1- First letter

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If you see me updating then that means i'm  fixing my errors here LOL (Proofread 5/21/22)

Win's POV

I rushed home after school because I remembered my plan to write my bestie a letter every month.

But, since I forgot, I'm going to do it now. I'll express my apology in my letter later.

As soon as I got home, I started working on my assignment.

I finally finished after a long time of answering. I was lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling for no apparent reason.

"Winwin?" I turn my gaze to the door where the sound came.

"Come down here to eat right now" she continued

"Okay mom! Coming" i replied back

I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the dining room, where I sat in the first available chair.

"So Honey...did you talk too bright?" my mother asked as I munched my supper.

"No, I haven't; I was too occupied; but, I promised him that I would write him a letter every month or more," I said.

"So did you send him a letter?" My father asked.

"nope, but i'm about to so don't worry"

My mother asked, "Oh really? Is Bright coming home btw?"

"I'm not sure mom, maybe yes, maybe no, I'm not sure," I replied. Mom simply nodded.

"Why can't I go to the States with Bright, Mom?"

"I'm sorry, honey, but you can't go right now; however, you might be able to go there soon."


I looked at the time.I go straight to my room after dinner and some chatting.

I checked the time.


What the hell?! How does time fly so rapidly?!

Inside my bag, I found several colorful construction sheets and a black pen.

What color should I choose? Wait... In a letter, does color even matter? I'll go with green because it's his favorite.' 

I sat down at my desk and began writing.

August 10,2020

HELLO, BRIGHT!!! I simply wanted to check in on you in the United States.

Is it as nice as you said it would be? How I hope to visit there as well! But...Mom won't let me go there just yet. I'm writing to you at 12 a.m., HAHA, don't worry, I'm not tired yet; I'm just trying to finish this letter to you. It's been 3 weeks since you moved there, Phee, and I apologize if I just sent you a letter now; but, I guarantee to write you a letter once a month, if not twice a month. Never mind, I'll just write you a letter when I have the opportunity.  I miss you! Did you also miss me? I'm hoping you do! Also, keep in mind And always remember im  here when you need me! Love yaaa

-Your Bestfriend


ill be updating Twice a week

31st Letter II BrightWin(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now