X. Find Me (1)

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A/N: Is based off the plot-line of The Caged Garden Cock Robin by SEEC inc. I recommend you to play it, especially if you love Visual Novels like I do. It was a good read; this piece may be a bit of a spoiler though but don't worry it's just based- not completely adapting the plot of the game.

Author has decided to cut this into two parts; part one is more of an explanation. Part two may be out soon, it depends on my diligence. It is still a one-shot though it would be really long if I continued this one as it's already at 1600 words even when it was rushed and somehow compressed in order to not be that tiring to read.

Hey, would you find me?

Hey, would you find me?

It kept pestering me; hiding from the dark shadows, following me around. It made me feel uneasy, it was uncomfortable. I wanted 'it' to leave me alone.

Cold fingers gently grasping his skin, sending shivers down his spine as he refused to look back; closing his eyes in the darkness in order to not see, shutting off his vision of the world to try and forget of the hand that was currently in hold of him.

Agonizing screams of suffer could be heard from the lingering spirit in the dim expanse; screeching out syllables he could not perceive, fear consuming his mind as he clenched his fists. 

Unable to discern his surroundings, only could hear the faint sound of pain from the unknown entity behind him; the brunette couldn't take it anymore yet could not move an inch from the terror. 

"Amane?" Voice called out his name, holding a lantern lit up with a small flame that provided radiance to the tenebrous venue was his brother who eyed the other curiously as the other's orbs fluttered open to glance around.

Those tangerine optics of Amane's, still evident of fear. 

"What are you still doing here late at night?" Asked Tsukasa in a somehow childish tone, a smile plastered unto his face. It seemed he didn't see the ghost that was previously at the back of his brother, it seemed the wandering spirit had suddenly vanquished once another presence stepped into the scene. "It's..." It would be hard to explain, he didn't know either if his twin would either believe him or laugh at him, state it's a hoax and that his older brother had started to have a wild imagination somewhat alike him so suddenly.

He sighed in defeat, unable to find the right words to explain his situation. Often, Amane would see these shadows moving in the dark- they didn't seem normal at all but he would shrug them off as it could just be illusions, his minds playing tricks on him or so he thought. 

Until he heard a faint voice that crept him out, calling out for him; wanting him to be with it for a reason he did not know and did not want to find out.

"Did you see it?" The boy decided to ask the younger who stood in front of him; he wanted to know if the sight of that thing was also reflected in those eyes which were similar to his. He was afraid, he felt like he needn't know what it was but at the same time, the lingering feeling of curiosity lies beneath the depths of his heart.

Perhaps it was because most would shrug off his comments, for so long; he knew that his parents, relatives and every one else was hiding something very important from him, their reactions were suspicious. Amane couldn't see it as a child, he could not notice those lies of 'I don't know', 'Don't mind it' and believed in the elder whole-heartedly though he had never asked the one closest to him; his own twin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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