New rules and old faces

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Narrator's pov:
It was 3:13 p.m and everyone was doing there part at the destroyed U.A. stage. Shoto and Bakugo were watching the students and faculty and making sure no one escaped until night. Toga, Fen, Dabi, and Kirishima are guarding all the exit and entrances. Izumi, Mei, Kurogiri and Shigaraki were getting ready for the world wide brood caste. Twice, Muscular, and Moonfish, were scouting the area, the 3 were hiding for 4 years since they were all captured by the police, they were able to escape but, had to lay low until the heat blew off. Shigaraki would soon deliver the final message to the people.

When it was 3:15 every channel on every T.V in the world was black and had the logo L.O.V. they soon saw Shigaraki in the screen with Izumi and Fen standing behind him. no one knew what he was going to say, when he finally spoke.

"Good afternoon everyone." He started out. "You all had last heard from the League of Villains 3 months ago during the U.A. Sports festival. Today was supposed to be the day of new heroes but, that day has changed. The League of Villains has now killed every hero that has harmed and hurt their family." Shigaraki made a creepy grin on his face and continued.

"But we are letting the new heroes live, along with a few other heroes. You all may think we will destroy the world but we actually want to make it better. The league of villains have been able to convince the president and the mayor to step down and let us take over their roles and they are going to be some new rules." Shigaraki said and looking at the league of villains members who are smiling and Shigaraki started telling everyone the rules.

"First, new rule is no one will ever harm a quirkless child or person or a person with a dangerous quirk. They will treat them the same like the rest of us but, if anyone harms a quirkless person we will know, and that person will face a terrible punishment."

Shigaraki looked at Izumi and Fen then said. "Second, if children have any difficult time controlling their quirk or quirks, Izumi and Fen here will help them control it."

Shigaraki then said the next rule. "Third, people can use their quirks for defence if necessary and children can learn the proper way of using their quirk in the age of 14."

Shigaraki said the next few new rules and (I'm sorry if you were expecting more rules, I was honestly running out of ideas.😞) finally gave out the last part he wanted to tell the people. "And finally, if anyone breaks more than two of these rules they will face a terrible fate." He then looked at Izumi and Fen then the camera was at them, they hit the wall with one for all causing it to collapse and making it turn into nothing but gravel, everyone's eyes widen in shock, except L.O.V. Izumi and Fen had this power for 2 months and have been practicing together.

Before they killed all might, All might wanted them to be the first symbol of peace partners, he trained them for 8 months during their time at U.A. He kept it a secret until the time was right, he already offered to give Izumi and Fen One for all but they refused, they wanted to wait until the sports festival to receive one for all. He kept his offer open if they ever changed their minds. Well to bad for him...that was a big mistake.

"If anyone breaks these rules they will answer to them." Shigaraki said giving out blood shot glare. (Ok I just want to be clear Izumi and Fen learned how to do a blood shot glare from Shigaraki. I just want to point that out there.) With that the screens went back to there original shows and everyone was scared on what to think a little.

Izumi's pov:
After Kurogiri turned the cameras off I stretched out of relief, cause this was a long day. I pull out my mask and breath in the air, I go check on the student and faculty to make sure no one escaped when a familiar purple haired boy caught my eye. He was sitting on his own, under tree that was surprisingly not on fire. It was far from everyone, he never really liked socialising. I walk up to the tree and take a sit next to him.

His name is Hitoshi Shinsou, I met him when I was at the school grounds. He was sitting at a bench all by himself, that time Fen was sick so he couldn't come that day. I sat next to him on the bench and he just pretend I wasn't there I tried talking to him for awhile and it worked, we started talking about simple things like favourite food, books, colour, hobbies. We eventually told each other about our past, I was sad to hear that he was bullied all his life just because of his quirk. I showed him the scars on my arm and told him about my past, I could tell by the look in his eyes he felt bad for me. We had a lot in common and we quickly became friends after that. I honestly haven't heard from him since the U.A. sports festival.

"Hi Hitoshi." I said while smiling at him, he looked up but didn't say anything and just gave me a cold look. "How was your year." I asked curious if he ever made any other friends aside from me. "It was ok, except for the part were you and the others betrayed everyone." He said in an anger tone.

"Thats a little mean to say to your own friend." I said in a playful tone, he looked up at me straight in the eye then said. "You still consider me as your friend?" He seemed confused and unsure on what I just said, I smiled at him then said. "Of course, we are practically the same. We're treated different, we feel pain because we are different, and people hurt us because they think we are monsters." I said with a serious tone in my voice.

Hitoshi thought for a moment then said. "Well...your not wrong." I smiled and pat him on the cheek and I leave not before telling something important. "Ya know you can join the league but, I'll let you decide on that."  After that I leave and go back to my position, I could hear Momo cry from afar, I was actually happy to hear the cry of a heartbreak.

3 hours later...

It was already night and I told Fen, Shoto, and Kacchan to make everyone line up for them all to be released and to go home, the people in the dome already went home and were all safe. I could hear Kacchan yelling from the other room, it went something like. "ALL RIGHT EVERYONE LINE UP, AND DON'T TRY ANYTHING OR YOU WILL REGRET IT LIKE HELL!!!" Luckily Fen was here with me or else he would have had a ringing in his ear that would go on for hours.

Everyone was all lined up and one by one I took the collar off them, Fen made sure no one planned anything thanks to his hearing, Kurogirio opened a portal for everyone. It may have taken a hour to get everyone home but it was worth it. Hitoshi was the last one, and I took off his collar. "Ya know, my offer still stands." I said holding the collar in my hands. "I appreciate that, and yeah I think I'll join." He said and smiled at me, he then walked to the portal and left.

"Can you tell me what his quirk is again?" Master said standing beside me. "Brainwashing he can easily change anyone's thought or memory within an 8 mile radius, he can even make them do whatever he wants." I said putting the collar away. "He'll be good use." Master said patting me on the shoulder. We all walk out of the stage and see the prestigious U.A. In ruins we all smiled then Kurogiri opened a portal and we all went home.

When we got in the bar we saw Eri playing with Duke and Kiki. Eri went to greet us all and we all celebrated on the defeat on all the so called heroes, and I knew tomorrow was gonna be a long day.

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