VIII. Toxic Feathers

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A collab with: Myne Cryaux on Facebook.
Total words: 3188

Date written: Somewhere around June 20-31, 2020
Genre: Romance, Angst, Tragedy, Fantasy


Beneath the gloom of the hidden forest, moon that shone bright above and sun that hid behind the clouds. Enchanting vines and flowery trees, a place where none dared to take a step into- a belief of no return upon entering its premises that reeked of venom.

A home for those unseen, outcast, lingering behind shadows and shades; not wanting to be seen by anyone else. The only left hint of the creature's existence is a single feather of black left untouched laying the ground.

Luminescence of the transparent lilies under the moonlight looked mesmerizing, its blue color a reminder of the edges of her locks and there she'd be beneath a tree of Kousa, white that made reminiscence of purity and cleanliness; a smile tugging at the edges of her mouth, her hand resting on the tree's bark as a giggle escaped from her lips.

"Amane-kun, you're there, aren't you? Don't be scared, it's only me." Reassuring tone, like a soft melody to his ears, she was ravishing like a sacred gem.

"Ah- yes. I see you're here again, Yashiro. I'm glad." Feathers of black, virulent as poison flowed and filled his veins, yet he'd smile at the sight of the maiden whom didn't fear he.

Eyes of rose pink hues gleamed under the moonlight passing through the foliage. Gracefully she moved, the fabric of her white, long dress gently hugging her figure flowed along as she did. It was decorated with laces of the similar color, covering the sleeves down to its cuffs.

"Oh, don't be surprised," the lass chuckled at his response, the blithesome demeanor not leaving her. "I just wanted to see you again, even if it's just for a short time."

He had been waiting for her, the princess, to pay a visit to him, for she is the only human he had comfort being with. Unfortunately, the time they are spending with each other is limited, as the royalty had her own duties for the kingdom. This led the two to meet occasionally, only when there is a chance.

"I am not," he denied. "But, how have you been? Are you sure that you left no evidence of you going to this place?" His voice was laced with concern as he dropped the question, those amber hues of his gazing at her intently.

"Of course," she proudly responded, as if it was a high achievement she had attained through numerous trials. "You must not underestimate the princess," Yashiro boasted.

"Sure, sure. I believe you, princess." Stating in a somehow teasing tone yet the two had only burst out laughing afterward. A cloth they tied to connect each other's arms within a certain distance as they flashed each other a smile.

Glancing towards the other, her magenta orbs glimmering in the tenebrosity; he couldn't help but feel as if it were a blissful miracle. How prepossessing, kind and lovable the maiden was and how she'd accept him for who he was; didn't bestow unruly judgement upon him and enjoy his company, the time they spent together even for a little while.

Wishing it could last forever yet life just doesn't work that way.


"Hey, Yashiro?" Looking down and averting eyes, as the owls in the night hoot and rain fell on the lake nearby; creating swift and continuous ripples among the water. Trees watered by the evening dew, leaves swaying with the wind and grass dampened; a few rain drops sprinkled upon their heads as he smiled; rather downcast.

"What if we can't meet anymore?" A gloomy question he'd inquire as a grin tugged at the edges of his mouth; forcing himself to look joyful and fine yet his tone was soft and hinted of sadness.

A question she had not expected that time was then uttered by him. Even he did his best to look unbothered by it, she heard no glee in his voice. Instead, it was laced with fear of the upcoming future that lies ahead of them. This question brought heaviness to her chest, with the mere thought of not being able to meet the person her heart is close with the most.

Melancholic as it is, the maiden can't help herself but think of the numerous possibilities that they could encounter.

"W-what kind of question is that, Amane-kun?" A seemingly forced chortle escaped from her lips after she responded. The hope still lies within her heart, that this disheartening scene won't come across them, even though the odds are greatly against them; their worlds separated by a great rift in between, with only a piece of cloth connecting the two.

"That won't happen... right?" The lass asked with a gentle voice, weaved with the mixed feeling of hers: fear and sadness, but with hope that it won't happen to them. Her eyes, showing the same emotions aforementioned, gazed at his amber orbs of sight. Ears that desire to hear him agree, hoping that the other sees it the same way.

Making up her mind, she promised her self to give every drop of effort she has for it not to come upon them.


"I hope it would... that such a day would not come our way. I believed it would."

Drizzling rain shower dripping and echoing throughout the empty forest, a tear that fell from his left eye and fell unto the ground of nature. Cricking crickets filling in the noises, and their mouths shut to silence.

"I'm sorry..." Apologizing as he wiped the tear off his face, her magenta eyes full of sorrow as she stared at the lad. "Forgive me, let's forget that ever happened. Don't mind what I've stated." Muttering those words with the finest and happiest smile he could give her, his voice high and joyous once more like none had happened and none had been said; "Let's go under the tree there, it'll be bad if you get sick-"

"And you'll be found out if they saw your clothes wet." Taking a hold of the cloth that connected them, tightly grasping it as he slowly pulled it closer yet to a safe distance; as he started taking steps forward to a large tree that provided shelter and shadow, the maiden following behind, taking each step slowly and steadily whilst a frown was present on her face.

