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I N A R I Z A K I ' S  L O C A L  L O V E  S E R V I C E  !❝ 一緒にいるとほっとする/安心する

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I N A R I Z A K I ' S L O C A L L O V E S E R V I C E !
❝ 一緒にいるとほっとする/安心する. ❞

LOVE POEMS  • 愛の詩- ¥ 200

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- ¥ 200.00
❝ This service allows you to request me to make a love poem for your crush that you could give when you confess! Each poem is costumised and unique from one another so you don't have to worry about it being a duplicate of one I've written before.

❝ If you are not satisfied with what you have received, please inform me so I could make adjustments. The things you need to provide when choosing this service is as follows: the name of who the poem is for, when you'll need it, and how would you like it go ( romantic, comedic, deep, etc )



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- ¥ 250.00
❝ Not sure how to confess? Not sure what to wear? Or just a simple how do you not seem awkward? This service is the one just for you! Just schedule a time and we'll have a phone call to solve whatever issues you need. Although there may be times where I cannot give a proper suggestion to help you, I promise I'll give you some decent type of advice.


MOTIVATION • 動機- ¥ 180

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- ¥ 180.00
❝ In this service, I'll give some motivation to confess to your crush! If you don't have enough self esteem to expose your feelings, I'll give you reassurance and motivation. This is basically something to give your ego a boost so you can man up and confess.


SCHEDULE HERE- from monday to saturday

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- from monday to saturday

❝ This is only for the advice and motivation service! Please schedule a few days before the call and inform me about what's your situation so I can already think of the best answers beforehand ( do this via text message ). If you are in need of advice and motivation quickly, feel free to just dial the phone up but that is ONLY WHEN URGENT.


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❝ The love poems will be given via text message within three days so please respond so I know you received it. The number used for all the services will be +81 XXX-XXX. I'll also be sending the bank details for payment therefore, please don't block the number. The voice you'll be hearing won't be my real voice when we have the call so please cancel your plans of finding out my identity. Thank you and have a nice day!

 Thank you and have a nice day!

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