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Hearing the homeroom teacher praising the top three students from the podium, Dong Wenqi's father couldn't help sighing in admiration. "Mr. Qin," He said to Qin Shao, who was sitting next to him, "You really educated your children well. Qin Yu and Qin Yue did excellently in this exam."

After a moment of silence, Dong Yaohua felt a bit awkward, only to realize that Mr. Qin didn't respond because he was busy looking at his children's test papers intently.

Qin Shao was reading Su Bei's Chinese exam's essay.


[My father is so excellent. In my opinion, he is very gentle and patient...He is also very powerful. He knows a lot of things, and it seems that there is nothing he can't do. Taking care of us may be the only thing he is not good at, but he is constantly learning...]

Su Bei's essay was just like herself: it was beautiful and warm.

After a slight pause, Mr. Qin continued reading.

[Coming to my father and become his daughter is probably the one thing I will never regret.]

The teacher who graded the essay didn't know about Su Bei and Su Xiaobao's past, so she simply thought that Su Bei was just using a metaphor: every child is a little angel who comes to their parents.

But Mr. Qin understood, and a smile emerged from his eyes: he also thankful for having them.

[When I was a child, I once imagined that my father is a superhero that can fly into the sky...] This was Su Bei's imagination from a long time ago. When she and Su Xiaobao were bullied, she always hoped that an omnipotent hero would come to chase off those bullies.

[But now, I only hope that he always be healthy and safe, and can accompany our growth...]

"I will." Mr. Qin whispered to himself.

At the same time, the homeroom teacher has also been paying attention to Mr. Qin's side. The moment she saw Mr. Qin smiled, the homeroom teacher widened her eyes slightly. She felt her face blushed and her heartbeat quickened.

Mr. Qin, who was rumored to have a perpetual stern face and was feared by everyone, is actually smiling?

At this moment, she finally seemed to understand the sentence 'my father is so gentle' in Su Bei's essay... But this 'gentleness' must be depended on Su Bei——The teacher secretly thought.

At the same time, she subconsciously remembered when the Chinese teacher came to her with Su Bei and Su Xiaobao's test papers in hand, asking suspiciously: "Su Bei and Su Xiaobao in your class are really twins? Are you sure they have the same father?"

The homeroom teacher: ...

Right now, Mr. Qin has moved to read Su Xiaobao's Chinese exam paper.

[To be honest, my father and I are actually not very familiar...]

The first line successfully made Mr. Qin's face darkened. He suddenly had a strong hunch that the stinky boy's essay was going to anger him to death.

[He is so stern, very boring, always have a cold face, and likes to use his one-sided principles to lecture us... I often wonder why he cannot get along with me?]

Su Xiaobao's essay was almost like a listing of his father's top ten 'shortcomings,' but for each one, he properly provided daily life examples as evidence.

[Although he has many shortcomings, as a whole, he is still a qualified father. I hope we can get along peacefully in the future.]

The teacher's comment was: "Using ironic style to describe the father's shortcomings first and adding praises later. The examples are vivid and interesting, fully reflect the warmth, daily conflict, and funny moments of the father-son relationship.

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