ABC cup begins!

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(3rd person POV)
Ion:Welcome to the ABC Cup!The first round between Masato and Banjoe is about to begin!
The match begins
Banjoe:I'll conquer the world with this fist!Strongest Luminize!Legend of the strongest TopFist!
Masato:The linked spiral is the chain of bonds!Luminize!Spiral Linkdragon Order!
Masato and Banjoe:Raise the flag!
Banjoe:Danger World!
Masato:Ancient world!
Banjoe:TopFist Vainglory,Brawlzeus!
Ion:First move goes to Banjoe!
Banjoe:Strongest draw!Strongest Charge and strongest draw!I strongest call Crazed Warfficer,Gutsares to the center!
Gutsares:My name is Gutsares,is this the field of war?
Banjoe:I strongest call Bash sage Bashermes to the left!
Bashermes:It is me Bashermes.So,who do you want me to Bash?
Banjoe:Gutsares,Attack the fighter already!
Masato's health is down to 8 and Banjoe's health goes up to 11
Ion:What's going on?Masatos health went down by 2 and Banjoes health went up by 1!
Banjoe:The plunder ability is a ability many of my cards have,they increase my health every time they attack my health goes up by 1!
Garga:So the opponent loses life and he gains life...
Haru:Hey,where's Subaru and Y/n?

Meanwhile at the library
Cross:Are you sure you don't want to watch the match?
Subaru:I'm not interested in any Buddyfights that don't involve Yuga.

And the the soccer field
Y/n is legit just practicing crosses and free kicks.

Masato:My turn!Draw!Charge and Draw!I call Jinsen to the right!
Jinsen:I can hear someone calling for keen ear Jinsen!Please enjoy this gauge!
Masato:I call Kaina to the center!
Kaina:Who's the guy standing in your way,huh?
Masato:I pay 2 gauge and buddy call Thunderaxe,Agito to the right!
Agito:We of the linkdragon order battle by joining forces with Masato!
Masato:I equip Order's axe wild axe!I cast,Linkdragon's order Repose!I regain gauge and life!joy,sadness,anger,strength!Its time to share all these with our comrades!
All of them:Dragon Share!
Ion:There it is!Masato and the Linkdragon Orders dragon share!
Masato:Agito!Attack Gutsares!
Agito:All right!My fighting spirit is at a all time high!
Banjoe:I cast,invisible knuckle!
The attack is nullified and masatos health goes down by 1 and Banjoes health increases by 1.
The exact some thing happens again...seriously why.
Banjoe:You look pathetic!Hahahhahahahah.
Ion:Banjoe laughed it up at the time but that didn't last for long!masato and the Linkdragon order shared their strength using dragon share.They United their Hearts as they chopped away at Banjoes life points!As a resultBanjoe is left with one life left!
Banjoe:I'm the strongest man in the world.The fights just getting started!
Ranma:Looks like masato's sin is guaranteed!
Haru:Looks like it!
Yuga:Byt you can never predict what happens next in a buddyfight.Thats something I leant since I started buddyfighting.
Banjoe:Strongest Draw,Strobgest charge and strongest draw!That's more like it!I cast!Deep Qigong of the Hungry Wolf!I regain all 8 life at once!
Ion:I-I-Incredible!Banjoe uses a spell to return his life to 9!
Banjoe:And I'm going to take your gauge and Linder it!This gauge card that I took from you...I'll pay it and...Equip!Skygod Jacket!What do you think?Isn't it awesome?Next,I'll take more of that gauge.I'll plunder your life and your monsters!
Masato:What did you say?
Banjoe:I take my opponents gauge!And his life!And his monster!And I use them...
Jinsen:Farewell for now...
Banjoe:TopFist Vainglory,Brawlzeus!Buddy call to the right!Topfist!
TopFist:I'll show you what a real brawl looks like!
Banjoe:TopFist Vainglory,Brawlzeus.Size 2,6000 power,2000 defense,and a critical of 2!Here's my most powerful buddy,who's fists are transcendent!
Haru:This guy looks incredible!
Yuga:His buddy is incredible,But his plunder fighting style is amazing too!
Ranma:Who's side are you on?
First I take care of you!Penetrate!Bashermes,attack the fighter!
Masato is left on 2 life and Banjoe has 12 life
Banjoe:That's it for my turn.
Ion:What an epic buddyfight! Each time one ends their turns there is a massive gap between life points!This intense buddyfught is like watching two brawlers going at it with their fists!
Masato:Draw charge and draw!For share!I take Agito from my field,two Kania,a jisen,a tategami,and a wild ace from my drop zone,as I pay 2 gauge and call...Spiralaxe,King Agito to the center!
A bright light flashes and Agito emerges in a new form,King Agito
Agito:Right now,I'm massively with power!
Masato:Take this!
TopFist:Brother,you'd better not loose!
Masato:King Agito!Attack the fighter!
Agito:Roger that!
Kings Agito:Double attack!
Ion:That's 8 damage!
Yuga:Looking good!Thats the way to do it!
Ranma:No,it's too late.
Haru:Why's that?
Garga:Look at Masato's gauge!
Ion:Whoa!Masato doesn't have a single card in his gauge!
Banjoe:Because if my plunder you have finally hit zero gauge.There's only one thing you can do now.And that would be announcing that your turn is over.So do it already!
Masato:Final phase!
This is sudden but let me explain!This card is thunder dragon tornado

So do it already!Masato:Final phase!This is sudden but let me explain!This card is thunder dragon tornado

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When King Agito is on the field this card can be used with Zero gauge.The card Masato was seeking was this one!Thunder dragon tornado!As a result Masato was finally able to use a impact card!

Masato:I cast!Final phase!Thunder Dragon Tornado!Impact!Thunder Dragon Tornado!
Ion:Game end!Masato Is the victor!
Masato:For share!
Yuga:So that's Masato's impact!
Haru:So cool!
Chu:The first match ends in victory for the ace of sports,chu!

(Y/n POV)
Y/n:so that Masato has a impact now huh?Well that will certainly be something...

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