So ther was my prince standing thier in my bed becase my bed was near the widow that he came throgh. he was a handsome prince wit brown hur and blu eyes and he was prety tall and prety and it was luv at first see.
"hey gurl" said my prince
i didnt say anyting right away becase if i knew one thing aboiut princees is that they liek the hard to git and I rally was hard to ge becase im not a slut. my dad is a slut. Mr. Sally slut but im not a slut. boyd is not a slut but Boyd is stupid.
My prince is confused "hey girl i say hay"
it was my tim "Hello my prince" I had to make sure he knew that he was min becase he was i was his he was my prince i was livin kates life.
my prince croched over me and got rally close to ma face and was liek "kiss me panckae"
wat no i coldnt do that im not a slut my dad is and mr sally is but not me but my prince wasnt uggs he was prtty but im not a slut so no. "no" i said to his face
My prince did not look hapy he looked mad and that scured me becase i need hem so i explaned "i cant kiss you im waiting for mawrigde"
"marridge/ he" was like
"yis" i told him
my prince wet throgh window. i didnt know if id ever see him again
i cried.
My Prince
HumorI lived a norml life until 1 day mi prince cam to swep me of ma fet. (Hugh Jackman as My Prince in the picture)