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Two weeks later
Wednesday, 17th July- 2016
Jeanice's POV

It's been two weeks since I last saw Calum at our catastrophe 'date'. It wasn't actually a date, but if it wouldn't have been Calum, it would be a date.

In three days Clary and I will be playing a mini concert in the biggest park in LA. I'm so excited. In a week and a half we are going to realise our new and first album 'The day you left'. Our fans have been telling us how excited they are to. I am glad that I'm not the only one.

I'm nervous though.. Calum made me a wreck for a while, but Clary have been comforting me. It's good to have a friend that really will be there for you. She is dating Ashton .. I think they are a thing now. It doesn't matter to that their dating, I just hope that he wont bring Calum when he is here.

Anyways, today is the day me and Clary are going to get interviewed by Ryan Secrest* on his radio station. It's exciting cause he had invited an other artist. Hope he invited Zac Effron*, My famous crush. What the hell... Haha, you don't even care if it is or not.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Clary. "Hey, it's time to leave!". My black punk purse waited for me on a kitchen chair. I grabbed it and left with Clary to our last radio interview before our concert.


"So, girls... How do you feel about relising your new album 'The day you left'?", Ryan asked us. "To be honest, it's quite funny and exciting. Before I sleep I get some time to think. Like yesterday I was smiling myself to sleep because of the thought of relising 'the day you left'. Sometimes I laugh myself to sleep. I know I sound like a freak, but it's true", I laughed. He and Clary laughed along.

Then he raised his eyebrows. "I'm just saying this, but with the rumours running around the world about you and Calum Hood is there any chance that the song 'Never called again' is about him?", he grinned. I felt a big ball of spitt get stucked in my throat. What am I going to say. I guess I have to tell the truth. "Um... Actually it is, but I prefer not to talk about him or it for the moment.. Kinda personal", I told him and looked down at the table.

After 10 minutes with laughing Clary was   going to get some water, but Ryan stopped her. "Okay, before Clary go and get some water I will just announce that we have a special guest", Ryan screamed with joy. This is it. Any minute now... The door opened and in walked no other than... "What the fuck?", I screamed. No it couldn't be.

"Hey, baby", Ashton said and sat down beside Clary and kisses her. Guess who he brought- CALUM...  SERIOUSLY?!!

Calum sat down beside me and smiled. I didn't reply the smile, though. Ohh, why did he need to come?! This is not happening!

"Hey, guys. It's been a while, huh?", Ryan said. "It's been a while, Ryan", Calum said offering him a smile.

I was feeling quite uncomfortable so I tried to give Clary a 'let's get out of here' look, but she was to busy with Ashton. "So Calum... How do you know Jeanice?", Ryan asked Calum.

Now things couldn't get more worse. I really don't want the others to know. Like this ain't nothing to do with the fans, it's private. I gave Calum a strict glare, bit than again I get ignored

"Yeah okay, um... Jeanice and I used to be very close since we were babies. She lived across the road from my house. We had a secret funny bestfriend relationship", Calum laughed.

A smile appeared on my face.

It was cute that he said that we had a funny bestfriend relationship, but he didn't need to tell our past to the world. I would have liked it if we kept it a secret that we were bestfriends. Cause he is a bit of dissapointment.

"Really, how come that you've never mentioned it before?", Ryan asked us.

"I guess we didn't have to. I never knew that she was famous and I didn't think that she would ever be", Calum laughed. Like.. Did he literally say that.

"Jeanice, you haven't said a word. Are you okay?", Ryan asked.

I nodded, but in reality I wasn't.

"Did you know that she could sing?". Calum was about to open his mouth, but I cut him off cause I knew what he was going to say.

The tension was building inside my head. I could feel my face go red.

"What the hell, Calum. Don't tell him that you knew that I could sing and say that you thought that I would never get famous. Tell him how much you've hurted me, wont you. You knew very well that I could sing. You can't just walk in here and ruin the interview for us and then tell him that you never thought that I would get famous. Guess what?! I've proved you wrong! I'm famous", I screamed in his face. Tears was falling down my cheek. "Jeanice-", I cut him off once more. "Save it, Calum!".

I ran out from the studio. I hope that running out from the studio would get rid of all my problems. My feelings got a bit overwhelming, so I sunk down by the nearest wall and started to cry.

How could he ever say that to me? He used to mean everything to me. I have to get over him for good.

"Jeanice", a familiar voice spoke from my left side. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Calum standing there. He had a sympathetic look all over his face.

"What do you want?", I snapped at him. "I'm really sorry, okay. You know that I didn't mean it that way", He explained.

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Actually Calum, I don't", I said as I burried my head in my knees. I felt him sit down beside me. He wrapped an arm around me, just like old days. We sat there for what felt like hours. I kind of forgot that I was mad at him.

"Calum?", I asked. "Yeah?". "Why didn't you call me after you left Australia?", I asked. He rubbed my back. It felt nice, but then he stopped.

"J-Jeanice, I-I", he stuttered. I felt my stomach drop. I knew it, he didn't want to call me at all. I stood up and looked at Calum with tears filling my eyes once again. "I knew that I wasn't famous enough, Okay. It's alright. You have your needs for famous friends. I get it. I think that I'll just leave", I cried. He was starring at me with his big brown eyes. "Bye Calum", I turned around and walked away.

All I could hear was Calum screaming for me to hear. "Jeanice, let me explain!".

I took a taxi home, cause I didn't bother finishing the interview. Ryan would just ask useless questions. I was stupid though, for sitting with Calum letting him closer to me. "Your stupid", I muttered to myself. He would only make me hurt again.

Right now I was sitting on the couch and thinking, thinking and reflecting over Calum. So many good and bad thoughts running wild in my head - making it hurt so fucking bad. Like why does he keep on doing this to me. I guess I still love him, but I'm not ready to take him back into my life. It sound like we used to date, but you know what I mean. He used to be so carring, then he dropped be and now he is back trying to get all cozy with me. It my fault to, though. I let him comfort me.

Now it's for real. I'm giving two shits about him from now on. This is what I call revenge time.

Tomorrow, I'm going shopping!!


Around 12 Am Clary arrived. I was hanging with my head out of the edge of my bed, following fans on twitter.  Carry's hair was all over her face (messy), her zipper was open and lipstick was smudged everywhere except her lips.  "Clary are you drunk?", I asked her. If she is this will be fun. "Noo, my vagina area hurts like hell", she complained. "Ohh, Ashton got someone  to bed. So what did he give you? Oral? I've heard that drummers do it harder! True?!". "Shut up!!", she slapped me with a pillow and sat down beside me. "Where did youuu go in the middle of the interview after yelling at Calum?". "I ran home", I told her. "Ohh, but you are okay though?". "I more than okay", I laughed giving her a big smile.


I'm planning something that will make Calum go mad (In this history).
I hope that this storry will get better than the others.

Love you guys and btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CALUM

Sorry for all wrong writing!!!

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