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Without one day's points, Su Bei's ranking in the 'Red Hacker Challenge' fell directly from 4 to 137. She comforted herself. No matter what her rank was, she could still be smoothly passed the first round. However, Su Bei still felt uncomfortable for losing the 'territory' that she painstakingly gained.

After dinner, Su Bei directly returned to her room and started today's challenge. This time, she dared not take it lightly anymore and put 100% effort for almost every level. When she saw the [upper limit] prompt again, Su Bei finally sighed in relief and let her whole body relaxed.

A perfect 48 points!

At the same time, Su Xiaobao also nestled in Su Bei's bed and finished another round of his usual game. Looking at the rainbow farts Liu Kai showered in the game's group chat, Su Xiaobao's eyes flashed a disgust. Without giving any face to the other party, he directly sent an [white-eye] emoji.

Su Xiaobao looked up at Su Bei: "Are you playing games?"

"It's not a game, it's a competition, a cybersecurity competition." Su Bei explained. She then looked at Su Xiaobao with shiny eyes: "Su Xiaobao~"

Su Xiaobao: "What?"

Su Bei: "Can you do my homework?"

Su Xiaobao: "......still not done?"

"My hands hurt," Su Bei said with a pitiful look. She did not see how long it took her to clear all the levels today, but knew that she probably had broken another record. "And I still have to practice piano later," Su Bei pointed a finger towards Su Xiaobao: "Only one day."

Su Xiaobao: "..."

Liu Kai and the others sent another message in the group.

[Liu Kai: It's so fucking cool today. Let's start another round!]

[Chen Zi'an: O-K, blow them up tonight!]

[Su Xiaobao: I pass.]

[Du Yiming: Ha? Still 8 pm and you already stop? Why?]

[Su Xiaobao: Doing homework.]

[Liu Kai: Who are you lying to, hasn't you finish your homework at school?] Su Xiaobao even took advantage of the physical education class to do a few harder questions.

[Su Xiaobao:...]

Throwing away the phone, he turned over to take the workbook from Su Bei's schoolbag and began to write her homework.

In front of the computer, Su Bei was reading the messages sent by [Handsome Yang] and [vvvv].

[Handsome Yang]: God Q, where are you?

[vvvv]: Darling, do you know that the forum has exploded after you skipped the challenge yesterday?! Go and take a look.

Su Bei opened the forum. Sure enough, because [Q] 's ranking suddenly fell to more than one hundred, the entire forum exploded.

[Angel Fights Baby]: Fuck! Q is actually defeated!

[Osmometer Hero]: If you don't need your eyes, you can donate it to those in need. Do you not see that Q's total points have not changed from the previous day?

[Mr. Share]: It really hasn't changed. With the level of god Q, even their lowest point is impossible to be 0. Is it perhaps that god Q didn't do the challenge yesterday?

[Shooting Beta]: It should be. I didn't see Q in the video review.

[Black Bamboo]: God Q did not do the challenge? Fuck, did something happen?

[Old Salted Fish]: Is god Q going to quit?!


After thousands of comment, they basically could be summarized into: "What happened to god Q?", "Why did Q quit?", "Q has an accident!"

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