Part 4

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They both stood in Morty's subterranean layer as Rick looked at his grandson with confused, and angry eyes. "What the fuck! Y-y-youUHRP-little shit...what did you just say to me?!" Morty smiled. "Oh I'm sorry did you not hear me? Guess you're getting old". He just stood there with that stupid smug smile. Rick lowered his brow and narrowed his eyes. He took a quick gulp from his flask. "God damn iGGGHt Morty. W-what the fuck is this?? Y-you're going on- UHRP- adventures alone?! W-why do you e-even want this stuff, huh MoOURty? " He asked still staring directly in the kids eyes.

Morty still just looked like an asshole as he just smirks. 'Why the fuck was Morty so calm?' Rick had literally found out everything...unless this was just the beginning. He tried asking more questions but Morty always answered with a smug remark, completely ignoring the question. 'That's it you little shit' Rick thought. He clenches his teeth and leaped forward, ready to punch a dipshit in the face. But to his surprise he fell right through it. 'Fuck' it was a fucking hologram! Rick stood up and made an annoyed grunt while looking around the room. Morty had to be here somewhere.

Hologram Morty laughed and got ricks attention. "Ohh, Rick I can't believe you're actually this stupid. I know you better than you know yourself." Rick looked for a camera or something. There had to be something. Rick looked at hologram Morty and got frustrated. "A-and what now Morty?! What are you gonna do?!". Hologram Morty glitches and disappeared. Right in that moment he heard Morty's voice and turned to look. Morty stood there wearing a blue suit. Rick raised his eyebrow and chuckled. "M-morty what the- what are you wearing. Look at you-you're looking like a real asshole". Morty just stared at him as his smirk faded. Looking so plain, blank, emotionless. 'Jeez when did Morty get so creepy'. Chills ran down Rick's spine as he looked at an empty shell of his grandson. He was there but he really wasn't. He was some one else. He wasn't the Morty he knew and loved.

Now Morty just looked bored as he walked past Rick. Rick kept his eyes on Morty curious about his next move, ready for anything. Morty pulled up his left sleeve to glance at his watch. He looked at Rick and smirked. "Alright, Rick. This was fun, really. But I'm needed elsewhere." Morty snapped his fingers as a dark red portal opened in front of him, disappearing before Rick had the chance to do anything. He cursed under in breath. 'What the fuck was he gonna do now?' Rick looked around and gave himself two options. The first was looking for Morty. Surely he'd be able to track him somehow. The second was to stay in the layer and look/steal some stuff. Maybe. But mostly to figure out what the kid was up to.

Rick decided that he'd stay in the layer to snoop around before Morty had the chance to get rid of stuff. Also he was sure that Morty would come home at some point meaning that hunting him down would be a waste of time. Rick walked toward the wall right in front of him, only having to take two long strides to be right in front of the weapons. He looked up and down the wall looking at all the guns and couldn't help being slightly impressed by his grandson's collection. 'These guns are fucking awesome! But only for like war and shit...why does Morty have these powerful guns?' Rick snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a noise. He turned around and saw a large screen playing a video of Morty.

He was still wearing that stupid suit and sat behind a desk. He smiled. 'Oh Rick I almost forgot.' He chuckles 'the layer will explode in approximately 3 minutes and 47 seconds. Good luck'.

The screen went black and Rick cursed, this time out loud. He thought that it could be a bluff but considering his grandson's recent behavior, it seemed unlikely. He knew he had at least 3 minutes, maybe. He ran to the elevating platform and searched for some kind of controls. He opened it up to expose wires and a control panel. He messed with it but nothing worked. 'Morty was obviously prepared'. He sighed and looked up and activated his rocket shoes. He flew up at a quick pace and shot a hole in front of him with a powerful laser. He ended up in Morty's room.

He braced himself waiting for an explosion. But everything was silent and there were no signs of an explosion. He walked over to the hole in the ground to look down. The hole had been covered by a blue shield type thing. The blue glow went all the way down the deep tunnel. And while he was looking down he saw it. A huge and quick eruption that spat flames and shrapnel all over. But there was no sound or shaking. 'The shield must be soundproof and designed to conceal explosions and shit.' How the fuck did Morty pull this off. Who's building all this shit. What the fuck is going on?!

Rick stormed into the garage already forming a plan in his head. He sat at his workbench and took a big gulp from his flask. He burped loudly and groaned. He pulled out various wires, boxes, controllers, cameras and anything else that could be helpful. Morty would come back eventually and when he did Rick would be ready.

Rick carried a large box to Morty's room and installed secret cameras and motion detectors connected to a sealing tool. Just like Morty's blue bomb shield, Rick's would be indestructible and keep his Morty technically imprisoned. He would be locked in with no way out. And that's when he would interrogate the teen. Satisfied with his work, Rick left Morty's room wiping his hands on his lap coat. Now all he had to do was wait.

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