Sick Harry

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(In this chapter Harry is sick with the flu and the boys take care of him this is zirry)

Harry P.O.V.

I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I was freezing and coughing like crazy. I was coughing so much that I was about to puke. I ran to the bathroom and held onto the toilet for dear life. The boys weren't up yet so I tried to stay quiet. I puked in the toilet making retching noises.

Liam P.O.V. 

I woke up to hearing one of the boys puking. I immediately ran to where the sound was coming from and what I saw tore my heart apart. Harry was leaning over the toilet letting out choked sobs. I walked towards him and put my hand on his back. He jumped a bit but then relaxed into my touch. I held his hair in a bun so that he could continue. I heard someone walk and looked up to see Zayn and Louis. Louis immediately ran out of the bathroom and came back a couple minutes later with some medicine. Zayn stayed with Harry while I went to get a wet rag.

Louis P.O.V.

Zayn started rubbing up and down Harry's back offering him comfort which Harry took gratefully. Harry leaned back in Zayn's touch and I saw tears glistening in his eyes. I gave Harry the medicine hoping that it would help him feel better. Harry all of a sudden sat up and started puking again letting out strangled sobs. It broke my heart seeing him like this. I went ahead and just held Harry hoping it would make him feel better. Zayn left the bathroom I'm guessing to get Niall up or something. He came back a couple minutes later with a water bottle in his hand and Niall staggering behind him. "Ugh... what did you get me up for?" complained Niall. Niall opened his eyes and saw Harry and instantly went and hugged him. "Oh Harry, are you okay?" Niall questioned. Harry shook his head no and suddenly started throwing up again. "Niall can you go get a thermometer please," Zayn questioned, "I need to check his temperature." Niall nodded his head yes and went to go get a thermometer. Zayn smiled a little and tried to get Harry to drink some water. Liam came in with a wet rag and put it on Harry's head. "Okay boys let's get Harry to the bed so he can relax and we'll put a bucket beside his bed," Liam said. I nodded my head in agreement and Zayn carefully picked Harry up. Harry yawned and wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck and his legs around Zayn's waist. Zayn chuckled a bit because he found it extremely adorable.

Zayn P.O.V.

I had Harry in my arms and I decided to carry him to my bed so I could keep an eye on him while Liam and Louis followed behind. Niall saw us walking into my bedroom so he just joined. I  carefully laid Harry on my bed. The bed had black sheets with a white and black blanket. Louis grabbed a bucket while Liam gave him his water. Niall walked in and took his temperature. "He has a temperature of 109.7, that's not good guys," Niall said in his Irish accent. "Do you think we should take him to the hospital," I asked. Liam nodded his head yes as did Louis. Harry looked really uncomfortable. "I'm sorry babes," I whispered to him as I picked him up for the second time. He wrapped his arms around my neck again and his legs around my waist. He was really cute like this. I carried him to the car while Liam, Niall, and Louis got in. Because Harry was really sick I decided to just hold him in my lap until we got there. Liam started driving and was going a little above the sped limit. We got to the hospital and when we got there I carried him in and the staff started running around. They got Harry put on a stretcher and wheeled him into a room. I tried to run to keep up with them but they wouldn't let me in. Me and the lads had to wait in the waiting room for about two hours before they came to get us. "Hello my name is Dr. James," the guy said, "It seems like your friend has a really bad case of the flu and was really dehydrated but you can come in an see him, he should be able to go home in about an hour." "Okay, thanks Dr. James," I said, "Come on guys lets go see him." I grabbed Liam's hand and dragged him while the other boys followed chuckling a bit. We walked into Harry's room and I immediately hugged him. He looked really tired and sick. He just nuzzled into the crook of my neck breathing a little ragged. I pulled away and sat beside him holding his hand. The other boys just chuckled at how I was acting. "Awww are you guys in love?" Liam jokingly asked. I blushed a bit and looked over to Harry who was almost asleep. He was so adorable like this and yes I do love Harry with all my heart, that's why I take care of him all the time. Harry then tightened his grip on my hand and I smiled. Liam looked between us and at my face and he instantly understood everything. He understood my feelings for Harry just by looking at my actions around him. Liam gave a small smile and whispered in my ear, "He loves you too, you know?"" I gave an expression of shock that turned into happiness. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked in his eyes and saw his sparkling brown eyes. Niall and Louis at this point had walked out to go get a drink. Liam leaned in a bit and so did I. He closed his eyes and kissed me. I closed my eyes as well. He pulled away and whispered, "I love you as well." Harry half opened his eyes and sat up and looked at me. "I love you Z, and you Lili," Harry said in a raspy voice. "I would kiss you Harry but I don't want to get sick," Liam said. I looked between them confused. Liam spoke up, "We both love you and were waiting for the right moment to tell you." I nodded and replied, "What does this make us now?" "Boyfriends I guess." Liam said. I nodded, "I like that, boyfriends." Louis and Niall walked in and said, "So what did we miss?"

Hey guys if you want send in some prompts I will try to take all of them but I hope you enjoyed this part!!! ♥❤♥

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