Chapter 1

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Reader P.O.V.
  It was Thursday morning and you had to go visit your uncle in Montana. You didn't really want to go because growing up he wasn't exactly a good uncle, he would always hit you. But you had to put that behind you because your new baby cousin was just born and he asked you to come over and visit.
  It felt weird being in Montana because you've never been there, sure you're a country girl and all but never lived on a ranch or had a lot of land. "I got this, I'm going to be fine, it's only going to be a couple of days" you tell yourself.
   Once you arrived he came out and greeted you like nothing ever happened, "Y/N it's so good to see you again, I'm sorry for everything I hope we can make amends and put it all behind us". You were utterly confused by this but none the less you told him "of course we can just please don't ever talk about it again, it's something I will not like to remember"
    "Y/N can you go to the market and get some groceries for us? I'll give you the money, we just need some food for later" your uncle asked you and even though you didn't want to go do things for them you said "sure". On your way to the store there was a lot of traffic, which was surprising to you because you figured there wasn't a lot of cars. As soon as you got out of the store two men walked up to you, you were scared so you started walking faster. You made it to the backseat of your truck and opened the door to put the things inside but the two men grabbed you from behind. One man started going through your purse saying "you look like your made of money, so where the hell is all your money?!!!!" The guys holding you started kissing your neck, you tried so hard to get out of his grasp but it didn't work.
    You were able to kick him and you tried to run off but he grabbed you and pushed you on the floor; he started punching you and kicking you. He said to you "I didn't think you would be a feisty one, I like it. What do you say we go back to my place so I can show you whose in charge. You tried fighting him but his friend came over and kicked you in the face. "That's what you get bitch, for not giving us what we want".
    All of a sudden you hear someone clear their throat. Both men look back and see a guy with a jacket that has a Y on it, you were confused on why it had that. Someone started speaking so you had to pay attention. "What are you two doing?" Said the guy, both men looked at him and started laughing. They said what's your name boy?" He replied simply by saying "Ryan". "Now I asked to two what the hell you were doing?"
   One guy replied, "well our names are Jake and Paul. And well we wanted money and she looked like she is made of money" "What the fuck!!!! You don't fucking tell people what we are actually doin!!! You idiot!!!
    Ryan started walking closer and punched Paul off of you, he pushed Jake on the floor. He ran to to you and picked you up. "Are you okay?" He asked, you couldn't really form words because of two reasons, one you were still so scared from what happened, and two he had the most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen. The only thing you could do was move your head, so you shook it side to side indicated that you weren't okay. He pulled you in and gave you a hug.
     He asked you which truck was yours and you pointed the the black one. "That is a beauty right there" he said while winking at you. You blushed while putting your head down. He helped you to the passenger seat and he got in the drivers seat. "So beautiful, where am I taking you?" You gave him the directions to your uncle's house, and all you could think about was that if you hadn't come you wouldn't have gotten beat up, but then again you wouldn't have met Ryan. You smiled to yourself thinking about it.
    What you didn't know is that Ryan was staring at you a lot, he was so mesmerized by you. He couldn't explain it. You had just arrived at your uncle's house and Ryan ran over to your door so he could open it. You were grateful as he helped you out of the truck. Then you started wondering how he was going to get back home. "Ryan how will you get home? You know what let me drive you" he cut off your rambling by giving you a kiss on the cheek, "don't worry sweetheart I'll have somebody go get my truck and pick me up" you wouldn't mind me waiting here with you right?" You responded almost right away "of course not I couldn't be more happy"

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