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With Mr. Qin taking control of the place, the crowd who had been chaotic after seeing the accident immediately became organized. Soon, the medical staff specially arranged by the school to stand by on the sports field came over.

"Don't let her keep sitting on the ground. Help me to move her on this mat first." The medical staff said to a student volunteer.

"Let me go through!" When they were about to move Su Bei, Su Xiaobao finally arrived. He pushed through the crowd and was going to take his sister from the medical staff.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Qin said coldly: "Stand by the side, don't make trouble." After speaking, he carefully hugged Su Bei and moved her on the mat. Mr. Qin was an adult man; he obviously was stronger than the female medical staff, the student volunteer, or Su Xiaobao.

Mr. Qin picked up Su Bei very steadily, put her down carefully on the mat next to them, and then signaled the medical staff to check on Su Bei's injury.

Su Bei tripped and fell when she was in a full sprint, so the fall wasn't light: Her arms and knees were bruised all over. Although weren't severe, it looked frightening.

The medical staff first put on disinfectant before wrapping Su Bei's wounds, then asked: "Where else do you feel pain?"

Su Bei: "My foot." But she couldn't tell exactly where the pain was.

"Is it the knee?" The medical staff gently pressed Su Bei's knee joint.

Su Bei shook her head: "No, it doesn't hurt."

"How about here?"


"How about here?"

When the medical staff pressed Su Bei's ankle, although the strength was very light, a piercing pain instantly struck Su Bei, and she gasped in pain.

"It must be the ankle." The medical staff said.

Mr. Qin frowned: "What is the specific injury?"

"This..." The medical staff paused. After hesitating for a moment, she said: "Her achilles tendon is probably strained, but there is also a possibility of more serious damage. I cannot tell for certain for now."

"We can only do an emergency treatment here. But to check whether her bone is fractured or not, we should bring her to the hospital for an examination."

Under Mr. Qin's low air pressure and icy glare, the medical staff broke on a cold sweat. She didn't dare to directly look at Mr. Qin and lowered her head deeply. Biting the bullet, she suggested: "We can move her to the school infirmary first and observe the situation, then send her to a hospital for a detailed examination."

Hearing the advice, Mr. Qin's frown deepened. He lowered his gaze to look at Su Bei. The girl's face was pale with pain, and her forehead was still sweating profusely.

Seeing his daughter was clearly in pain, yet biting her lower lip and enduring in silence, Mr. Qin was proud of her preservance and strength, but at the same time felt even more distressed.

What kind of treatment a school infirmary and random hospital can do?!

"I will send her to the hospital." Qin Shao called his assistant and let him arranged for the hospital owned by Qin Group to stand by, then called the driver. After a few phone calls, all arrangements were very thoroughly made.

The medical staff was originally the school's infirmary staff. She listened to Mr. Qin's phone calls in awe and suddenly felt that her suggestion was superfluous. After Mr. Qin hung up the phone, she asked nervously, "There are wheelchairs and stretchers in the school infirmary. Should I let someone bring it over?"

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