She pulled lightly on the fabric, gaze deep into his tangerine orbs; her eyes radiant with worry, "That's not the problem here.. are you sure, that you're fine?" Low voice, lingering of fret she'd state softly; stare unwavering, eyes not hovering away from his.

Her soft concerned eyes, one of those whom cared about such a person as he who could end her life any time, even if it were a single touch yet she still refuses to leave him all alone in solitude. A light chuckle as he smiled once more, hiding the pain deep within his heart. "It's alright, I'm fine. You're like a mom."

Doubt was still present upon hearing the assurance. Despite the lingering noise that tells her something about the worries of the lad, she had only released a sigh of defeat. "Okay then. I'm just worried, you know."

After safely taking shelter under the tree, an attempt to eradicate the atmosphere was performed by the ivory-haired maiden. "Have you remembered the first time we met, Amane-kun?"

Lifting her hands smooth as porcelain, as if touched by no person or creature, aligned as if reaching up on the crying sky. The question of hers brought back memories of the first time they laid their eyes on each other.


Surprise filled her large, magenta hues, seeing a creature different from what is normal to her eyes. Pitch black feathers covered his back, toxins in dark colors flowing within. Orbs with shades of dandelion glared daggers at her, silently sending the message to her: stay away. But the opposite was given by her, thus, tries to lay a finger on his pale skin. In fear of being touched, the raven-haired male steps backward. She repeated the attempt, but failed as the other repeated his evasion. This forced him to spill his secret to the lady, expecting her to be horrified. Yet she was not, rather glad that he trusted a human like her.


"How could I forget?" A smile crept up on his face once again, recalling the aforesaid event. It was the day his life made a huge turn. "You were so careless back then. If I weren't careful enough, you could've touched me."

She flashed an awkward smile at the statement yet happily chortled after, "But it led me to you. You've trusted me and it led to this." Staring at his orbs thoroughly, "It must've been a miracle, yes?"

Picking an ephemeral flower nearby, he'd smile back at her, a light tint visible on his cheeks. "It truly was a blessing that I've met you, Yashiro." Every little detail in life reminded him of her loving personality, her carefree attitude, her innocent and effervescent beam which made him feel euphoria.

Nostalgia struck him as she started talking about how they had met, of course he would never forget. That curious girl who wanted to touch without knowing him. The maiden who he slowly fell in love with, deeply. She was a precious gem, and he was well aware that he didn't deserve her; that she may be arranged to marry with someone else and they may be never approved of- she deserved better than him. In his thoughts, he has never deserved the female's kindness and compassion yet it made him glad that she'd always find time to spend with him like this.

Even when it were the last days he could see her tender facade and feel her benevolent presence beside his.


"The rain's stopped. It's getting late, shouldn't you be heading back?" Stating with a wide grin across his face, escorting her near the exit of the large forest covered with wood and grass; subtle petrichor filling their smell. "I was glad. Thank you for coming to visit me again today."

The maiden smiled back in response as she removed the cloth tied unto her arm; distancing away from the lad afterward. "You're welcome, wait for me again! I'll come back tomorrow, I promise!" She'd declare as he let out an awkward laugh. "You don't need to do that for me, princess. Please stay home next day and rest." Soothing optics staring at her, light voice as he advised her to stay inside her premises.

"Oh please," giggles cut through, the lass returning the gaze as she replied, "I have all the time I need to replenish my energy, so expect my return, okay?" The assuring smile was given by her, supporting the same message.

Not waiting for the reply of the other, for the the clock is ticking at a strangely hastened pace for the two of them. She had finally bade her goodbye, despite wanting to stay longer; forever, if even possible, but life doesn't always go your way. Waving her unscathed hand before turning away, looking forward for tomorrow's encounter.

Forward she steps, carrying the regret for not telling him the words she wished to. The feeling of warmth whenever they stand alongside each other, the unexplainable elation that comes with the rapid pounding of her heart whenever she enters the forest at night. These feelings she almost can't contain, were left untold.

Left in the forest was the lad, silently watching the maiden retreat to what he thought was where she really belonged to. The feeling of anguish and despair gave weight to his chest, knowing what lies ahead for the two of them the next day. Oh, how he yearned for the day they will meet, with no threats, rules, and hindrances, where they can finally share their time without the worries of being caught. But then, it just can't happen. It will never happen.


Another day had come and pass, woodland moonlit once more and uncomfortable silence eating away at everything that resided there. No birds chirped, no crickets cricked, the only sound that could be heard was the raging flames as it consumed the timber slowly. Attached to a lumber designed for a not so delicate slumber, nails that pricked at his hands, venomous ichor dripping slowly before it gets burnt by the blaze; feathers leisurely falling on the ground as he kept his mouth shut. No words came out, only silence as some of the royal people watched in a distance to his demise.

