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(3rd person POV)
You have a message on your phone.Subaru calls you over to Mikono Café.You aske by but he just say "Just get over here".

Subaru:All right,he's coming over.

You arrive
Y/n:Okay,so why am I needed here?
Yuga:We know about what happened.
Y/n:Know what?
Ranma:Your School,Anfeild High.
Y/n:Subaru told you didn't he.
Yuga:Maybe he did.
Ranma:He did.Why don't you want to tell anyone about it?Is it because of your best friend in hospital?
Y/n:It's more than that.
Y/n:One if the people that attacked...was one of my friends...
Y/n:He was apprehended but refuses to tell the police who else took part.
Everyone else in the room is shocked at this piece of information.
Yuga:We...we wanted to give you this.
Y/n:What is it.
Yuga:A ticket back to England during Summer Vacation.
Y/n:Why?There's no point for me to return there.And also where the hell did you get the money.
Yuga:My mom payed for this.She wanted to help as well.
Ranma:C'mon!Just accept it!

This chapter is fairly short and I know that so I'm relaxing another chapter later today.(It's about the ABC Cup Semi Finals is you somehow didn't guess).also this has to the the worst chapter I have ever made

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