A new friend

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Izumi's pov (she is already 7):
It has been 1 year since master brought me in the league, at first I was scared at the fact they were the league of villains but they weren't so bad they were actually nice people. Every day I would practice using my quirks and get better and better at using it, master taught me  how to do hand to hand combats, fighting with all sorts of weapons but my favourite is my scythe during my first training period with shigaraki he asked me use a part of my soul and then came out a giant sycthe it was black like my soul, I even learned different fighting techniques. When ever I was done with my training session I would go down to the bar and draw blueprints for a new invention I would make, the last one I made was a body temperature goggles to help find people in the dark, it really helped cause last week some no good jerk tried to rob the place by cutting out the electricity thank goodness the goggles were finished and the man was the perfect test subject. Why you ask? I may or may not have killed him. Master also taught me to not mind blood it wasn't so bad since the guy that tried to rob us was my 47th kill and don't judge me master taught me how to kill people, it was actually pretty fun too.

I came down to the bar and sat down and started to work on my next invention I noticed that master wasn't down today, I see Kurogiri in the middle of a phone call so I decided to work on some blueprints and ask him where master was after he was done with the call. After 10 minuets I heard Kurogiri hanging up the phone and good timing to, I finished making the blue prints for a special kinds of shoes. "Hey Kurogiri where is master?" I asked as he was cleaning a glass. "He just called saying he's out for awhile and said he had surprise for you." After that he went to the back for a while and for me I was a little confused on what kind of surprise master had for me but I'm sure it wasn't anything big, although I was a little excited.

A little while later I hear the door open and see master and I go to greet him. "Hi master welcome back, Kurogiri said you had a surprise for me right?" I asked and I notice a boy with red hair and...bat ears? He looked like a year older than me. "Izumi this is fenikkusu dorgon you can call him fen for short, he will be the newest member of the league" he said as the boy looked around his surroundings. "Yay! A new friend!" I jumped to the thought of having someone around my age was amazing. "Hi I'm Izumi Midoriya, but you can call me Izumi." I pull out my hand for a handshake. He just stares at my hand without response. "Um...ok, master can I show fen around please?" Master nods and I take fen's hand and start showing him around.

Kurogiri pov:
"Might I ask where you found him?" I ask making sure he didn't kidnap the boy from his family. Shigarki just sat down and put bag that was filled with gloves for some reason and he started explaining."Actually when I was walking back from the store I bumped into the kid and when I was about to leave he started to follow me, no one seemed to care about him and I could tell he was abused by the bandages on his neck, so I asked him if he wanted to come with me, and I guess you could say he found me" the man said while cutting all the gloves fingers off except the pinkie. When he was done he tried them on and made a fist with all his fingers and the glove didn't disintegrate. "Haha! yes finally!!" He screamed nearly falling off his seat. "An idea little Izumi had I'm guessing?" "Yup!" He quickly responded. "She's been studying my quirk and said it properly works when not only all my fingers touch something but my skin as well. I'm really glad I found her." He said cutting the rest of the gloves he got.

Fen's pov:
I can't believe I joined the league of villains but at least it was better than being abused, beside no one cared about me in my family not even my classmates at school, and it's not like I can't ask for help or anything I just can't say it I'M MUTE for goodness sake well, at least I made a new friend she's nice and she's a villain too.

"So here is the training room where I like to practice using quirks." She was still holding my hand but I didn't my mind. "What's your quirk by the way?" She asked I wanted respond but I couldn't she then realised something. "You can't talk can you?" I nodded in response she was silent for a minute and had a thought in her head. "Wait here I'll be right back" she left the room while I waited at the middle of the training room, a few minutes later she came back with a pen and clipboard with a piece of paper. "Here you can use this to write what you want to say." She said as she handed me the clipboard and pen. I start writing and I showed her:
"Thank you no one has ever tried to communicate with me, also my quirk is phoenix hunter"
"Phoenix hunter, huh what can you do?" She asked.
I started to write again and showed it to her:
"As you already know phoenixes can never die so therefore I cannot die as well, I can also make a portal to anywhere I've already been to, I can make anything out of fire, I can make myself phoenix wings on my back and, I can turn into a phoenix"
"Wow your just like me." I was confused "what do you mean?" I asked. She then explained to me what her quirks are and how they work.
"So we're practically the same?" She looks at it for minute. " I...guess when you put it like that. But what about your ears? Why do you have them?" "I honestly don't know why I have them, but there good for hearing even if it is a tiny whisper." She looked at the clipboard, and was amazed on what I can do. Just then we see a man made out of purple mist. "Ahh there you two are come on now dinners ready." She grabbed my hand again. "Let's go your going to love Kurogiri's cooking." I smiled at her went with her to kitchen. After we eat we shigaraki said there was another surprise for both of us in Izumi's room we went in saw another bed, and desk in the room. "Yay we're roommates" she hugged with joy knowing we will sleep in the same room. I was glad I came with shigaraki because for the first time I feel...happy.

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