Covid-19? (Part 1)

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(Everybody is the age they were in 2010)

It was mid January and the boys were watching the news hoping to see something good for once. They were staring intently at the telly trying to process what they just heard. There was a pandemic going around and it had spread to the United Kingdom.

*Three Months Later*

Liam woke up coughing in bed and went to go take a cough drop. After he did that he went back upstairs and got ready. He put on black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and a white jacket. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He then grabbed his keys from on top of his dresser. Liam ran down the stairs quickly. He hopped in his car and started driving towards the studio. When he got to the studio everybody else was already there. 

"Finally, what took you so long," questioned Niall. Liam replied with, 

"Oh nothing, I just had a slight cough this morning." Harry looked at him intently, 

"Excuse me, did you say you had a cough?" 

"Hazza don't worry it's nor the virus I promise." Harry didn't look convinced though but left the subject. Niall then hopped up from the couch. 

"Okay Liam just needs to record his part and then we can go!" Niall exclaimed. Before Liam went into the recording room he grabbed a drink of water. After an hour of Liam recording he was done. 

"Okay where does everybody want to eat?" asked Louis.

 "NANDO'S!" yelled Niall. 

"Okay, okay Niall you don't need to scream," Zayn replied as he flinched from Niall's exclamation. They all walked to their separate cars except Harry and Niall because they didn't know how to drive yet. Harry went with Louis and Niall with Liam. Zayn lead everyone to Nando's. Everyone got out of their cars and walked in. They ordered their food and sat down and waited. While they were waiting Liam was coughing again.

"Liam are you sure your okay?" asked Louis.

"I doubt I have the virus Louis," he said with a huff.

"Maybe it'd be better to get tested," Zayn added into their conversation.

"Fine," huffed Liam.

"Okay after we get done here I'll take Harry, and Niall home and Louis can drive himself, and Liam will go to the hospital," Zayn said. After everybody agreed they waited in silence for their food. They waitress brought them their food and they ate quickly. After Liam was done he started the lonely drive to the hospital. When he got there he parked and put his mask on and walked in. They asked him to take a seat and wait. A doctor came in and called his name. 

"Okay this test should bring back your results tomorrow and we'll call you when they come back, okay?" the doctor explained. Liam nodded and the doctor swabbed Liam's nose and sent him on his way. Liam left really nervous about the results. He walked in the door and everybody looked towards him. 

"Did you get the test taken?" asked Niall.

"Yea it didn't take that long," replied Liam.

"When are the results coming back," questioned Louis.

"Should be tomorrow, the doctor said," answered Liam.

"Okay how about we watch a movie?" asked Harry.

"Yeah sure Hazza," replied Zayn, "What movie do you want to watch?"

"Can we watch The Hunger Games?" asked Harry.

"Yeah sure that's a good movie and we can watch the whole series too," replied Louis. After they got the movie and popcorn and drinks ready they got settled on the couch with Harry cuddling into Louis' side while Niall had sat between Zayn and Liam. They had gotten 30 minutes into the movie when Liam's phone had started ringing. He stood up to answer it. When he got back he looked as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Liam, what's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost," Zayn asked.

"T-the test came back positive," Liam replied looking defeated.

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