Throwing in more plumber, setting grass ablaze, scorching heat growing larger and stronger; reaching up to his cold feet. Cape he'd use to hide his feathers normally now burnt, his skin like porcelain now tainted with burns, stinging pain yet he did not have the ability to scream. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes struggling to be set free, biting his own lips to prevent them from making even a single sound as he reminisced the time with the girl he'd loved once more, at least one last time.

Those smiles she flashed, the way she talked, everything about her- he loved every bit of her yet he couldn't fulfill the promise of meeting again nor had he got the chance to confess his feelings that harbored for the princess. It was forbidden after all, it never had the chance to come true. A pure chimera.

"I'm sorry, Yashiro..." Vision blurring, voice weak yet he smiled once more at the thought of her as a drop of liquid fell on his cheeks. Crying, he couldn't help it anymore. It was to keep her safe, yet he didn't even tell her the most important thing that he held deep inside his heart. Why did they have to notice? Why did they have to find the thing most precious to them; their meetings and their feelings.


Through the crowd she pushes through, with tears flowing like waterfalls from her eyes as she did so. With a heavy heart, the princess attempts to clear her way, through her fellow royalties. Calls of her name with honorifics were heard, but she did not pay a single second of her attention. In her mind was only a thing: to save her beloved.

How could he not tell her? Why did he not tell her that he, of all people in her life, will experience such gruesome punishment? No, she can't let this happen, not when she promised herself to protect the two of them. The thought of him in such state shatters her heart into fine pieces; especially that it is the doing of the royalties.

Save him.


Spears crossed before the lady, which made her step back. Daggers were glared towards her by the knights holding these weapons. Determined to save him, she bent down to avoid these weapons, sliding down to pass through them. And there, she continued running.

Teary as well, while being tortured by the flames of agony, he did not bring his head up to meet the beauty. None of him wanted to be seen in such state by his beloved; nor he wanted to see the sorrow drawn on her face. Yet to his surprise, he heard steps that were getting louder. It was soon followed by wooden collisions that distorted the stack building the fire.

A pair of porcelain hands attempted to pull the nails piercing through his; in which she failed, as she lacked the strength to do so. The white fabric that previously flowed gracefully as she moved, is now tainted with burns. The once untouched skin of hers grew red as the flames gain contact with these. Groans and whimpers of pain were heard from the female. Though she did not mind, for losing him is a lot more to suffer than this.

"Stop it, Yashiro." He'd state as tears flown that he struggled to kept it now released; seeing her frail self, doing her best to try and save someone like him who didn't deserved to be. "It's alright, live on your own, you'd be fine. You're a princess after all, there's various futures laid out for you." Hoarse voice yet he smiled happily, a bright color upon his cheeks, "You know... I loved you..." Stating that last statement, more tears came out yet his joyous grin was still there; and she shocked by that sentence started to sob more as well.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Crying as the flames touched more of her delicate skin, slowly eating away at the both of them; forcing herself to smile as tears continued to drop, and her fellow royalties not even lending a finger to save the poor princess. "I love you too, Amane-kun... So why did you have to?-"

No response was made, not even a mutter escaped his mouth as he looked away because it was for her. He'd take the punishment instead of her when someone had seen them, she might've striped off her royal status, be tortured, anything else that might've been worse. Her life might've become a living hell and he just couldn't allow it to happen- so he must take her place and be the guilty, the one deemed as a criminal and a law breaker; one who posed threat to the royal heir.

"Why?!" Frustration can be felt upon hearing her scream. Her hands made their way to hold his, which are nailed against the wood. Gently they would touch his fingers, palms eventually clasping together while she was sobbing, staring at him. Shivering, not in cold; but the opposite.

These actions of hers made him gaze back at her in surprise and... fear. Those soft, gentle palms of hers, gaining contact with his; it is a thing he hoped to happen but has never been until now, for what will happen afterwards is what he is scared of. He wasn't able to avoid it, his hands being nailed preventing him to do so. "Yashiro, no!" Even if he was too late, he yelled in hopes of rewinding time.

Purplish tints started to flow from the veins of her hands, slowly crawling to spread throughout her body. She did notice this, but instead of pulling away, her arms wrapped around his neck, pushing herself against him for a hug. Burying her face on his shoulder as she cried. Of course, she knew the consequences very well, having those in her mind since day one. But now, she doesn't care about it.

Unable to push her away, he just closed his eyes and felt the warmth in between them while letting all the pain out through tears. How he wished to lay his arms around her as well, but as always, life doesn't always work their way. At least, before he is roasted to death, he felt her loving touch and embrace.

The two were left that way, the audience's eyes fixated on the bodies being cooked. A few minutes had passed, then the lady's body dropped on the logs fueling the flames. The other, meanwhile, had his head hung low, with no sign of the body breathing.

It seems that they have both died, their story have ended. Two whom were not allowed to love each other nor be together- but met their demise as they embraced, together in death.


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