3- Birthday

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I came to Pleum's house with my other two friends.

Yes you saw it i only said two, its because its Pleums Birthday! And he stayed in his house the whole day, not even giving a Fvck that he's supposed to be in school today!

Gosh this kid

We head straight to Pleums room, and as we arrive i was about to knock when the door suddenly opened revealing a half naked girl rushing outside.

"woah woah woah! What was that?" Khaotung asked

"Non of your bussines folks! Now let go down stairs" Pleum replied

"Eyy Pleum? Do you have any green paper here that i can write on?" I asked.

"Oh just find some in that drawer" he said while pointing at the drawer beside his bed.

I quickly grab some green paper and also a pen then headed down stairs.

I sat infront of their dining table and started writing while they prepare for the party.

When suddenly JJ sat beside me.

"Ai'Win, who are you sending those letters? I see you write in a green paper like each month? Are you confessing on someone? Or smthn?" He asked

"Lemme answer those questions, first of all i am not c o n f e s s i n g, second of all i am writing this for my besfriend Bright since i promised him and third of all its his favorite color so yeahHhH" i answered.

"You keep on writing, does he even send you a letter back?" He asked.

I was there frozen

Hes right he havent send me back a letter even once. Does he even miss me?

I shrugged those thoughts when the food was being served at the table.

I saw Pleum and Khaotung making their way to us so i immediately finished the letter so we can enjoy the party.

September 13,2020

Aye Phee! How are you? Its been a month and i miss you alreadyyyy. Are you coming back Phee? Btw its Pleums Birthday today! Were celebrating it in hia house ofcours. Wished you were here with us celebrating. I have to go Phee im hungry, i cant stand to stare at this amazing food infront of me while im writing. Miss ya and remember i love you Phee

-Your Bestfriend


Ill be upating twice or thrice a week

31st Letter II BrightWin(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now