by: ShadowTheIndoraptor

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