A choice to make

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Izumi's pov:
I was eating my lunch with Fen, Shoto, & Mei, when Mei spoke. "Hey Izumi, I think I made my decision now." I swallowed my food and spoke. "Which is?" Mei hesitated for few seconds then said.

"I want to go beyond the limit of science, I don't care if I get in trouble, I just want to explore the limitless of science you told me of." I looked at Fen and I smiled, Shoto was confused and didn't know what we were talking and asked us. "What are you guys talking about?" Mei looked at Shoto and started explaining. "Izumi told me, she can help me go beyond my limit, and make me something new." Shoto was a little surprised by this.

"She told me about this a few days ago and she gave some time to think it over." I noticed she was sad for some reason but continued.

"The only reason I came here was mostly to make my parents proud of me, they never really loved me, they saw me as a disappointment in their eyes, they were even more disappointed in me, because I wasn't in class 1-B ." She started crying a little, so I hugged her, she was crying for 2 minuets, and she stopped. Fen explained Shoto what was going on.

"Me and Izumi come from a place where everyone has the same experience of pain and sorrow, it's where we realised hero's are never really the answer to everything, people can start their life over, make choices they want in their lives, and we even try to make the world a better place."  Shoto was silent for a few minutes thinking of something and finally spoke.

"Can I join too?" Were we shocked at this fact, I was going to ask him to join us first, but at least I didn't have to worry about that fact anymore. I smiled and said. "Of course, you guys are perfect for the group." The both of them smiled but I had to tell them something else. "But I have to tell the leader about this first, and it may take sometime." They were a little bit sad but they let me continue.

"Maybe a week, the leader is a going to be a little mad since we will be bringing along Shoto. The son of Endeavor, the leader really hates Endeavor and not to mention All might, but he's actually really nice I promise." They we're silent when Shoto spoke. "It's alright I don't mind waiting a little bit." He smiled at me. "Me too, I don't mind either." Mei said wiping the last of her tears away.

"Thanks guys, but you can't tell anyone about this alright." Fen said they both nod in agreement.

After we finish our lunch, I got up and decided to bring some food for a certain someone in the infirmary, what can I say I may hate him a little, but that doesn't mean I can't bring him some food. "Where you going?" Fen asked about to get out of his seat, I smiled at him and simply said. "Just gonna drop this of somewhere, I'll meet you back in class later." I start walking to infirmary in peace, when I got there I open the door and see team 1, sleeping from the fight, I notice Kacchan was still unconscious from the hit I gave him, he looked really peaceful while he was a sleep.

I decided to ask for a pen and paper from the recovery girl, I put the food next to Kacchan and leave.

Katsuki's pov:
I open my eyes and the first thing I see was a white ceiling. I knew I was at the fucking infirmary from the hit Deku gave me. The back of my head still felt sore, Deku really has changed and gotten stronger, I sat up, the recovery girl noticed me and said someone came in and dropped off something for me. I looked at my side and see a container with a note on top of it.

Sorry for hitting you at the head to hard, oh! And don't worry about everyone in class 1-A hating you I made sure no one would hate you. Hope your feeling better.

P.s I'm still going treat you the same as before, so this is a one time thing...maybe.

I smiled at the note, knowing Deku is still the same sweet girl I knew back as a kid. I open the container to find my favourite spicy curry, Deku knew how much I loved curry when we were kids, I was really happy, she still remembered the good times we had. While I was eating, Kirishima came to me, normally I would call him shitty hair but I wasn't in the mood to call him that. "What the fuck do you want?" I say while hiding the note Deku left me.

"Just wanted to check how your doing since Izumi gave you a hard hit on the head." He said with a huge grin on his face. Kirishima has been my only friend that doesn't hate me and my guts, and I'm actually happy for that, but I normally don't show it to him.

"I saw Izumi come by a while ago, she thought I was sleeping, and I saw her leave something for you." He said looking at the container Deku left me, I swallowed my food and spoke. "Yeah, Deku knew how much I loved curry when we were kids. I'm surprised she even remembered after so long." I looked at the note and let Kirishima look at it, he looked at for a few minutes and smiled.

"Wow, she must still care about you to do something like this." He gave me the note back and sat down on the bed beside me. "Yeah, but I doubt it, she probably still hates me. But I'd do anything to be make every single bad thing I did to her go away." I said in a sad tone, Kirishima was surprised on what I just said. "I miss her in my life, she was my best friend, she was one of the few people who really understood me." I didn't know I was crying until Kirishima hugged me.

"I wanted to apologise to her so badly that day I never wanted to hurt her." I continued to cry while Kirishima hugged me tighter.

Narrator's pov:
Izumi stayed outside the infirmary for a while she didn't want to leave just yet, the door was wide open. She heard everything Kacchan said. "He never hated me?" She whispered under her breath. Izumi was lost in thoughts and didn't know what to think of her former best friend/bully, she stayed their for little while, then left.

Kacchan's words were stuck in her head, she finally came back to her sense and finally figured out what to think of him. "Don't worry Kacchan we will be friends again, but it's going to be on a different side." She thought in her head finally finding the third person she wanted to bring with her on the side of L.O.V

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