Ch.1 Exhilaration

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POV: 3rd person

Seonghwa stood by his locker trying to find the book for his next class. He took whatever was necessary and closed it.

He turned around only to find Yena a couple lockers away looking all pretty with her hair down. He decided to creep up to her and scare her.

"AAHHH" He screamt and she opened her eyes wide and clutched near her heart making Seonghwa laugh.

"YOU SCARED ME!" Yena yelled at him but with a faint smile on her face.

"So... did you sleep well?" Seonghwa asked while slipping his hands behind her back.

"I did. Thanks for singing me to sleep through the phone" Yena said as she wrapped her hands around his neck

Seonghwa looked into her eyes and quickly pecks her on her lips. She buries her head in his chest to hide her blushed cheeks.

"Okay, I have to go or I'll be late for my rapping class" She walks away while waving her hands.
(Seonghwa is still smiling like an idiot)

"Hyung!" Seonghwa turns around to see his brother walking towards him.

"I'm studying with Eunbi at the library today so I'll be home a little late" Seongjun said trying to seek his brother's permission.


"Okay, but be home before dinner time"

"YES SURE" Seongjun happily skipped his way through the hallway.

He was happy that his brother had found his soulmate a few months ago and is trying to build a good relationship with her.

"Make sure you take care of her!" Seonghwa screamed to his brother and in return he showed a thumbs up without turning around.

(Time skip)

After all classes Seonghwa made his way to find Yena.

"Hey, Seongjun is going to be home late do you maybe want to come over"

"Yeah sure! Let's go" Yena answered with a smile.

They walked to his house with their hands intertwined with each other, cracking jokes from time to time.

"Are you religious?" Hwa asked. Yena looked at him with visible confusion on her face. Why would he ask something so rando-
"Cause you're the answer to all my prayers"

Both of them started laughing
"Seriously dude? That was good tho not gonna lie" Said Yena between her laughs.

Upon reaching, Yena took out her homework which was almost finished and Seonghwa freshened up in the meantime.

They both were now free, sitting on the couch, facing each other, trying to come up with something to do.

"Can we eat something"

"Hwa we just ate"

"But there's nothing to dooo~" Seonghwa whined

"Okay how about we sing a duet song and try to harmonize"

"Okay sounds good"

They put up instrumentals and started singing Eyes Nose Lips by Taeyang. It sounded like heaven. But there was a note which Yena couldn't hit.

"Ughh I can never sing as good as you" Yena whined.

"It's okay! Here let me help you" Seonghwa moved closer to her and placed his index finger over a certain point on her neck.

"Try not using your chest voice, instead switch to your head voice when you're about to hit that note" Seonghwa explained.
[A/n - I know nothing about vocals please spare me]

He replayed the song and Yena successfully hit the note. She was completely shocked that she could do it. She gave seonghwa the brightest smile and thanked him.

And he was now being strangled by Yena's tight hug

"Okay okay let me breathe babe" Seonghwa said barely opening his mouth.

Yena broke the hug and suddenly crashed her lips against his and she could feel him smile in it.

POV: Park Seonghwa

She roughly placed her lips on mine which startled me at first but then I slowly melted in her touch.

I smiled in the kiss thinking how perfect she was and how perfectly we match with each other. What did I do to deserve this angel? I just want to keep her in my pocket and never let her out. UwU
Hi guys. This is my first story. I do have a planned plot in mind but it's my first time writing lmao idk read at your own risk
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