Ch.3 Opacarophiles

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POV: 3rd person

Like every other day Seonghwa went to school with his brother and searched for Yena but he couldn't really find her so he dialled her phone.

Seonghwa: Hey why aren't you at school?

Yena: Wellll it's that time of the month and I'm getting really bad stomach cramps so I decided to skip.

Seonghwa: ah... So like do you need anything? Chocolates maybe?

Yena: No baby I don't get cravings for food... but I'm surely craving you

They both laugh.

Seonghwa: what do you want me to do?

Yena: let's meet on that hill we decided to go to, before sunset

Seonghwa: okay. I'll be there. Take care of yourself. Love you.

Yena: love ya too

Seonghwa hangs up the call with a smile on his face and proceeds to go to class.

(Time skip)

School is over for the day and
Seonghwa and Seongjun head back home.

"Hyung I have to go over at Eunbi's place to complete our project. I promise I'll be home before dinner" Seongjun requests

"Her home? Okay. Be sure to use protection"

"Thanks hyu-
wait. WhAt DId yOu saY?"

"I was kidding. No touching or kissing. I don't want you to do something you'll regret" Seonghwa said in strict voice

"Got it"

"Also.... I'm very thankful to have you as a brother. Neither are you too strict to make me rebel nor do you spoil me with your love and let me do stupid things I might regret. You really are the coolest" Seongjun winks at his brother while holding both his hands out towards him in a thumbs up and leaves the house.

POV: Park Seonghwa

Wow. I really love that idiot.

Okay time to get ready.

I leave my house on my bike half an hour prior sunset to finally see Yena. I know I saw her yesterday but I miss her already.

I arrive and leave my bike at the foot of the hill and climb my way to the top. (A/n: See what I did there?) The sun had almost started touching the horizon (A/n: again😛) and the sky was dull orange in colour.

I saw her sitting with her legs crossed patiently waiting for me. The breeze gently went through her hair and her eyes sparkled while she tucked her hair behind her ear.

'Beautiful' was the only word which came to my mind as I stood there watching her actions from behind her.

Honestly I can't picture my life without her anymore. It's amazing how a single person can affect your life so much.

She glanced at her Phone to check the time and furrowed her eyebrows, probably wondering why I'm not with her yet. 'Okay let's not make her wait' I thought.

I walked towards her and sat down right beside her.

POV: 3rd Person

"You're here" Yena said while her eyes sparkled with love for him. Seonghwa gave her a big smile.

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Seonghwa spoke up.

"I love everything about you Kang Yena. From your biggest decisions to your smallest actions. I love the way you're the first person in my mind before I go to bed and after I wake up. I don't know what my life would be without you."

"Shut it you're making me cry" Yena said with tears building up in her eyes.

Seonghwa scooted closer to her and put his arm around her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulder. It was a peaceful moment shared between two young hearts burning with love for each other.

Listen to this song and read it's lyrics for the real feels
A/n: I really didn't know I could write something so beautiful. I suprise myself sometimes. Sorry for the short chapter. Also shit is about to get real so buckle up.
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