The Beautiful Omega pt 1

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Aoi Shouta is known to many people. he is a voice actor, actor, singer, and others. His work is never boring and Shouta always makes something that amazes his fans but, who would have thought that the Aoi Shouta we know, were born as 'Omega'?

However, Shoutan does have a beautiful appearance so he is suitable to be born as 'Omega' however, Shoutan hates himself who is an Omega ...

he hates it when he gets turned on at any moment, or smells a scent that makes his feel carried away

He hate his own ' Heat '

So, he should take the arousal reliever medicine if not, the Alphas around him will very easily recognize him and will attack him.


Now, Shoutan wakes up in the morning ... he wakes up to a small hand tapping his face

he opens his eyes, a little boy's face looks sullen at him... Shouta chuckled, "You have to wake up, it's already morning!

mommy! "

yes. mommy.

Shouta is the mother of the boy. actually ... this is the reason why Shouta hated being born Omega.

He can be fertilized by the alpha
he can give birth

"Okay, okay .. I wake up" said Shouta sitting on his bed, rubbing his eyes and his son jumped onto the bed hugging him with a wide smile.

His son right now, he got it forcibly from Alpha ... when he felt the sensation again and forgot to bring the medicine.

he even forgot the alpha's face that forced him ... but alpha just left him

Several years later, Shoutan gave birth to a child who was the result of this depraved Alpha. he does not care about the father of his child .. the most important thing now is the happiness of his child.

actually Shouta's mother had told him, if he didn't want his child, he could give it to the orphanage, however, Shouta refused.

he wants to save his child because ... it's his child. it's a part of his body, it's born from him .. His next generation

Even Shouta's struggle as the first single parent was not in vain, he managed to raise his child ... he would leave his child to his mother when he had a concert or a hard job.

Shouta's son also get many appearances from him, starting from the eyes, lips, nose, so on

Even when his senpai asked him., Shouta replied that this child was the first child he had.

they already know the truth about Shouta being an Omega they are also annoyed with Alpha forcing Shouta and then leaving him just like that

After Shouta combed his son's hair, he then bowed "I have a hard job as usual, okay, Aki-chan? You already know right?" He said and Aki just frowned. "Come on, you're a good boy right? You're a big boy!"

"But ... are you going home by the hour? Usually you come home late past the scheduled home time!"

"I promise .. ~ believe me this time I'll be home according to the hour, okay?" Akira nodded and he hugged his mother. he loves him as much as Shouta loves him ...

Akira is the reason Shoutan survives in a cruel world, where there are many Alphas scattered

Akira is only 7, and born as an ' Alpha ' instead of Omega just like Shouta: his own mother

Shouta also shocked that Akira born as an ' Alpha ' but, he also happy cause..his little generation is a Dom instead of Sub

There he Fated Pairs! My Omega...

I never thought, he would be my mate.. My dearest partner. He is

The Beautiful Omega

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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