Part 1

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Rick and morty have been going on adventures for a few years now. But some things have changed in the last few months. Morty has become more confident, stronger, almost a bit too cocky for rick. He notices slight changes in his grandson's behavior during their travels but also at home. Well morty was still his stuttering, awkward self, but with a few slight changes.

Morty doesn't take all the shit he used to. He stands up for himself and always has a great comeback to insults from his family and others. He seems to be a bit calmer and focused which is totally out of character for morty.
Rick doesn't know when exactly the boy grew up like this but now morty was almost as useful as a rick on their adventures, except that the boy wasn't nearly as intelligent as rick, which he pointed out every chance he got. Just because morty got a little bit better at adventure stuff, didn't mean that rick stopped putting him down. Rick still always had the upper hand. Because Rick knew that if he didn't, his grandson would become too confident, too cocky, and that would lead to bigger problems.

As usual Rick entered morty's room in the middle of the night and started shaking him to wake him. "M-moUGHrty wake up you little shit, we - UHRP- we have to- gotta go!" He slurred the words and morty opened his sleepy eyes slightly trying to find his grandpas face in the dark. He answered with an annoyed hummm. Morty reaches to his nightstand and flicked on a pretty shitty lamp that only lit the room a little bit. But enough to see rick. "What the h-hell Rick?! It's l-like 3 am...I I-I have school tomorrow." Morty said in a sleepy raspy voice. " Ugh, Morty, urp how m-many times do I have to tell you?! School isn't for smart people! Mo-urp-rty! "Rick retorted with a careless and slightly bored and annoyed undertone. He was clearly drunk. Morty looked his grandfather in the eyes with a blank expression and said " Well, y-you always say that I'm as stupid as they come, R-rick?!" Rick looked unimpressed as he rolled his eyes. "Morty, stop being a stubborn bitch and just help- urp just come on morty!" Morty sighed and got up knowing that he wasn't going to win this one. Too tired to put up a fight.

They were walking towards the garage and morty decided to ask what the plan was. " Soo...uuhm...R-Rick? What, what exactly are, are we d-doing?" Rick just sighed and rolled his eyes, completely ignoring the stupid question. He should know better than to ask dumb shit. After all it didn't matter, even if rick told him, he wouldn't know what he was talking about. He could tell that morty was getting impatient and a bit frustrated by the lack of an answer. So rick just decided to give him a little information. "W-we, we're gonna go get some important science stuff...uhhhmm...some very powerful crystals -urp- MoUGHrty! So just shut up, will you? And stop being a little bitch!" Morty just glared at him with a bored expression on his face as he let out a breathy "finee ".

They gathered some supplies they might need and got into the ship. Still not knowing exactly was was going on morty looked to rick with tired eyes. He opened his mouth ready to ask some question but immediately decided against it when rick started talking. " Okay M-morty, we we need to umm get like a whole bag of these crystals. G-Got it? " he burped loudly after. Morty didn't say a word grabbing an empty backpack to fill with crystals.

After about an hour of speeding through space they abruptly stopped, forcing morty to fall out of his seat and yelp as he hit the floor. "Jeez Rick, wh-why did you have to stop like that??" He said as he rubbed his elbow.
Rick just waved him off not even looking at him then said " Be-urp-because we're here morty...j-just look!" Morty looked out the window and looked down on a very dry looking desert planet. It looked completely empty with no signs of life. He looked at rick quizzically. "Rick there's nothing there?" Rick looked back at morty with raised brows and a lazy eye roll. "Jeez morty, do you- do you really think these powerful crystals would just b-be lying around for the taking?? I mean god you are dumb" Morty crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. "Well jeez R-rick it's not like y-you told me, me anything about this mission. I don't even know where we are! Also could you stop being such an asshole all the time!? L-like just chill the fuck out!"
"Why d-do you think I drink MoURGHty?"

Morty's path of destruction Where stories live. Discover now