Imperial Dragon

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(3rd Person POV)
Teacher:And that's it for class.Please do remember to finish your homework and enjoy your summer vacation.
After that you go to meet up with Yuga and the others
Masato:You're returning to England in a few days right?
Subaru:How long will it be again?
Y/n:I'll be returning about a week before summer vacation ends.

A few days later you're at the airport
Speaker:Flight 231 to Merseyside,England is now boarding
Y/n:Ah,that's my flight.
Attendant:May I see your ticket?
Attendant:Have a good flight!
On the flight you notice a kid staring at you.You ignore it and continue watching PalTube.
Kid:Are you Y/n?
Y/n:Yes?How'd you know?
Kid:I watch the Ran-Ga channel every day!
Y/n:You don't say...It'll devastate him when he finds out about what happens.Best stay quiet.
Kid:My name is Genki!
Y/n:Nice to meet you Genki!
Genki:Why are you going to England?I thought you lived in Japan?
Y/n:Well,I do but I go to school in England.I'm only in Japan for now because if a Transfer.
Genki:Oh.I'm going to England because my dad's a huge Liverpool Fan!
Y/n:You don't say...I'm a Liverpool fan as well!(Sorry Manchester United fans.Actually I'm not)
Genki:I didn't know you watched football!
Y/n:I play football as well.
Genki:Really?I thought you only played buddyfight!
Y/n:More things happen behind the scenes than what you see in the show.
You arrive at the first stop in BeiJing.
Genki:Oh!Im switching flights now!It was nice talking to you bye!
Y/n:Bye!wont be another 50 minutes before the flight takes off again.Guess I'll just go get some food.
You get some food and start eating when you get a message from Yuga. "Ranma just left the Channel."It was something you had expected with what's been going on.
Speaker:Flight 231 to Merseyside,England with a stop at Moscow is now boarding.
This time on the flight goes on without issue and not much interaction.At Moscow the stop lasts about 30 minutes do you just sit at the waiting area

Speaker:zFlight 231 to Merseyside,England is now boarding.
While getting on the flight you notice someone acting suspiciously.Halfway into the flight,some thing happens.
Suspicious man:takes a gun.EVERYBODY DON'T MOVE!he points the gun at the surrounding people causing them to shiver in fear.You remain unfazed however as you had already experienced this.
Y/n:Zuelong,stop this man.
Zuelong:You can count on it.
Man:What was that?
Zuelong appears behind him
Zuelong makes quick work of him as he lies on the floor knocked out.The plane was already in Merseyside so they were able to lan din Liverpool Airport.The man was apprehended by police and you just left not wanting attention.
Y/n:Well,I guess I should flag down a taxi.You flag down a taxi and get to the small apartment you live in before leaving for Japan.
Zuelong:Is this where you lived?
Y/n:Yep,it isn't that big as I lived alone.
Zuelong:I see.
Y/n:I'm going to visit my friend in Hospital,you wanna come?
Zuelong:No,I'm going to stay here
Y/n:Alright,don't make a mess.I'll be back in a hour or two.
You reach the hospital and ask where Aura is.You get directions and go to her ward.
Aura:Y/n!I thought you went to Japan!
Y/n:Well I did but I came back for Summer vacation.
Aura:That's Wonderful!But I'm probably gonna be stuck in hospital the entire time...
Nurse:I don't think so,you'll be discharged tomorrow!
Nurse:Yep!But due to your legs being paralyzed you will need someone to help you.
Aura:Y/n...could you...
Y/n:Well I can for summer vacation but I'm returning to Japan afterwards.
Aura:What if u go back to Japan with you?
Y/n:You lived in Hokkaido,I live in Tokyo.
Aura:That shouldn't be an issue,I can live with you in Tokyo.
Y/n:Fine...I'll be back tomorrow.
Aura:All right,I'll se you tomorrow!

Back in the house.
Y/n:Hey,Zuelong!Zuelong...What is this...
Hey!You're they little yellow dragons buddy right?If you want him back,give us £55k.Or he'll play the price!Find is in the back alley between houses #544 and #545.
Y/n:Do they really think they can just take Zuelong and expect me to pay for him back,heh.They'll suffer.
You find the place they said and walk into the alley
???:Well look who decided to show up!
A figure jumps down with a bag
???:Give is the cash and you'll get your stupid dragon back!
Y/n:I don't have the cash...and is didn't come here to give it to you...
???:Wha-he was cut off by a ball hitting him in the face.
???:Argh!Get him!
More figures appear and begin to attack.

