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"Rainbows and sunshine all lasted for a while, now all I'm filled with is dark clouds and thunderstorms...sad."


Sitting beside this guy felt like a nightmare...gosh, he keeps talking and I already stopped writing back to him, I can't engage in any conversation, he's so annoying, really and the fact that Gloom is reading is really not helping, so I glared at the Chatterbox beside me and he shut his mouth, then I brought out my book to read.

End of discussion.

So there are two boys that I can't remember where I've met before, first is Gloom, second is Chatterbox over here. Who knows if I'll ever have to remember where I met them. Class ended and I stood to pack my things, then Chatterbox started ranting all over...so I ignored him and started to walk away. But he kept on following me, I don't want him to follow me to my residence...I don't want him or anyone to know where I live. I checked my battery's percentage, it was on 82, that is okay enough to last me in the salon, so I faced Chatterbox and plainly stated;

"I'm off to the salon now...you can leave, your presence wasn't pleasant anyway."

Did I sound rude?

"I'm sorry for disturbing you"

"Nah! You didn't, your company was annoying, but still...it was something."

"Really?" He asked lightning up.

"Don't get your hopes high, goodbye"

"Bye," he waved happily.

What a strange dude! I kept on walking and I know he has a huge grin on his face...that's his problem, I've got hair to style, the only thing is, I wish these creeps in my department don't start tailing me, I mean, black and gold attachment, in accordance with my pretty face, oh no no no no, they'll drool and daydream. I might not be a huge socialist, but I know people look at me, gossip about me, envy me and yes, hate me.

Even if you don't have any sort of relation with anyone, trust me, there will always be a reason for people to hate you, you might seem innocent, but your innocence is a bad thing to some, that's just how people are, even if all you do is to carry a bottle of water around with you all the time, they'll definitely complain, they don't mind their business, it's human, and as much as I hate to admit it, it's perfectly normal.

I once walked in on two girls talking about me, the first was like;

"I don't like that Fiyin of a girl, she acts like she owns the world, she doesn't talk to anyone, she's too proud." And her friend who sounded more sensible replied.

"I don't think so, she's probably an introvert, you too mind your business like her," and that was when I cleared my throat which made them startled, when they turned back and saw me, they froze, I only smirked and walked on, I'm so sure they argued when I was out of sight but that's their problem.

So yeah, even if you mind your business, people won't, if you like, be too friendly, they will criticize you, if you like, be moderate, they'll criticise you and if you like talk to only one person, they'll still criticize you, in fact talk to no one, you're sure to make the headlines of their discussion that day or any day, that's just how it has always been and how it will be, there's no change, no difference at all.

I walked into the salon and got attended to immediately, that's why I love this place...so many attendants you don't face delay anyhow.

"What style would you like?" An attendant asked as I sat.

"Black and gold braids please, huge braids"

"Do you have your attachment?"

"No, I'll buy here, but please treat it first"

"Okay, what style of cutting?"

" Uhh....Diamond cutting."

Time to shine people...I looked into the mirror as my hair got treated before being braided, I've almost forgotten that it's a unisex salon, so men and boys were trooping in and out minding their own business, and it just crossed my mind, I still have to put my initials on my paintings, I wonder where F.A.B wants to take me to though, the woman is surprising...but being with her makes me hurt on the inside...hurt really bad...I can't stop the hurt, I have to live with the pain that it brought me...I can't do anything about it.

I was a little bit lost in my thoughts, then I came back to earth and looked at myself in the mirror then smiled, I looked up a bit into the mirror and saw an all too familiar face starring open mouthed at my reflection and immediately my brow furrowed in anger, it was no other than him.


What does he want here? Oh right, it's a unisex salon...he should just do what he wants to and get the hell out of here, he's going to ruin my glow up for me I still have to do manicure and pedicure. I ignored his taunts and zone out, trying not to dwell on the pain I was getting from the braids being woven into my scalp, I tried to focus on what I'll be eating tonight...or should I just order? No, I want to be filled tonight. So I'll just cook rice...ugh, rice...students food, yeah, I'll cook rice and yummy yummy sauce. I like food too much? Oh puh-lease, who doesn't?

"I didn't know you do beauty bat eyes"

What a pleasant way to interrupt my thoughts.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"To step on your nerves as usual"

"Pity" I scoffed and glared at him, then an attendant spoke.

"Mister, she doesn't like to talk, so please leave."

Then he laughed, he actually laughed, I thought Glooms don't laugh, not even in the slightest way.

"Oh I'm sorry "princess" I shouldn't have bothered you," he apologized, which earned a bigger scoff from me, then he walked away, leaving me in absolute peace to adore my looks...and I hope he doesn't return, he evokes nothing but anger in me and that is the only thing that makes him so annoying, if he's trying to be my friend, he's definitely going to fail.

I haven't believed in friendships since what happened to me and it's not now that I'll believe in friends and I don't think I ever will...friends my foot. If I had a friend, I'd have told the person about it and it wouldn't be such a big deal anymore, if I had a friend, the person would have noticed something wrong when what happened happened. But no, I do not have a friend, all I have is...emptiness, no friends, just emptiness, total emptiness.

And that is my only companion. 

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