Chapter 5

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School comes to an end on the first day and I pump my fists in the air, I thought we would be doing more combat training. Instead the day was filled with reading and doing work like a normal school.
After training this morning Foxy was taken to his place to pack his bags and then went straight to the Twins' mansion. Lucky him.
Right now? I have to go to my home and babysit my little brother.
"Bonnie!" BonBon shrieks when he hears me turn the key in the door lock.
"Hey hey little bro" I say, clicking the door shut behind me.
Suddenly BonBon jumps on me, and I sway, almost bumping into the couch.
"Woah! Can i take my backpack off first?" I ask him, laughing.
"Oh yeah ok sorry" he says, jumping off.
"Hyper today, arent you?" I ask him.
He nods eagerly, "mommy said I can go to Plushtraps house today when she gets home!" He yelps.
"Ok! Wheres Bonette? Is she coming too?" I ask.
BonBon shakes his head, "no Bonette went to BB's house" BonBon says.
"With mom?" I ask.
He shakes his head, "no not with mummy".
"What did mom say about this?" I ask, furrowing my brows.
"Bonette didnt tell Mommy" BonBon says.
I groan, slouching down, "let's go get her then" I say.
We exit the house together and I lock the door behind us. Bonette is only 8 and is already acting like she owns the neighborhood. BonBon is 5 and basically is super hyper all the time and jumps on everyone.
We walk down the street toward the vibrant colorful house that's BB's. Balloons are tied to the mailbox, and I sign beneath says free balloons!
We head up the pavement leading to the front door and knock three times. When nobody comes to open the door I peer through the window, it's completely empty.
"Bonnie?" BonBon asks, concerned.
"Its fine." I say, whipping out my cell and calling Bonettes number.
"Hello its Bonette! Little pink bunny! I'm currently busy right now, so please! Call later!" I groan, hanging up and calling mom instead.
"Hello?" She answers after the first ring.
"Wheres Bonette?" I ask her.
"Is she not at BBs house?" She asks.
"No" I say, an urgent tone to my voice. "Nobody is home. I tried calling Bonette, but it left me on voicemail." I say, panicking.
"Calm down, I'll call BBs mom and call you after. Just go home right now and take care of my Blue for me please" mom says, hanging up.
"Bonnie is something wrong?" My little brother asks.
"Yes, everything is fine. We just have to run from dinosaurs right now. Cmon let's go!" I yelp, picking him up and running with him.
I fiddle with the key and burst through the door, BonBon resting on my shoulders.
"Bonette?!" I shriek, making BonBon jerk up and almost hit his head on the doorframe.
I burst into her second story bedroom to find the window open. Curtains are fluttering, papers are scattered everywhere, blood is puddled on the floor, "domt look. Dinosaurs dont like being looked at" I say.
He nods, grasping my hand. Suddenly mom pulls into the driveway. She rushes upstairs, we communicate silently, and she nods. She takes BonBon and immediately drives away.

The next day...

I wake up from falling asleep on the couch. I check my phone, which is plugged in on the coffee table, shit. I forgot to set my alarm. I'm fucking late for school!
I scream, getting up, getting my backpack and shoving my phone in my pocket, skipping breakfast. I run all the way to school, heaving.
"Bonnie? I thought I told you to rest" Foxy says, yellow eyes glowing.
I shake my head, "I cant rest. I've been up all night finding clues towards my sisters murderer" I spit on the ground, wiping an incoming tear from my eye.
Foxy gasps.
"Whatever, it's not as serious as whatever the fuck is happening with your family" I say, waving him off and walking away, head down.

I reach out to Bonnie, watching him go sadly. I wish I could do something to help him, but the twins have been making me work my ass off lately.
"Hi Foxy!" A loud voice speaks behind me, making me jump.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Oops sorry" the girl giggles. She has glowing yellow eyes like me, white hair with pink highlights, a white hoodie with a pink heart, and a white ruffle skirt that goes to her knees. "I dont think we properly met. I'm Mangle!" She offers me her hand, in which I just stare at.
After a few minutes she takes her hand away, but her eyes are still as bright as always.
"I um...I've kinda been stalking your instagram for a while..." she says shyly. She glances toward a blonde, who nods encouragingly. She turns back to me, "I um...." she suddenly reaches for my hands "it's cool. Your hands. You have black nail polish on and rings and bracelets" she stutters. I look up to find her blushing. I notice she has a hint of blush on, mascara, and some eyeliner, and soft pink lipstick, she has black hearts drawn under her eyes.
"What's under your eye?" I ask, "and thanks" I add quickly.
"Oh uh...a heart. I'm EGirl." She blinks up at me.
"Cool. I um, support alt fashion" I say awkwardly. I never really talk to girls so I dont know how...
Mangle clears her throat, "I was wondering if you um... wanted to come over after school today?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah! Of course I'd love to!" I say, gaining a spurt of confidence. Shes really cute, flustered when she talks to me even though I dont know how to talk to girls. And I love her style.


The final bell of the day rings and I stay behind, slowly packing my things into my bag. I notice Bonnie also stays behind. His bunny ears twitch to the sound of me moving. He has his sketch pad out and he glances at me every so often.
At the front of the class, the teacher ruffles papers around, types something on his computer before packing up and leaving the classroom, tossing me to key, winking at me.
I roll my eyes.
Suddenly Bonnie gets up and comes over to me, "I um... I know I'm good at drawing but I couldnt help myself..." he says shyly, giving me a pencil sketch of my face.
I stare at it, feeling blood rush to my face. "This is amazing Bonnie!" I gasp.
I see Bonnie move in my peripheral vision, "phew. Thank god, I thought you hated it" he says. "You can keep it if you want?" Bonnie says awkwardly.
"I- are you sure?" I ask, "I'd rather you clip this to your fridge and..."

Her screams could be heard as I stab her stomach, pinning her to the wall. "Fuck with my family again, I dare you" I rasp, coughing blood onto her face...

My eyes open again, and I stare at myself, a pool of blood shining before me. Did I cough that up?

I hear her sobs ring through the empty house. I take the knife out of her stomach and she falls to the ground. I try picking her up, but she scrambles so I drag her across the floor, throwing her out of the window.

That's where Bonette lies, dead right now.
My eyes open, and tears fall down my face, IM A MONSTER, BONNIE! I KILLED HER" I sob.

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