Chapter 13

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The last bell of the day goes off, and I pump my fists in the air energetically. During last period we had some weird ass dude who was apparently The Twins cousin. Who cares right now?
I blow my hair out of my eyes, sprinting out of class toward my locker. I just got the brightest idea! I get my book bag and books, slamming my locker door shut.
"Hi Bonnie" Foxy says.
"I got a bright idea!" I say, not even jumping, "you're almost healed right?" Foxy nods, "so I can heal you!" I squeal like his sisters.
"And why would we need to do that?" Foxy asks.
I wink at him as we exit the school.
"Wait- no wait- THIS EARLY" Foxy gasps, covering his mouth. His eyes gleam mischievously.
"Hey guys mind if I hang out with you all?" Roxanne asks suddenly.
"Um...why?" I ask, licking my lips, thinking about tonight.
"Um, I just want to make friends with you two" she says.
"Why not hangout with Ricky?" I ask.
"Hes busy with Springtrap tonight. I think their watching anime but I'm not much of a weeb soooo"
"Me and Foxy are busy tonight" I say.
"Oh. Tomorrow?" She asks.
I shrug, and me and Foxy leave her standing there.
"I feel kinds rude now..." Foxy says.
I slap him, "shut up".

Warning: smut incoming soon. Brace yourselves.

Me and Foxy arrive at my place, breathing sighs of relief each.
"So healing or naw?" I ask.
"So healing then" I say, "in tired of having to fend for you even though it's already been a day but Freddy is sus" shut the fuck up Bonnie you're not playing Among Us!
I finish healing Foxy, and I help him stand up. He trips and falls, not being used to walking it's been a week.
"You're fine. I've been practicing so using my power doesnt take away much from me" I wink at him.
Suddenly he kisses me, pushing me into my bedroom. He takes me surprised but I continue on kissing him. I feel saliva drip down my chin, but I ignore it. Foxy pushes me onto the bed, and I laugh, stopping our makeout session.
"Do you really think I'm a bottom?" I ask him, not being able to stop smiling.
He nods.
"You thought wrong" I smirk, and im suddenly on top of him, making him blush furiously. "Is something wrong, babe" I chuckle, making him even more red. Redder than me, if that's even a word.
I start kissing him again, stripping him of his shirt and pants, for some reason he doesnt have socks on so I dont have to worry about that. I stop to take off my clothing, leaving my underwear so we're both in must our boxers.
Foxy stares at my body, flushing.
"FUCK" he hides his face.
"You like what you see?" I ask, laughing at him because hes so fucking cute.
"I was supposed to be top! I acted like a top this whole time believing I was! Fuck you!" He says.
"Only if you do it" I wink, making Foxy gasp cutely.
I take off my boxers and take off his. Foxy refuses to look, currently.
"Are you a virgin!" I gasp.
He nods furiously.
"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" He squeaks.
"My cute baby virgin boy" I ruffle his hair, getting on top of him.
He grunts when I roughly put my dick in his ass...

Smut ends here.

The next day...

I hear my alarm go off in the morning and I really dont wanna go to schook today.
"Honey sweetie, are you getting up?" My mom calls from the kitchen upstairs.
I snooze my alarm, rolling over and closing my eyes.
Suddenly my mom enters my room, I can tell by her footsteps.
"Sweetie, you have to go today. You have the physical test today" mom says softly.
"YES!" I yelp excitedly, getting ready. Imma scare everyone away.

Some minutes later I'm immediately out the door, ignoring the bus and running toward the school, using my element to boost me.
Suddenly I run into someone who's hard as rock. I look up, to find myself staring up at Lefty.
He smiles evilly ," well well well, what do we have here?" He asks.
"W-we?" I stammer, but no because I'm scared. Look at this man! Hes hot as fuck!
"We, as in me, Fredrick, and Scraptrap" two people come out from behind him.
I gulp. Fredrick isnt really known around here, hes not that famous because he doesnf have many history with people here, but I do. His element is fire, and his signature move is hellflame.

Hellflame is a super move where the user can create a crazy fire tornado that goes everywhere, it can be directed but is very hard to control. The flame can kill you or seriously injure you.

"You cant be serious" I say, taking off. Lefty takes off after me, and I realize I dotn know what Scraptraps element is.

"Get back here, Scraptrap" Lefty yells.

I look back at everyone, frightened. Lefty is carrying his friends, and i gulp in fear. I land in an alleyway, dialling 911.

"What are you doing with that phone?" Fredrick asks, slapping it out of my hand.

My phone falls, shattering on the ground and I black out.

I wake up to the sound of machines beeping. My eyes blink open, and i try moving my arms to shield my eyes from the bright fluroescent lights shining above me. But my arms are stuck in place. I feel them beside my sides.

 I instead, listen to the sounds going on around me. I hear some faint music in the background. I hear footsteps all around me, confusing me. I hear some faint sobbing, and people blowing their noses.

If i listen extremely close, I can hear the noise of more beeping machines and a faint chatter.

I can see an IV bag and a black screen with an abnormal green line that creates mountains. I can conclude I'm in the hostpital, but why?

"I'm so sorry Foxy! I didn't realize that my powers were going to backfire" I hear a familiar voice sob.

"It's fine, Bonnie" I recognize those voices.

My brother, Bonnie, and his boyfriend, Foxy are in the hospital. I wonder what happened.

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