The Exchange

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"De', me & 'bozzo are bored~" the dark purple-themed side told the other, who was sitting on the couch with Robozzo flopping onto it beside him, "Is there anything we can do~?"
Deceit stayed silent for a moment before responding, "I don't have an idea."
The half-snake faced side got up onto his feet and walked towards a dark brown wooden shelf that was around the height of the yellow-themed personas neck, leaning down so that his eyes were at level with the second plank which had a metal box on top of it with some books surrounding it.
"Let's make something." Deceit spoke up, whilst holding the silver rectangular prism in his gloved hands - walking towards the other sides who were sitting on the carpeted floors of the dark mind-scape.
"What's in there?" Virgil asked, Robozzo sitting next to him as the yellow-themed persona sat down & opened the box to reveal a bunch of fabrics of all different shades & colours.
"Virgil, could you grab your spare hoodie from the cupboard?" Deceit asked, the other nodding before getting off of his knees and approaching the closet that stood behind one end of the couch.
"What are we gonna do with the fabrics & Virgie's hoodie brother?" the orange-themed side asked as the emo returned with a black jacket similar to the one he was wearing currently.
"We are going to add some fabrics to it by stitching them on," Deceit answered the others question, as he pulled out a small roll of white thread, "It can be like a sign of our friendship."
The pair in front of the half-snake smiled, but little did they know that it may be the last time that they smile like that - together.

~ A Few Days Later ~

Deceit placed his black hat onto his head before turning around to face the door of his room - which had yellow-to-green gradient walls on each side.
The half-snake faced persona walked into the hallway & closed the door behind him, he could hear the other sides chatting in the living room at one end of the hall - but that was not where he was going.
The yellow-themed persona turned to his left and began to walk down the hallway towards a familiar black & wooden door.
The chatter that Deceit could hear from far behind him began to fade as he closed another door behind himself, approaching the place in which he'd sunk down through a few days prior.

"Ah!" a male dressed with green ascents yelped in fright, jumping backwards as the half-snake persona approached him unexpectedly.
"You must be not be one of the creativity twins, I'm not Deceit." the older one spoke, reaching him gloved-hand out to the side which stood in the spot that he'd been approaching.
"R-emus... Do you lie a lot?" the other shook the yellow-themed sides hand reluctantly, stuttering a bit.
"No, I do not speak in lies most of the time." the half-snake faced persona replied, retracting his hand as he looked down at one of the creativity twins.
"Why did Morality send me here?" the younger asked, looking down at his bright green sash that was tied around his waist -  a knot tied to the left-side of the fabric which let half of it drape down to his knees.
"He did not send you here to become, what he calls, 'dark sides'." Janus answered, turning around with his back facing Remus - his head turned to the left by 90 degrees as he looked down at the duke, "I will not take you inside, do not follow me."

The pair walked through the black door & into the hall un-noticed by the other pair that were now sitting on the slightly 'old' couch in the living room looking at their friend straight in the yellow-eye.
"De', who's that guy?" the purple-themed side asked curiously, the orange one getting off of the couch - the emo copying him.
"That is not important right now," Janus spoke, he could feel his heart drop with the words that came out of his mouth next, "'bozzo, get your things & go through the door at the end of the hall - you are going to the light sides."
Virgils eyes were open wide in shock at what his friend had just said, Robozzo's pupils turning into orange sad faces.
"W-why?" dark energy queried, "Why?"
Janus looked at his brother blankly, "For Thomas."

The orange side felt like crying, screaming, shouting, fighting, all of that stuff - but he just stood there without speaking, but instead thinking, "Why is Janus sending me to the light sides? Did I do something wrong? Was it because I was with Remus? Will I come back? What will Virgil do? Will Remus replaced me? Wait... stop Robozzo, you are not a child anymore. You are one of the eldest sides, if Janus wants me to go for Thomas - them I'll go. I don't want to hurt them by shouting or anything like that... it hurts to harm them, it hurts to see what happens when I take charge. Thomas got in trouble because of me, my actions, my emotions. Emotions.... emotions.... that doesn't seem right, emotions make no sense. Why have something that makes no sense, right?! I'm going crazy, because of emotions! Ha! If I get rid of them, then I won't hurt anyone!"

Robozzo closed his eyes & stood there for about half a minute before walking past Janus, waving his hand into the air which summoned an black average-sized backpack.
"R-robozzo... wh-what are y-ou doing?" Virgil stuttered, a tear falling down his cheek which turned his eye-shadow into liquid - the orange-themed side staying silent as he opened the black door at the end of the hallway, "'bozzo..?"
The other closed the door behind him, not making a single sound - Remus & Janus standing at the other end of the hall which connected to the main room.

The purple-themed side just looked at Deceit with a mixture of emotions radiating from his skin - sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, somewhat heart-broken, "Why did you make him leave?"
The yellow-themed side just looked at the other blankly, "For Thomas."
The creative persona in the dark mind-scape just stood there, slightly confused at what he'd just witnessed.
"For Thomas..." paranoia whispered to himself, before raising his head again, "FOR THOMAS?! Is that your excuse for literally kicking your own brother out of here?!"
The half-snake side didn't say a word, just nodding slightly with his eyes fixed on Remus.
"Wow~! You know that was so stupid, right?!" Virgil spoke with a sarcastic tone in his voice, his hands waving around in the air as he rolled his eyes - Janus doing nothing besides breathing, "You're stupid as heck!"
The green-themed side stepped back, unaware of what exactly was happening - after all, he'd only just met the pair that day about a few minutes ago.
"Go to your room Virgil." Deceit spoke, trying to hide all of his emotions, "I know you are upset, but we will talk about this tomorrow."
"TOMORROW?!" the purple persona exclaimed, "You bring some random side here, kick out your brother and expect me to wait for like twelve hours?! You stupid snake-face."

"What did you not call me?" Janus asked from under his breath, approaching Virgil slowly, "What-did-you-not-CALL ME?!"
"A STUPID SNAKE FACE, since that's what you are. A stupid, dumb, cursed snake face!" paranoia replied loudly.
The yellow-themed side was silent, the room was silent - everything around the three was silent for the next few minutes, before one of them spoke up;
"Don't raise your voice at me like that AGAIN!"
Suddenly, Janus's left arm was crossed over his right shoulder - a red mark on the hoodie-wearing side's face, his make-up rubbed all over it.
Deceit was practically a statue for a solid half-a-minute before he turned around and swiftly paced over to his room - slamming the yellow door behind him.
"Um... are you okay?" the green-themed side spoke up, walking towards Virgil slowly as to not scare him.
"Yeah..." the other replied quietly, "Who are you?"
"Remus, one of the creativity twins - you are?" Remus spoke up, placing his hand out in front of himself.
"Paranoia..." the emo whispered just loudly enough for the duke to hear, taking the hand that he'd held out whilst looking over Remus's shoulder into the hallway.

The yellow door was locked shut, the purple one in the same condition - however, something was different.
The orange hue to the last door began to fade away, before being replaced by a green tone that matched the boy's sash.
Remus looked in the direction which Virgil was staring in - noticing the door fade between colours before turning back to the emo in black & purple accessories.
Suddenly, he jumped onto Virgil, his arms wrapped tightly around his top-torso area as he spoke into his left ear, "Don't worry, your friend will be safe - I promise."
The purple-themed persona hugged the duke lightly (who's clothes were turning darker by the minute), closing his eyes and smiling to himself silently, "I hope you are safe, Robozzo."

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