First Day *edited*

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"Dan! You're going to be late!" A woman yelled. She was skinny, and tall. She was very beautiful for her age, with long brown hair, always in a bun, and chocolate brown eyes.

The boy, Dan, was sitting in front of his mirror. It was one of the few luxury’s he had. Dan was also tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black shirt, with his father’s leather jacket over it.

He was very handsome. Or, at least, he would be. If it weren't for the emptiness in his eyes, and the dark circles that went with them.

Then, there were the things that no-one saw. The cuts that littered his legs.

Some people thought cutting was something you do to get attention. It’s not. When you don't feel anything, and the nightmares just become emptiness. 

Pain, is a very welcomed feeling. But, it gets addictive.

Dan stared at himself and felt disgusted.  He was a mistake.  A freak.

“Dannie!” his mother called, breaking him out of his thoughts.  He sighed and stood up, grabbing his backpack and walking out of his room.  He looked around the small house.  It consisted of one bedroom, his mom’s, one bathroom, which they shared, the living room, in which hung a curtain dividing the dining room and his room and finally the kitchen which barely had room to fit one.  It wasn’t much, but it was home.  He walked outside to his mom’s old car.

“Sorry…” he mumbled, climbing in.  His mother sighed, starting the car.

“Wish you would wear something brighter.  And maybe smile; it’s the first day of year 11.” She smiled, but remained focused on the road.  Dan put on an obviously fake smile.

“Yeah, year 11... Just another year of the same idiots.” He stared out the window.”

“Hey, I pay good money for you to go to school with those idiots.” She paused, “Come on Dan, school isn’t that bad.” Dan held back a melancholy chuckle.  His mother tried to understand, she really did, but she just couldn’t.

They pulled up to the school, Manchester High, and parked the car, they just made the bell,

“Have fun today, make friends.”  His mother’s words were full of hope.  Dan just nodded and climbed out.  “I love you,” she called out.  Dan half murmured back to her and walked into the school.  There were still people scurrying, trying to get to class, but he took his time.  All of the teachers he had ever had gave up on expecting him to be on time.

He walked to his locker and opened it.  It had a few things in it.  Books and a few stray notes from last year.  He let himself smile for the first time in a while.  Academics were his escape.  He loved learning and was in all the advanced classes.  At any given moment, he would have the maximum amount of books checked out from the library.

He let out a soft sigh.  The second bell rang as he grabbed his English book and started towards the class; AP English 4, which doubled as CP Fiction Writing 3.  He walked into the class, hoping to go unnoticed, but failed.

“Are you a part of this class?”  The teacher asked.  He had a very intimidating air about him.  Dan swallowed.

“Y-yes…” he stuttered.

“Good.  Then, since you have decided to finally grace us with your presence, you can get us started.” He said in a dark, menacing tone.  Dan shrunk back.

“S-start?” He didn’t like the sound of that.  The rest of the class started to snicker.

“Yes.  Start.  Tell us your name and read us a piece of your work.”  Dan paled.  His work wasn’t something he shared.  But, he nodded and moved to the front of the class.  He fumbled with his papers and grabbed one.

“Um… I-I’m Dan Howell-”

“-Howell?  What kind of name is that?”  A guy called from the back of the class.”  Dan swallowed again.

“A-and this is c-called Empty…”  A few people laughed, but one didn’t and caught Dan’s eye.  He was Phil Lester.  Dan cleared his throat to speak.  “I watched you for years, you were so full of life.  You laughed and smiled.  But then he was taken from us.  It was an accident, I promise she know it was and so do I.  But you wouldn’t accept that.  I watched you for months.  You were dying inside.  You cried and you screamed.  You couldn’t take it.  I watched you that day.  You were calm.  You told me to smile, that it would be okay.  You left us that day.  You took everything with you.  Now I’m empty, and I wish I could follow you.”  Dan went silent, he was shaking.  Everyone was quiet until one boy spoke.

“He’s not just a freak, he’s a suicidal freak!”  The class burst into laughter.  Dan paled to the core.  This couldn’t be happening. Tears welled up at the corners of his eyes.  No.  He wouldn’t cry here.  He wouldn’t.

He slowly turned then tore off; racing out of the classroom and down the hallway.


I'm not going to change this into first person because it would take a while. Just letting everyone know that the rest of the story will be in first person ^.^

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