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After we got back home from the cemetery,

I rushed to my room, and wore the bunny costume P'Bright gave me.

I planned to go trick-or-treating.

After dressing up, i quickly ran downstairs and grabbed my little basket.

I was about to twist the door knob when--


i turned my head to the back.

"Oh! Err Hi mom?" I said.

"Where do you think your going?"


My mom just gave me a questioning look.

"im going out to do trick-or-treating" I said while scratching my head.

"Pfft. Trick-or-treating? What are you? A child? C'mon Metawin your a grown up man now stop it" my mom told me while holding a laughter.

"Mom, Please? this will be the last!I promise!"

"Yeah~Yeah, you've been saying those for these past years but guess what? You never stopped.Its a NO Metawin" my mom said to me then goes to kitchen leaving me dumb founded.

I know im too old for those things now but, were not too old to eat candies🤧

November 1,2020

Sawadee Phee! We visited my grandparents in the cemetery today. We also visited your grandma, we lit a candle and brought them flowers too! I really miss them.

Mom stopped me to go trick or treating today, i was so upset. But scratch that! uwu no one's stopping me for having free sweets. So i have a plan :>>

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