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"Ai'Win! whats taking you so long? Were almost late!" Khao shouted through the door.

You guys might be wondering like (or maybe not)

      'LaTe in WhAt?'   👁👄👁

Well, we-,when i say we, i meant me,Khaotung, Jj and pleum planned to go to the movies today.

"Coming! Just a minuit" I replied back.

~30 minuits LAtEr~


"Ai'Win!" Jj said while banging the door.

"When the heck did 'just a minuite' turn into 30 minuits?!" Pleum said as he rolled his eyes.

i rolled my eyes as i opened the door, and three pairs of eyes glaring at me.

"OH HELL, don't you roll your eyes at like that, we're so damn late in the goddamn movie you little--"

Before he finish what he's about to say. I dragged my three friends out of my house.

"So... where's the taxi?" I asked JJ

"Why are you asking me? Ask Khaotung!"

"Me?" Khaotung asked pointing at himself.

I facepalmed my self.

"YAH JJ!  i told you to find a Taxi earlier," Pleum said

"YAHYAH! don't blame me, you know i'm a forgetful BiJj, you didn't even remind me!" JJ fires back.

"Alright Alright!" I butted in. "Let's just walk before you two cause a scene"

"Yeah we walk and when we arrive the movie has ended" Khaotung said and rolled his eyes.

(Idk why i always let em roll their eyes like some atittude BiTch peace for the cuss tho xD)

"Well, we can just go the arcade"

And We walk, Just like a normal day. Wild talks, Crazy Remarks Them Checking out girls. Let's just say it's Chaotic

We're almost at the mall. When the rain suddenly poured hard. making us soaked in Rain very quickly.

"LET'S HEAD THERE!" i shouted pointing at other direction.

as we ran to the direction i pointed, i realized that we're heading in the direction near Bright's House!

"Guys! P'Bright's house is just near! Let's go and stay there till the rain stops." I said and they followed me.

We stopped at a three story house.

We head to the door and grab the key that is always hidden in hanging plant.

I opened the door and went in.

"damn, These house is dusty! I should clean."

"Oh and Help me you three!"

"We came here to dry and rest our selves, not to be a house cleaner" Pleum Complained.

"C'mon! it will be finished more faster"

They just let out a heavy breath and started cleaning.

While they clean, i head upstairs to Bright's room, i have decided to clean his room first.

And i was shocked when i entered the room.


'Wadee Phee, How are you?
We planned to go the movies today but the strong rain poured right  before we can reach the mall.

Since we're soaked in the rain, your house was the best option to go to since it's near.

Uhh btw in your room. Why is your wall's full of my goddamn picture?

-Win Metawin

SOOOOO YEAH . LOL heres a chapter for you all. I'll be updating Soon too since you've motivated me AAAAAA UWU UWU.

please wait for me T^T hope you still read this book.

Sorry for not updating since November XD  but i'll continue it noW ^3^

31st Letter II BrightWin(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now