Chapter 3

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<Foxy >

Once we get outside we see two people standing panting at the entrance. They see us and collect themselves, walking over to us with pride.
"You're the twins?" I ask them.
They look at me strange.
"You fucking know me" I growl.
Marionettes eyes widen, mouthing quiet. "I dont know you?" Puppet asks.
Vincent coughs loudly, and claps his hands once, "right! Time for training" he says.
We follow the twins to the back of the school, where a huge clearing rests. I cant help but snack little glances at Bonnie. Why do I do these things to myself? What have I learned about love? My mother loved dad for five years. They got married and two years later they divorced. I was 14. Those were the bad days. Every night dad would come home early home after a long night of drinking, and I woke up to them fighting. I would always run to close and lock my door, not wanting to get hurt.
A year later i was sent to public school after being homeschooled. I started dating this wonderful boy. Everytime i was near him it felt like my heart would pop out of my chest, i could hear my blood rushing in my ears, and I would turn a deep tomato red. Everytime he kissed me i stopped breathing for a few seconds.
We broke up, because his family moved to Texas, and he was having a hard time.
"Foxy, would you like to go first?" Puppet voice brings me back to the present.
I gasp, "what?" I ask.
"Would you like to test out your element first?" Puppet asks, giving me a warning look.
I gulp, but keep my cool. I hope I can keep my elements down.
I was 16 when I found out I had all the elements.
On my way up Puppet grabs my bicep, and says in a voice low enough for just me to hear, "Vincent told me he changed his mind about keeping it a secret. He wants to see all your capable of, so don't disappoint" I look to Vincent for reassurance, and he gives a tight nod.
He let's go of me and I continue my short walk to the front. Puppet stands to the side next to Vincent, and they watch me with intense looks on their faces.
I take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. I reach out my hand, dragging it over the ground, leaving a small trail of fire. I drag my hand up, switching from fire and shooting out a stream of water that gets thicker as I bring my hand up. Through my other hand, my fingertips light up, and I shoot light into the sky. I add some air, and it turns into fireworks, black against the afternoon sky.
I combine all four elements, creating a thing of wonder. Even I dont know what to call it.
"Great. Now get destructive" Puppet growls.
My eyes widen, but I nod. The air I create picks me up, and plops me in the middle of the clearing. I close my hands, inhale deeply, and blow out with all my might, fire shooting out of my mouth. I hear it blast in a large circle around me, the wind shooting from my fingertips spreading it. With my other hand, I create a watery monster. It attacks a nearby log, quickly devouring it and spitting it out. I open my eyes, light beaming out of it and blinding everyone.
"Enough!" I hear Puppets sharp voice pierce the air.
I close my eyes and open them again, fire is rapidly spreading and getting too close to the school.
Suddenly Bonnie scrambles to the front of the crowd, "Foxy look out!" He shrieks.
I turn around slowly, a huge shadow hovering over me.
"You" a deep voice says. The shadowing monster points a clawed finger at me, poking my chest.
"FOXY!" Bonnie screams.
And I black out.

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