Chapter 13: Hwa Hae Ji 🆚️ June Lily

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Simon walked towards the Opera House and saw Jane Doe by the entryway, she was talking to Geoffrey before the male receptionist walked away to return to the reception. When she looked outside, she saw a handsome man with ashen blonde hair and a goatee. Her brown eyes ogled at him for a bit longer than she had anticipated, if I wasn't a married woman, Simon was looking at Jane in a suave, seductive manner before he took off his sunglasses. His sky blue eyes glinted as he gave a devious smirk.
"It's a really nice day, it such a shame that I haven't met you sooner." Simon lied whilst Jane blushed at the compliment.
"That's very flattering, but if you must know, if you're trying to get in for free, that it's not  gonna happen. The entrance will cost you 30 dollars." Jane warned him.
"Is that so?" He loomed over her before got Jane in a trance. "I didn't come to watch the show. I want you to find Chris and bring him out here, what I say, goes." Simon gave her a command before he snapped his fingers to break her out of the trance. The next thing she knew, the handsome mysterious man was gone.

Ryan and Felin had finished eating their lunch after they watched the match between Astrid and Chris. Faim had also finished eating his ramen during the match with the company of his friends, but after Adrian mentioned that Chris was also participating in the Tryout, he had to stop Mewmi from going after the Venusian. Needless to say, that didn't stop her from catcalling first, then yelled, “COME FIGHT ME, CHRIS!” in front of everyone. At least the blonde Venusian had the courtesy to not give in to her provocations and ignored her.

"Tch, as if a gentleman would give attention to a stray cat." Dirlu said with smug smile on her face before opening her fan to cover her wicked smirk.
"I heard that!" Mewmi yelled before her nails sharpened to look like claws.
Dirlu's smirk faded when she remembered something. Where's the money I invested?

Ratu and Ruben II counted the money that they collected from the wager. "Not bad, runt. I'm almost proud of you." Ruben admitted while he sorted the currency by symbols.
"And the strangest thing is that the plan hasn't gone wrong yet." Ratu said before Ruben smacked him from the back of the head.
"Don't jinx it, ya little rat." Ruben rebuked him while Ratu rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ow!" Ratu winced before they saw four men standing in front of them.
"We want the money that we betted on." One of them said.
"Who did you bet on?" Ruben asked.
"Faim!" The others said, the Cinnabarian recognized that one of them was lying.
"How much did you pay?" Ruben interrogated them, testing each one. The first guy was a tall burly man with a blonde buzzcut said 300 rubles, the second guy was a tawny skinned man with an average build and blue clothing said 1,500 rupees, the third guy was a short redhead with a long beard and fine clothing said 600 coins, the last guy was a lanky man with a corn braid said ₩50. Ruben punched the last guy in the face, knocking his teeth in. The lanky man fell down on the velvety carpet in with his face bleeding out, his long nose now crooked as he wailed in pain. The onlookers watched as their eyes were on the Cinnabarian and the four men.
"You take me for an idiot!? There is no ₩50. You see this?!" Ruben showed the won bill to the men that were standing, "This is a ₩50,000 bill," the yellow won bill had a face of a woman akin to a geisha, "and that person betted on Herring, dunghead!" Ruben walked out of the stand and yanked the collar of the guy who lied. "I know a face when I see one. Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Ruben shook the lanky man with the corn braid while the lanky man looked at Ruben's round freckled face. "I maybe a fat stiffnecked ginger, but I'm not a buffoon." Ruben showed the bill at him for the man to get a better look at it. "Is this your ₩50?" Ruben asked again before the guy shook his head, scared of him.
Ruben let go of him before he returned to the stand before he collected the money and returned the money to the three men with interests when Dirlu showed up with Eimy.
"Hello gentlemen." Dirlu greeted at Ruben and Ratu, even though Ratu was still a boy. "I would like to receive what I wagered with interests." Dirlu recalled before Ruben gave her the money.
"I didn't have the time to convert the money. You can come join me if you have any doubts." Ruben suggested.
"Oh I'll join you alright, I want to make sure that I'm not getting swindled." Dirlu replied, knowing that they're not real employees.
"Ooohhhh." Ratu made a smug expression, teasing Ruben, before the fat Cinnabarian turned to glare at him. Ruben walked out and Dirlu followed him.

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