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I scribble my pen boredly on a messy paper.

When does this class ends?! Its sooooo Boring.

I raised my hand

"Yes, Metawin? Do you have any question?" The teacher asked

"Uhh actually no maam, uhm may i go to the restro---"


I didnt have the chance to finish ny sentence as my phone rings.

'Unknown number'

Actually we have a rule in class.

When your phone suddenly rangs between classes you have to answer it with SPEAKER on, infront of the class

I bowed infront of everyone and answered the call with speaker on.

"Uhh good morning is this caller Mr.Win Metawin?"

"Uh yes khrub, may i know who the caller is please?"

"This is Chermon Plakaph, From Bangkok hospital."

"Uhhh how may i help you mister?"

"Mr. Metawin, how are you related to Mr. Ricko and Mrs. Apphie Opas-iamkajorn?"

"Oh actually theyre my parents. Whats the problem mister?"

"The thing is..."


I busted out of the classroom and ran to the Hospital while bursting into tears.

"T-the room of the Opas-iamkajorn
p-please" i talked between my soba

"Room 149"

I bowed as sign of respect and find the room where my parents is.

As i reach to the room, i saw a figure of a boy.

"P'Type?" I asked

"N'WIN!, OMG i missed you so much. I was supposed to surprise you when i get home but... mom and dad got into a car crash when they came to get me" my brother explained and burst into tears

"Im so sorry Nong, i. Should've just come Home by my self and this would'nt have happened" he continued

"No Phee, its not your fault please dont blame your self" i said while in tears.

After a little talk i excused my self to write a letter.

Im sure bright needs to know this.

September 24,2020

Phee! My mom and dad got into a car crash! Im waiting outside in their hospital room. I always bring a paper with me so i can write you a letter anytime. They got into an accident when they came to get my bro in the airport. Its all my fault! If i was there maybe i could have noticed the truck that was going to hit them, maybe they could've avoid it to happen. I hate school! I hate my self! But its nice having my brother back after 6 Years. Im happy and sad at the same time. Wish your here by my side Phee. Miss you Phee... love you!

-Your Bestfriend

Well be updating twice or thrice a week

31st Letter II BrightWin(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now