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Your sister. (1)

Looking at the new message popping up on her phone, Su Bei's eyes twitched. What about the cool and loftiness of a great master? What about the mysterious aura of a great god?

If she didn't add friend with the other party, Su Bei really wouldn't be able to guess that the great master that ranked third in the 'Red Hacker Challenge', the one known in this circle as 'god Wei', was actually a silly clown who loved to joke in private.

That's right, the person who sent the message to Su Bei was [vvvv] from the 'Red Hacker Challenge.'

In the beginning, when [vvvv] sent Su Bei a friend request, she refused. Originally she thought that since the other party was a great god, he would no longer take care of her after being rejected. Unexpectedly, the next day, [vvvv] sent her another request.

Su Bei kept refusing, and the other party kept sending more friend requests. After at least a dozen failed attempts, finally [vvvv] added a note to his friend request: "Please, add me (poor begging face)."

Su Bei was amused by his action. After some consideration, she clicked [accept]. Su Bei also wanted to know why this great god [vvvv] so persistently wanted to befriend herself.

[Q]: Hello, may I know why you want me to add you?

[vvvv]: Because I admire you.


[vvvv]: Really, I love you so much. I have studied all your videos before, so powerful! I especially like a powerful person like you!

[vvvv]: Tell me quickly how you got the idea of the method you used to break through the security system checkpoint of the virtual bank the day before yesterday?


If it wasn't for the other party's latter sentence, she would treat this person as a pervert, or deliberately trying to disgust her.

Su Bei: "..."

Now looking back at the beginning, after a few days of acquaintance, Su Bei finally adapted to [vvvv] 's style.

[Q]: What is it?

[vvvv]: Oh, baby, you finally reply to me, do you know how long I have waited for you? 47 seconds, ah.


[vvvv]: Did you break that level with the simulation of the Baiwei Cloud System? Quickly tell me how you infiltrated that perverted triple security.

How could a security system be called pervert...No, that was wrong. It seemed that this man himself was the pervert.

God Wei was one of the top figures in 'red hacker' world. In the early design phase of this competition, he helped with a lot of ideas, such as multiple security systems and the 'first challenge' before the actual competition.

[Q]: I don't know.

[vvvv]: Don't lie, ah. How can you not know! Didn't you pass that level?

[Q]: I haven't done any level today.

[vvvv]: Then, you should do it soon.

[Q]: I went back to my hometown today and now still on the road. I won't make it home in time to do today's challenge.

[vvvv]: !!! Are U teasing me? If you don't do even one day, you will lose points.

The maximum points for all levels of each day were 48, and one day missing meant that she would lose all that point. The current rankings were already very tight, if Su Bei lost 48 points, her rank might fall a few dozen or even hundreds.

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