Chapter 5

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Clara woke up with red eyes. She had been crying a lot the night before. It was thursday. That meant school. 'Anything but school please' She thought, but she had no option. She got dressed and went to School. Clara always got really early to school so she just hung out on snapchat, e mail and stuff. Snapchats: Just a few of her friends supporting her about the break up. They knew. E mails: just one from the school
Staff saying there was an assembly. After that, people started coming and after that everything was a big blurr. People had found out about the break up. Martin probably told one of hes friends who couldnt keep their mouth shot. The hours passed painfully. At lunch time it was even worse. There were a lot of "i-feel-sorry-for-you" looks, but there was a special one. She saw Martin and they stared at each other from the cafeteria for a few seconds until one of Clara's friends took her away to eat her lunch, although she was not in the mood for eating. All she could rember was Martins look. It had desperation in sorrow in it. But also hope. Claras head hurt and she really didn't want to think about it. She spend lunch just listening to music. It was the last period and they had an assembly. That sounded horrible. It was in the audiotorium. Everyone in middle school would be there which meant loud and crowdy. She didnt want to think about it. She sat with her friends which just quietly talked about anything but romances or couples. The assembly soon begin "Welcome Middle School! Today we have some important announcements but we're going to start talking about community service" Said the principal with a clearly fake cheery voice. "So-" the principal was cut of by a teacher who when to the stage and whispered something into the principals ear. "Change of plans, we..uh..have a student coming up now to talk about...issues?" Said the principal more confused than everyone else. A figure started walking into the front of the stage and Clara couldn't believe her eyes. 'Im either dreaming, or I've lost my mind.' She thought. And it was reasonable that she thought that. There in the stage was Martin. 'What is he doing?! He must be dying right now, he can't even present a two minute long presentation in World History!'
"So um.." Martin started saying "you guys probably heard the rumours about me and" he searched in the audience and fixed hes eyes on Clara. "An awesome girl. And all that stuff... Are lies. And its pathetic that you guys: one, BELIEVE it and two, have nothing else to talk about!" Martin didn't care about anything and the principal was visibly getting a bit nervous "She did not pay me. And she sure didn't offer sex and if you bastards think other wise, me and" he looked back, the principal was going to take the the mic from him "my friends" he said and while he did, the popular guys came from behind the stage "will have to discuss this with you" he was talking really fast now, the principal was getting closer "and dont. I repeat DO NOT call the most beautiful girl a slut."
And he looked at Clara again with those hopefull eyes. The look on her face was priceless. "Okay Martin" the principal said annoyed "You and your friends can leave now" he was defenetly getting a detention. As he was on his way to the exit of the auditorium, he had been obviously asked to leave, hes eyes landed on Claras and somehow without words she knew Martin said sorry. Clara didn't know how she was going to react to this or how she was going to do about her relatiomship with Martin she just knew this boy was a one of a kind. (But how WILL she react? YOU get to choose! Keep reading)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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