A few minutes later they all lay on the floor passed out
???:A-a-a-alright...y-y-you can have y-your b-b-buddy back just spare me!
You take Zuelong out of the bag and say
Y/n:Your turn.
Zuelong transforms and blasts lightning at him.Not killing or injuring,just knocking him out.
Y/n:Now they're done with,let's go.
Zuelong:You came all this way to get me back...
Y/n:Off course,we're buddies after all.
A bright light appears behind you as a storm suddenly brews,out of the heavy rain and lightning you can see a pair of glowing eyes.Suddenly,two cards appear on your hand.
Y/n:Imperial Storm Dragon,Zuelong...Imperial Legacy(Flag btw)...
The storm is gone and you stand there dumbfounded on what just happened.Zuelong just evolved right in front of your eyes.The Storm is gone as soon as it came.Causing confusion among the civilians.
Woman:The Storm is gone...
Man:What on earth just happened?
Kid:Mom!I saw something glowing in the sun earlier!
Woman:You must be seeing things...

The next day
Aura:Y/n!Did you see the storm yesterday?
Y/n;Yup,I don't know what could've caused it(lies).
Aura:Yeah,it ended as soon as it started...
Nurse:rolling In wheelchair.All right!You're free to go!Be sure to be careful.
Aura:All right!

At home
Y/n:Zuelong,I'm home!
Y/n:Zuelong is my buddy.
Aura:Since when did you start buddyfight?
Y/n:Subaru got me into it after I returned to Japan.
Zuelong:Hey!Who is this?
Y/n:This is my friend Aura.

The rest of summer break goes on without much problem.On the last day,the man that abducted Zuelong finds you and challenges you to a buddyfight for revenge.
???:I'm back!
Y/n:Who are you and how on earth do you know here I live.
???:I'm the man who your buddy struck lightning on.
Y/n:Oh deserved that.
???:I'm back for revenge!I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BUDDYFIGHT!

???:I shall rule the world!Luminize!Terror of England!
Y/n:A storm brews and lightning strikes,Luminize!Storm Dragon!
Both:Raise the flag!
???:Darkness Dragon World!
Y/n:Dragon World!
???:my buddy is Dragon of End,Klasius
Y/n:My buddy is Storm Dragon,Zuelong!
???:Draw,charge and draw.I call Terror Dragon,Sulidod to the center!
Your life goes down to 8
Y/n:Draw,charge and draw.I equip blade of the emperor.I call Lightning dragon Drey and Thunder dragon Kimati the left and right.Kimati attack the center,penetrate.
The center monster is destroyed and the fighter has 8 life left.
Y/n:Drey attack the fighter.And then I'll attack.Ability activates and I can get one Storm Dragon,Zuelong
The enemy's life goes down to 4.
???:I buddy call Dragon Of End,Klasius to the left,I cast Terror and death and gain 4 life back!Dragon of Demise,Delou.Delou destroy Kimati.Klasius destroy Drey.Double attack on the fighter.I cast!Again and again!Klasius can attack again!
You are left in four  health.
Y/n:Draw,charge and draw.Heh.
Y/n;Cover the flag!
Aura:Cover the flag...
Y/n:Imperial Legacy!All cards on my deck and hand evolve!Your back of your cards all change into yellow outlined by gold.I buddy call!Imperial Storm Dragon,Zuelong!Size 10,Power 10,000,defense:10,000,Critical 3,double attack,penetrate.
???:W-What?!Thats unfair!
Y/n:Zuelong,attack the fighter
Zuelong:Gladly.Double attack!
???'s life goes down to 2.
Y/n:now I attack.
???:I cast!Shield of fear!Nullify attack and deal 1 damage to opponent!
Y/n:Final phase!
Y/n:Imperial Storm!Deals the same amount of damage to the opponent as they have dealt.A total of 7 life points.
???:Damn it!Why!THIS IS UNFAIR!
Y/n:C'mon Zuelong,Aura,let's go.
As you wheel Aura on her wheelchair with you,the man keeps yelling about how it was unfair.Promoting Zuelong to knock him out again.Aura and you chuckle at the sight.The both of you return and get to the airport,returning to Japan.

Hey!I know it's been a while,wasn't able to do much due to school.Hope this chapter makes up for it!Also check out anew Minecraft story series is started and have a nice day!

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